Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 101 Eternal Cemetery

Guan Bingsen's face was full of despair and he kept wailing: "I'll give it to you. I'll give you two million. Isn't it enough? I still have some cash, more than three hundred thousand. I can tell you the account password and write you a check." !”

He Dingxian exhaled: "You are the culprit used by the police to close the case. The court proceedings have not been completed. If I let you out, what should I explain to the citizens?"

"Okay, okay, then go to court. I am willing to confess and go to jail. The money can also be used to compensate." Guan Bingsen suddenly became ecstatic and twisted his body, thinking that he had survived.

He Dingxian smiled: "You have to die even if you go to court. I never said you can live, but your death must be valuable. Giving the citizens an answer is value."

Guan Bingsen hurriedly defended: "He Sheng, He Chief, even hiring a murderer to kill someone is not punishable by death. Besides, I just set the fire."

"There's no need to mention how big the fire was and how many people died." He Dingxian said, "I'm going to attend a brother's first meeting in the afternoon."

"He was burned alive that night!"

"As for your money, I will take half of it as compensation, rebuild the factory, and provide settlement allowance to the brothers. I will donate the remaining half to you."

He Dingxian sneered: "I don't have a big appetite like you, and I dare to do anything."

Guan Bingsen's face was ashen, and suddenly a sinister smile appeared: "Haha, you won't get a penny! When personal freedom is threatened, the contract signed has no legal effect."

"Did you hire me as my lawyer for free?"

He Dingxian found it funny and even had the mood to light a cigarette. Meng Yuanda felt that the criminal was a little confused and took out the red-hot iron rod from the coal tube. Half of the iron rod was already red-hot.

Dazai's hands were wrapped with two wet cloths. He seemed to be experienced. He put the stick on Guan Bingsen's back and rolled it back and forth on his back inch by inch.

"Zi la."

Three minutes later, a ghost lawyer walked into the interrogation room. His nose twitched twice and a look of unbearability appeared on his face. However, he still placed documents on the table one by one. Yan Xiong stepped forward with a finger in his hand. Press your fingerprints one by one.

"It's done, Brother Xian." Yan Xiong threw away his finger.

He Dingxian nodded and looked at Lawyer Gui Lao: "Is that okay?"


Lawyer Gui Lao put away the documents and said simply: "As long as no one sues, the documents will always be legal. If someone sues, it will cost more..."

"It doesn't matter if there are some lawsuits. The lawsuit will be fought slowly. There is no reason to spit out what you put into your mouth." He Dingxian said with a relaxed smile.

The lawyer nodded: "That's right, sir."


As soon as He Dingxian finished speaking, Lawyer Gui Lao got the hint and hurriedly left the scene with the documents. Meng Yuanda dropped the iron pipe, untied the cloth in his hand, stepped forward and said, "Brother Xian, he fainted."

"Take good care of it."

"Send him to Mong Kok Police Station tomorrow. It's going to be too long. Let's cut him slowly." He Dingxian glanced at the people on the ground and left the interrogation room without looking back.

Meng Yuanda stood at attention and saluted behind him, and said loudly: "Yes!"


"Azai, these property deeds were pawned at the bank and exchanged for cash. When we got the money back, we first divided it into two parts. One part was donated to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Charity Resettlement Association for Disaster Victims, and one part was given to the villagers in the housing estate to pay rent. Send 200,000 yuan to me at the police station, and use the rest to give settlement allowance to my brothers."


Sanban Street, tea restaurant.

He Dingxian handed the things prepared by the lawyer to Lardboy. Although Lardboy had been prepared, he was still shocked: "So fast!"

"Is the fifteen-point legal fee wasted?"

He Dingxian sneered.

"Tsk, tsk, the ghost guy is acting like a ghost." Lardboy grinned.

Otherwise, Guan Bingsen was in a special situation and no one would dare to help. It was an indispensable situation...

He even wanted to persuade the big boss to start work every day.

He Dingxian continued: "In addition, remember to move all the machines in Xinsen Paper and find a way to take over Xinsen Paper's former customers."

"Leave this matter to Zou Huaiwen." Although it is a bit overwhelming to lose someone else's boss and take on someone else's customers, the newspaper company has cut off its supply of newspapers. The newspaper company is the first to worry, and Oriental Paper has a price advantage. , in fact, there is a great chance of taking over customers.

Lardboy also readily agreed: "No problem, Brother Xian, I will definitely handle it one by one, but... are you in such a hurry? If you get it to the pawn shop, you will be cut off again. Those people will not be merciful, especially... to you."

"Go out. If you get rich from bad sources, spend it early and have peace of mind." He Dingxian's reason was simple and simple, and Lardboy no longer hesitated: "Okay!"


Ni Kun entered the police station with a bag of money. The road was smooth and he came to the office area of ​​the criminal team: "Brother Xian."


He Dingxian waved to him with a friendly tone. Many agents in the office area cast their eyes and took note of the officer's confidant coachman.

Ni Kun was wearing a shirt, holding a heavy paper bag on his arm, bowed twice, trotted to his desk, put down the paper bag, and said softly: "Brother Zai asked me to give it to you, two hundred thousand, not a penny."


He Dingxian did not open the paper bag, but nodded slightly: "Thank you."

"Then I'm going out, Brother Xian." Seeing that nothing happened, Ni Kun quickly exited the office area. He Dingxian opened the paper bag and came to Lei Luo's desk, and took out stacks of Hong Kong dollars, a total of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, twenty piles.

Lei Luo looked at the scattered piles of Hong Kong dollars on the table, his eyes jumped for joy, but his posture remained calm and he nodded steadily: "Thank you, Brother Xian."

"You're welcome, no need to thank me." He Dingxian smiled softly and handed him the remaining paper bag: "Come and give it to Inspector Chen for me. I have something to do in the evening. I have food and tea. All the bills are mine."

"Okay." Lei Luo took the paper bag, which also contained 100,000 yuan. When the boss left, he put the 100,000 yuan back on the table.

He Dingxian paid Lei Luo in front of the brothers, not to make Lei Luo grateful, nor to step on Lei Luo's face... but to send a signal that the two of them will be one in the future and share risks. Let’s plan a future together, and also let other people on the mission know the benefits of working with him, He Dingxian!

It can be said that when Lan Gang, Lin Yaowen and Zheng Peiji saw the money on the table, their eyes were red. I don't know if they were jealous of the one hundred thousand yuan, or they were jealous of Inspector Hua's position. Fortune was unpredictable. Among the five detectives, The two with the most junior qualifications were the first to get Inspector Hua’s power in District One!

Before the establishment of a new order in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, this was a position to control the district fees and make huge profits.

After the Hong Kong Island Police Force established a new order in the world, it is the position of taking charge of the black and white in the first district and keeping one word!

When the boss returned to his office to drink tea, Yan Xiong, Meng Yuanda, A Le and other subordinates couldn't help it. They gathered around the desk and said loudly: "Brother Xian, are you going to be promoted?"

"Who told you?" He Dingxian said calmly without changing his expression.

The flatterer looked flattering and boasted: "It has spread throughout the police station. The positions of the two detectives in Kowloon District, one belongs to Brother Xian and the other belongs to Brother Luo. People in the world say that you are the two dragons of Wan Chai. "

"Go, go, you have a bad reputation. You are either a tiger or a dragon all day long. Next time I will call you the Gunslinger of Wan Chai." He Dingxian shook it off and pretended to be impatient, but he smiled happily and took the hand. Here comes a cigarette.

He smoked the cigarette under Yan Xiong's lit match, exhaled and said, "I know you will be very happy once the news of my promotion gets out."

He rolled his eyes at everyone: "You're not happy for me, you're happy for yourself. There are spaces available, and there are two of them all at once."

"You plainclothes guys also want to be detectives. If Ashan is here, there will be someone who can convince everyone. Now that Ashan is going to guard the pond, you all will definitely want to grab the position."

A Le said anxiously: "Brother Xian, I don't mean that."

"Don't explain." He Dingxian said loudly: "It doesn't matter whether you have it or not. After all, I will definitely promote my own people if I have the chance. You are my own people."

"Ashan will definitely have more than one detective in the future. As for now... there is not even one detective in Wan Chai District!"

"Anyone who wants to be promoted, let's go to Kowloon, Mong Kok, and my territory! How about it?"

Yan Xiong, Meng Yuanda, and Qian Jiale looked surprised and shouted out one by one: "Thank you, brother Xian, thank you, boss."

Whether it's Da Zai who likes to flatter people, or the killer Xiong who thrives on evil, or even the little follower Ah Le.

At this time, they couldn't hide their emotions and immediately expressed their feelings. They came out to hang out. In the end, they just wanted to get a promotion and make a fortune. If the boss is willing to give it, I must thank you!

He Dingxian nodded without surprise, still holding a cigarette between his fingers, and then tapped the table to indicate: "Regulated fees."


A Le, Meng Yuanda, Yan Xiong and others all reacted, becoming speechless one after another, and then laughed: "Haha."

This money must be collected regardless of whether the boss has money or not, and whether he is rich or not. There is no reason why the boss has to pay his boss to get the job, but the younger brother can get the job without paying a dime, right?

The three of them have already begun to calculate their savings in their hearts. Fortunately, one of the three is Dazai, who is from a wealthy family. As long as Dazai is willing to make a move, he will definitely be able to collect the money.

"I understand, Brother Xian, I must collect enough money before getting off work."

He Dingxian shook his head: "Am I short of your money for food? Pack your things tonight and report to the Mong Kok Station tomorrow. Put the money in the closet then."


"Brother Xian."

He Dingxian threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up and said: "I will get off work first. The world is peaceful in Wan Chai today and there will be no cases."

Meng Yuanda understood in his heart and opened his mouth to say: "Sir, go and do your work, we will help to watch."


In the Hong Kong Chinese Permanent Cemetery, in front of a tombstone, Wu Shihao, wearing a T-shirt and shorts, knelt on the ground with his bare knees, his hands on the ground, kowtowed three times, and looked up at the name on the tombstone: "Ajie, is the eldest brother I am so sorry!"

A group of brothers with indescribable expressions and solemn expressions lined up in a row, and the sad atmosphere overflowed with heaviness.

The autumn rain is continuous.

Ni Kun stood next to the boss holding an umbrella and followed him all the way to the tombstone. A row of bad guys bowed in unison: "Mr. He!"

"Mr. He!"

Without saying a word, He Dingxian picked up three sticks of incense and lit them in front of the candle, bowed deeply three times, bent down and inserted them into a copper furnace in front of the tomb.


"Way to go!"

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