Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 301 Promotion List

He Dingxian thought about it carefully and replied: "Sir Ge, I really didn't see you that day, but I can talk to Sir Jian about the transfer to Kowloon District, but the chance is slim, so be mentally prepared."

Ge Bai didn't care about the location in Kowloon District, but slapped his thigh and said anxiously: "Sir, I was in the right corner that day, did you really not see me?"


He Dingxian shook his head and glanced at him: "There were too many people that day, and it was inevitable that there would be some people fishing in troubled waters."


Ge Bai scratched his head in embarrassment and acknowledged: "Yes, there were many police officers who went upstairs that day. Except for the Chinese police officer who called out the number, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to remember the others."

"The position of the second-in-command in Kowloon District is very important, and I don't think Sir Jian will give it up easily." He Dingxian turned to business: "As a senior superintendent, you have just been promoted for less than a year. It is very difficult to get an exceptional promotion."

"That was Assistant Director Kun Xian's previous position, and his subordinates were in charge of the Kowloon Operations Department."

Ge Bai, however, begged and begged: "Sir, I have worked hard for you for so many years, without any merit or hard work. You can't forget me when you get promoted, right? I am just the second-in-command in Kowloon District. Sir will never lose face to you."

"If the Acting Director wants to be officially appointed, he still needs your help!"

"If you say one word, he will immediately get off the stage."

He Dingxian looked at Ge Bai up and down after hearing this, and felt something was wrong, because Ge Bai was usually a measured person, and he would not take the initiative to propose special promotions even though he knew it would be troublesome. And was he qualified to ask Sir Jian to step down? ?

Actually not!

He was able to defeat McIntosh because of the strength of Sir Kin. It is impossible for him to fight another battle to make Sir Kin step down. Do you think he is an idiot? Just fighting for the sake of fighting? Now is the time to digest the fruits of victory. It is impossible to fall out with Jian Baoning.

Similarly, the military faction also needs the strength of Chinese police officers.

Of course, this does not mean that Jian Baoning has the qualifications to get rid of the Chinese police officers, because after the civil war, the police force's vitality was severely damaged and its funds were already stretched thin. The police force pays for the allowances and pensions of casualties of Marine Police, Chinese, and Operations Department officers. This consumes one-third of the police force's annual budget, and the remaining two-thirds are paid to pay salaries and buy some office supplies. That's about it. In the second half of the year, the entire police force will have to tighten their belts. If Jian Baoning wants to manage the police force at the lowest cost, he must follow the lead of the Chinese.

Although the Marine Police Department was an opponent at the time, it was still legally obeying the orders of the top brass of the police force. If the police force wanted to continue to manage the Marine Police District, it must admit that he died during the mission.

He Dingxian still has a bargaining chip in his hand that can control Sir Kin, but if he wants to force Ge Bai to become the Assistant Director of Kowloon District, then he will not lose face by Sir Kin, but take the initiative to lose face by Sir Kin! This is not necessary. Ge Bai would make unreasonable demands for special promotions, which was most likely to "steal chickens" and have other goals.

"Sir Ge, do I know you so well?" He Dingxian took a puff of his cigar, looked at him sideways, and said teasingly: "Singing opposite roles with Sir Jian again for you? Even if Sir Jian agrees, you may not be able to sit still. "

"Besides, the brothers behind me have just finished fighting a battle and are waiting to have their fill. How can I have the energy to cheer for you again?"

Ge Bai was neither shy nor annoyed, and said with a shy face: "Sir He, we are old acquaintances. Back then"

"It was you who took the initiative to come to me, but I didn't go to you." He Dingxian said with a smile: "Treat me like a traitor and come here all day to beat the autumn wind. Okay, tell me what you have to say directly. Don't talk to me about it." I’m twisting and turning.”

"If you keep pretending, I'll tell you to get out of here."

When Ge Bai saw that his disguise was seen through, he laughed innocently and explained: "It's nothing. The main thing is that I hope to follow the pace of the commander and make more contributions to the society of Hong Kong Island. Secondly, I hope to intercede for Sir Ifu." .”

"After all, Ifu is the chairman of the Police Union Fund. After Sir Mai and Sir Zhuo stepped down, he was the leader of the government-sponsored high-level officials."

"If you really let Sir Ifu step down, the government faction will disperse in a cacophony, and the military faction will have no control, it will not be a good thing for you and the police force."

Seeing him changing the topic, He Dingxian nodded and took a sip of tea.


These words touched his heart, because he really wanted to use the government faction, not only to control the military faction, but also because political power would not be dispersed by one person, only complete destruction and constant renewal.

Now that Ifu is gone, others will naturally carry the flag. Human beings have always pursued power one after another without fear of death. When new political forces are formed and then cooperate, the military faction can still be controlled. He Dingxian wanted to keep the original members of the government faction, hoping that familiar people would stay in their positions so that the original government faction could smoothly transition into the new colonial faction. Then it will be easier to control the neo-colonialists. On the contrary, the more acquaintances are removed from power, the more conservative and internally united the neo-colonialists will be.

"Sir He, what do you think?"

Ge Bai cautiously tried.

He Dingxian laughed: "I plan to let Yi Fu replace Sir Zhuo and be promoted to Deputy Director of Management after the investigation is completed. What do you think?"


Ge Bai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, he raised his finger and said: "High, sir!"

It can only be said that it is a good move to move Ifu, who is the assistant director, to the position of deputy director of management. The clever thing is not to push Ifu to the top, but to use the turmoil to suppress Ifu first, and then raise Ifu to the top when his future is uncertain.

This kind of political help from a desperate situation will make Yi Fu feel grateful. Even if he understands what He Dingxian does, he is secretly grateful that Sir He can favor him.

"I was also unhappy with Yifu's vacillation when he took action at McIntosh, so I gave him a little pain first. There is nothing clever about it." He Dingxian explained with a smile: "As for you, I will also agree with you, sir. Let’s talk.”

"But don't think about it, Assistant Director. If you can be promoted to a higher level, you will be considered a top promotion."

Ge Bai was ecstatic in his heart, but he sighed and said with regret: "Thank you, sir!"

He Dingxian smiled slightly and smoked a cigar: "Pretend!"

"Keep pretending!"

"You go back, the promotion order will be issued in two days." He stood up from the sofa, waved his hand, turned back to his desk, and continued to think about how to promote his subordinates. Ge Bai immediately stood up and saluted again, "Goodbye, sir!"

Immediately, Ge Bai returned to the office, called Yifu's home, and said: "Sir Yifu."

"Sir Ge."

"Is there any news?" Ifu's house was very dark with the curtains drawn. He held a cigarette in his hand and sipped it, looking very nervous. No one wants to lose the power in their hands, not to mention that Ifu was the second closest person to the position of director!

If he retires and leaves Hong Kong Island, he will lose not only money, but also years of hard work in his career.

"It's difficult."

Ge Bai sighed and said regretfully: "Sir He doesn't plan to reinstate you, but plans to promote you to deputy director of management so that you can compete with Sir Jian. What should I do?"

Yifu's heart was in shock at first, then he froze on the spot, came back to his senses, and said in disbelief: "Sir He really said that?"


Ge Bai said with concern: "Sir Yifu, why don't you just retire, so as not to risk your life again."

Yi Fu smiled and said: "Sir Ge, I read you right. You can accomplish anything. The Discipline Department is under the jurisdiction of the Management Office. After I officially take office, I will definitely make more plans for you."

"Thank you, sir." Ge Bai ended his joke and said seriously: "Sir He has already planned to promote you to deputy director, otherwise I would not be able to get in the conversation at all."

Yifu shook his head: "You have a great credit for being able to convince Sir He. How did you do it?"

He understood that without Ge Bai mediating in the middle, even if Sir He wanted to promote him to deputy director, he would have to give him a heavy blow, which could not be done with half a million Hong Kong dollars. Ge Bai sighed, showing deep unwillingness: "Aside from flattering him and making him feel happy, what else can I do?"

"Then your ability to flatter is really top-notch." Ifu muttered in his heart, but said: "Thank you for your hard work, Sir Ge. Go to the club to watch the horse racing tonight. I have something for you."

"Tonight." Ge Bai showed hesitation.

Ifu immediately added: "I won't let you down."

As for the transfer of police officers, He Dingxian reached a final plan after weighing many parties. The first is to transfer Chen Li, who has made great achievements, to the anti-corruption office and be promoted to chief inspector, responsible for the anti-corruption department in Wan Chai District. Secondly, Jiang Zuhui was promoted to the chief detective of Hong Kong Island District. Yan Xiong and A Gui were in the operations department and could be directly promoted to police ranks. Chen Zichao was awarded a medal of bravery as a commendation.

The Chinese police officers involved in the operation all serve in the Hong Kong Island District. As long as the position of the Chief Chinese Detective of the Hong Kong Island District is vacated, promotion from one level to the next will become simple. Detective Zonghua sounded majestic, but his real power was no longer what it was before. When Chen Li was transferred to the anti-corruption office, he made no less money than he did in the criminal department.

After all, the anti-corruption office now has two sources of income: commercial crimes and cigarette licenses. After being promoted to police rank, the pension will also increase, which is suitable for Chen Li's current situation. At the same time, the police canceled the arrest warrant for Fang Jianming, and Fang Jianming returned to Tai Kwun to begin an internal investigation. After the investigation, he can resume his original position.

The three major associations, Chao Yiyong, Number Gang, and Yiqun, have made great contributions, but they do not need to be given special care. First of all, Yiqun itself is Ho Ting-hsien's society, and it is only natural that the brothers work for him. Otherwise, Yiqun will not be able to expand in Hong Kong Island. Secondly, the Number Gang and Chao Yiyong all depend on Boss He and Boss Huo for their support. Thirdly, snakes have their own ways, rats have their own ways, and the three major societies will take advantage of themselves. For the three major societies, the friendships forged with the detectives and sergeants on the front line are worth thousands of dollars.

With the care of these big bosses, the three major societies can, according to their respective development directions, compete for territory or business, and they can completely step on Hutchison, Xinji and other societies.

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