Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 302 The Chinese Police Union is established

When the news that the three major societies overthrew the Marine Police Force spread throughout the world, the three major societies had actually earned their reputations. All the gangsters and workers in Hong Kong were proud to join the three major brands. The three major societies entered a period of rapid expansion. Expect.

Hutchison, Sun Kee, Lao Fu and other societies are not inferior to Yi Qun in terms of strength and financial resources, but their reputations are far inferior to those of rising stars. In the world of martial arts, reputation is particularly important. Whoever's reputation can overwhelm others will be the loudest when dividing money!

Jiang Tiansheng has become famous in the world. In terms of status and influence, he has surpassed Wu Shihao back then.

Jianghu people are the most forgetful.

Two days later.

The Police Force once again announced a series of personnel appointments and dismissals. Among them, He Dingxian was promoted to superintendent, Ge Bai was promoted to chief superintendent, Yifu was promoted to deputy director of management, Chen Li was promoted to chief inspector and transferred to the Anti-Corruption Office, and Jiang Zuhui was promoted to senior officer. Inspector, Chief Inspector Hua of the Criminal Division of Hong Kong Island, etc.

"Sir He, congratulations on your promotion." Yan Xiong, as a representative of subordinates, came to the newly-listed superintendent's office, stood at attention and saluted: "Guys have rented a restaurant in Central. I want to celebrate for you together tonight. I hope the boss will reward you."

"What are you celebrating for me?"

He Dingxian stood up from his chair, held a document, and patted Yan Xiong's chest: "I didn't promote you!"


Yan Xiong already holds the title of Chief Inspector, and he was promoted very quickly, just below He Dingxian.

"Just get promoted."

He Dingxian said: "Go back and celebrate by yourself. You don't need to set up a banquet for me. You can eat and drink all day long, just like you did in the criminal department. Remember, you are now a middle-level police officer. You should pay attention to your image outside and be careful about being caught in the future. Tail."

As Chinese people rise to the top of the police force, it is time to clean up the reputation of licensed bad guys and change the internal atmosphere.

The period of being in opposition and being in power are different!

Yan Xiong was thoughtful and nodded in response: "Yes, sir!"

"Guys just want to congratulate the superior for his promotion. Without the superior to lead the brothers up, the brothers would not be where they are today." He explained again, and He Dingxian nodded and said: "Okay, I will do it tonight Let’s have dinner together at the restaurant, but don’t do it under the guise of celebrating for me, just treat it like a normal gathering.”


Yan Xiong agreed.

He Dingxian walked towards the door: "I have a meeting to attend, so I'll leave first."

Yan Xiong quickly followed the officer out of the office, closing the door for him. Ho Ting-yin walked all the way to the seventh floor and arrived at the No. 1 conference room in Tai Kwun. It has more than 100 seats and is the location where the Police Force holds the constitutional committee meeting.

When he stepped into the venue, he immediately attracted a lot of eyes. Many ghost guys turned back to look at him and nodded gently: "Sir."


He Dingxian also nodded and greeted everyone.

As the first Chinese police officer qualified to participate in the constitutional committee meeting, he is destined to attract attention when he appears, so he can deal with it calmly. After all, he relied on his strength to break into the venue step by step, and no one could kick him out.

He Dingxian then found a name written in Chinese among the famous brands and sat down in the seat corresponding to the famous brand.

"Sir He, congratulations." Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, Ge Bai appeared next to him in uniform and holding documents. He stretched out his hand with a flattering face and said: "Congratulations, Sir He, for being promoted to superintendent. At the current rate, Sir He will be able to stand on stage and hold meetings in less than ten years."

"Is it very prestigious to have a meeting on stage?" He Dingxian crossed his legs and looked at the position on the stage with a slight smile on his lips. Ge Bai laughed and said: "They just rely on the microphone to speak loudly, unlike Sir He who relies on his brothers to speak loudly!"

"Whatever Sir Jian and Sir Yifu say later, just treat them as farts. According to my experience, decisions are made at internal meetings of division directors, and convening the Constitutional Committee is just for notification. The Constitutional Committee theoretically has proposals. power, but in fact no one will propose a bill at the general meeting unless it is authorized by senior officials in advance.”

He Dingxian smiled and asked: "Why?"

Ge Bai leaned into his ear and whispered: "Because the Constitutional Committee meeting is essentially an emergency setting. Without high-level instructions, it is impossible for the plans proposed by the people below to be passed by a vote."

"Meetings are like chanting sutras. If you really can't sit still, you can sleep, but it's best not to snore. Sir, your face doesn't look good."

He Dingxian looked at Ge Bai in surprise: "Do you snore when you sleep?"

"No, no." Ge Bai quickly shook his head and changed the topic.

He Dingxian waited for a few minutes and saw that the meeting had not started yet. He habitually took out a cigar from his pocket, held it in his mouth and was about to light a match. Ge Bai moved his mouth, but chose not to speak. He took out the lighter, bent down to light it, then handed it to him and said, "Sir, fire."

"Thank you." He Dingxian stopped striking the match, stretched out his head and inhaled gently, lit the cigar, raised his head and blew out a puff of thick smoke, with a hint of relief on his expression.

A large group of ghosts around him heard the smell of smoke and turned to look at him. Some showed contempt in their eyes, and some frowned, but not a single one of the more than 100 constitutional committee-level officials in the audience criticized him. Only Ge Bai followed suit and lit up a cigar, puffing on it with a smile.

When the ghost guys saw Ge Bai's appearance, they felt even more disgusted and turned their heads away.

After Mr. He Dingxian strode onto the podium wearing the uniform of the director, he quietly put out his cigar on the ground, crossed his legs, and looked at the scene on the stage.

I saw Jian Baoning's eyes searching the court for a while, and then he found He Dingxian, nodded slightly, and began to read out the goals of his term as Acting Director. Generally speaking, they are all the same. The first is to reduce the crime rate on Hong Kong Island, then to purify the internal environment of the police force, and finally to strengthen the curriculum of the police training school, improve the quality of police trainees, and lay a solid foundation for the new force of the police force.

Among these three goals, the first two are clichés and politically correct. Only the third one sounds good, and it means working hard to revitalize the Hong Kong police.


The senior members of the Constitutional Committee raised their hands and gave their boss warm applause.

Later, Jian Baoning stood on the stage, his eyes fell on a person, and said: "Colleagues, do you have any proposal reports that need to be discussed?"

As soon as He Dingxian raised his hand in the crowd, Jian Baoning immediately pointed to him and said, "Sir He."

"Sir!" He Tingxian stood up from his seat, stood at attention and saluted, holding a document under his arm, and said loudly: "The Chinese in the police force have applied to establish a Chinese police union to serve in the Chinese police force on Hong Kong Island. I hope the sir will approve it."

In the venue, eyes from all directions were cast. No one would have thought that the Chinese superintendent had prepared an agenda item for his first time attending the Constitutional Committee meeting. Ge Bai, who was sitting next to him, was even more surprised and looked at He Dingxian with wide eyes.

While Jian Baoning asked the secretary to bring up the report, he said in front of the microphone: "The police force has registered a trade union. Previously, the Commissioner of Police served as the chairman of the trade union, and the two deputy commissioners served as vice chairman. Under normal circumstances, the Chinese police Just join the police union.”

"However, given the large number of Chinese in the police force, there is indeed a need to establish a Chinese police union. The police department will consider it for the police officers and has no reason to refuse."

"Everyone, I plan to divide the Hong Kong Island Police Union and the Chinese Police Union into the management of the Police Welfare Department, with the Assistant Director of the Personnel Division in charge."

The new director was in harmony with the Chinese superintendent. He even thought about which department the union would be assigned to. He made it clear that he was going to pass in advance, so the people below him would naturally not be happy with it. The unions are independent organizations registered with the Government Affairs Department and have no affiliation with each other or with the police force. The two unions are assigned to the Police Welfare Department. Rather than saying it belongs to the Welfare Department, it is better to say that the Police Welfare Department has to serve it.

Of course, the Welfare Department can also monitor whether there is illegal transfer of benefits within the union. If there is conclusive evidence, a petition can be submitted to the court to ask the judge to revoke the union's membership. In this way, the Chinese police union will become an illegal association, another type of triad.

"I agree."



Deputy Director of Management Ifu, Deputy Director of Operations Gordon, Senior Assistant Director Kunxian, Assistant Director Skeeming and other senior officials raised their hands in agreement. Of the more than 130 attendees, not a single person rejected it and unanimously voted in favor.

"Now that this proposal has been voted into effect, sir, the Hong Kong Police Force Chinese Union can be established." Jian Baoning gave He Dingxian a look, and He Dingxian stood at attention with a smile and said: "Thank you, sir!"

After the meeting.

In the director's office.

Jian Baoning put a signed document on the table and said aloud: "Take this document to the Government Affairs Bureau to register the union. When the time comes, the Chinese Police Union will operate independently. If you encounter any government affairs problems, you can come to Find me."

"Thank you, sir." He Dingxian collected the documents.

Jian Baoning said: "By the way, I serve as the chairman of the police union. Can I be of some help to the Chinese Police Union?"


He Dingxian immediately figured out what Mr. Jian meant, laughed twice, and declined politely: "Only the Chinese can handle matters within the police union themselves. If outsiders intervene, it will probably make things worse."

"I see."

Jian Baoning nodded with a smile.

He Dingxian pondered: "If Sir Jian is interested in doing more for the union, I can communicate with Sir Yifu and try to get you to join the board of directors of the union fund."

"This is what I hope for." Jian Baoning said confidently: "The position of Police Commissioner itself is to serve the police force, and every merit must be taken seriously."

"By the way, Sir Kin, I have a ship's cargo that was detained by the customs in Victoria Harbor last time. Can you help me contact someone from the Customs Department to bring it back." He Dingxian got down to business: "Nearly half of that batch of goods has been detained. For months, the construction sites are almost unable to start work.”

Jian Baoning was slightly surprised and said: "Sir, there are still people who will detain your cargo ship on the water? What's in it?"

"It's just a few hundred tons of steel blanks." He Dingxian said: "Last time, Sir Mai told the Director of Customs that the ship that was specially captured by the Customs Department refused to release the cargo no matter what. Now that Sir Mai has unfortunately died, I hope the Customs The person in charge of the department is willing to let me go."

Jian Baoning said thoughtfully: "How do you want to solve it?"

Based on his understanding of Sir He's character, it is absolutely impossible that he just wants to get the ship and cargo back, and he will definitely have to charge interest!

Sorry, I set the wrong time yesterday.

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