Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 376 Defending the Governor’s Mansion


A tall, strong and powerful British infantryman raised his gun, blocked the chopped axe, and threw it hard to push away the axe-wielding man in front of him. Dazai fell to the ground and lay on the sandbag, raising his head in horror and looking at Gui Lao.

The Gui Lao infantryman instinctively stabbed with his gun, but there was no bayonet on the tip of the gun.

Ma Zai's eyes flashed with joy, he turned around sharply, and followed the sandbag to avoid it.


The ghost man cursed angrily, took aim with his gun, and pulled the trigger: "Da da da."

A string of bullets were all embedded in the sandbags.

Huang Jun heard the gunfire, turned around and rushed towards him, and swung his ax into Gui Lao's shoulder with two quick steps.


The ghost soldier screamed, let go and gave up his weapon, kneeling on the ground, covering his shoulders and screaming and wailing.

within the level.

The more than 30 brothers in the Ax Group are all fierce men who have been working on boats, making a living at sea, and traveling across the South Seas. The whole family has made a living by eating from the society. It can be said that there is no turning back when working hard for the society, and the experience of working at sea for many years has cultivated a strong heart. Bad breath.

The fighting in the military formation is definitely not as good as the Gui Lao infantry, but the brothers are even better at close quarters killing!


A grenade was pulled open, a cloud of dust rose up, and a few ax crew members and the ghost infantry rose into the sky.

Huang Jun's eyes were wide open and bloodshot, and he continued to fight fiercely with the soldiers in the level with a murderous look on his face.

"The pass at the foot of the mountain is about to be lost!"

Ge Hongliang stood on the balcony of the Governor's Palace and saw the situation underground. He felt a sense of absurdity in his heart, followed by deep fear: "Call the police immediately!"

"I have something to discuss with Sir He."


The secretary to the governor was sweating profusely, his tone was trembling, and he quickly turned around and left.

This is no longer a political struggle, a gamble that can be redeemed with political chips, but a military counterattack, the outcome of complete annihilation by force. The governor had the courage to die together politically, but he did not have the courage to risk his life and fight until the blood was shed.

This is the most timid and cowardly heart of the colonists beneath their arrogant appearance!

Because this is not his home, it is just a place where they work and work. No matter what, they still have to receive their pension, live in a big mansion, and have a little wife to sleep with.

Who would risk their lives for wages?

This is the home of the Chinese.


Shanghai Street.

At the bottom of a building, three military armored vehicles stopped. More than 30 soldiers with guns in both hands and helmets jumped out of the vehicles and blocked the door with guns raised. The four men in black shirts who were guarding the door suddenly realized that something was wrong and quickly turned around to report to the boss.

However, the soldiers put their guns to their heads, removed their weapons, detained them in the car, and locked them in the car with handcuffs.

Afterwards, a group of soldiers guarded the door, and the remaining twenty-four soldiers rushed into the stairs and blocked the building one floor after another, leaving six soldiers on each floor.

At the entrance of the building, the black-backed gold-lettered signboard of Yiqun Trading Company is hanging.

When the British lieutenant stepped on his military boots, put his hands behind his back, and held his whip, he stepped towards the door of the boss's office step by step. There were only five soldiers left behind him.


He stood at the door and pushed gently with his hand.


The door is open.

Jiang Tiansheng was wearing a white Tang suit. He was holding a wolf-hair brush in his right hand. He stood behind a large sandalwood table. He dipped ink on the inkstone calmly and touched the blank rice paper, writing in one breath. word.

A young woman wearing a pink cheongsam stood quietly by the desk.

Beside the coffee table, three bodyguards with eyes fixedly stared at Gui Lao while drinking tea.


"Do you have an appointment?"

At this time, the cheongsam girl hurried forward to ask.

The British lieutenant led the soldiers into the room, came to the desk condescendingly, and said with a sneer: "I have seen too many people who pretend before they die. You are not the first, nor the last."


"is that so?"

Jiang Tiansheng smiled lightly and continued to write: "Sir, what are you doing for me?"

"Jiang Tiansheng, the police department suspects that you lead a triad organization and are suspected of organizing multiple illegal gatherings, murders, arson, attacks on public institutions, etc. During the martial law period, the military will arrest you on your behalf. Please come with me."


Jiang Tiansheng nodded, put down his brush, and already had a piece of writing written.

"In the past two days, he is the most confident person among the people you arrested." The lieutenant officer also had to admire Jiang Tiansheng's magnanimity.

Jiang Tiansheng sneered: "They are afraid because they cannot understand the situation. How can I be afraid if I can see clearly? You ghosts bully the weak and fear the strong. You love to put on airs. Don't look at how majestic you are when you arrest me now. I promise, you will still have to do it at night. Take me home and sleep obediently."

"Just like what I wrote."

The lieutenant officer spoke in foreign language and heard in Cantonese. The two of them spoke like ducks, but they communicated smoothly. However, when Gui Lao looked down at the calligraphy, he did not understand the meaning of the words. It was the four words of "The West Goes West" word.


"Governor's phone number."

Inside the Operations Department office.

He Dingxian received the report from his subordinates, picked up the phone on the table, and the internal call came in. The governor's voice came from inside: "Sir, there is a triad organization attacking the Taipingshan Checkpoint. Please send someone from the police force to maintain order immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

He Dingxian said in a serious voice: "I will immediately dispatch the nearest police force to support Taipingshan."

"Thank you." The Governor stood in the office, no longer hesitating, and immediately said: "In addition, please tell the Chinese representatives from the police force that the Governor's Office is willing to publish an apology in the newspaper and accept the five terms reached in the last negotiation."

This sentence means that the Governor has completely given up his political life!


He Dingxian couldn't hide the slightest excitement in his tone. He only dared to say one word, for fear that if he said more, he would irritate the governor's fragile nerves.

The governor didn't notice it at all and just urged: "You must be quick."

"Yes, sir!"

Ho Dingxian said: "Please Governor, please withdraw all the infantry troops deployed in Hong Kong. Otherwise, the police force will not have a pass and will not be able to effectively support and control the situation on Hong Kong Island."

One party will definitely take the lead in withdrawing force, but it will definitely not be He Dingxian. The governor also understands the truth and readily agreed: "I will give the order immediately, and at the same time, the triad members arrested before will be released."

"Sir, until you are convicted, you are just a citizen." He Dingxian corrected.

The Governor felt the time passing by and became more and more nervous. He was afraid that the Chinese thugs at the checkpoint had rushed up the mountain. He immediately admitted: "Yes, yes, yes! They are just Chinese citizens!"

"Goodbye, sir!"

He Dingxian hung up the phone, rang a series of numbers again, called the Taipingshan Station, and said: "Let Yan Xiong lead people to take over the Taipingshan Checkpoint and protect the safety of the Governor's Mansion!"

"Yes, sir!"

Detective Taipingshan Hua immediately took the order.

Although mobile phones are not yet widely available, every police station serves as a contact point. Orders from Tai Kwun can be transmitted to the front line in five minutes to direct operations in any corner of Hong Kong. Of course, Hong Kong Island has the largest number of missions and the fastest speed. In Kowloon, the New Territories, and the more remote places, it will be more time-consuming to convey orders.

The foot of Victoria Peak.

The short ax in Huang Jun's hand was dripping with blood.

"Brother Jun."

"The ghost guy is gone."

A horseman walked up to him and reminded him in a low voice.

Huang Jun seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He threw away the hatchet, sat on the ground, groped in his trouser pocket for a while, took out a cigarette, struck a match, lit a cigarette, and smoked among the corpses against the sandbag. The twelve younger brothers followed suit, all sat down, and started puffing together.

When Ax Jun led his brothers into the Gui Lao position, it actually announced that the level was lost. A rifle has advantages beyond three meters, but when someone cuts it within three meters, it actually has no advantage against a short blade.

Of course, it is still almost impossible to knock down all the infantry with one axe. In fact, at least half of the ghosts died under snipers, and the remaining half were the results of the axe group's battle. Moreover, the Ax Team suffered nearly twenty casualties.

However, due to political considerations, black guns can be fired, but someone must carry them openly. If you don't even do any face-saving work and just bring a gun and start fighting, then there won't even be a reason to end it. It's useless to get money if the military bosses can't come to power!

But now the military boss has a reason. Due to the governor's compromise, another sum of money will be enough to settle things.


At this time, Huang Jun blew out the smoke and looked towards the villa on Taiping Mountain: "If there is no news after smoking, then go straight up the mountain and chop off the ghost guys' heads one by one!"


"Hey, I also want to sit on the governor's chair." The brothers laughed a little bit crazy, and their calmness made people shudder.

But then six cars drove into the checkpoint. Yan Xiong, senior inspector of the Operations Department, sat in one car, lowered the window and shouted to the crowd: "Call it off!"

"Brother Xiong."

A younger brother shouted.

Yan Xiong looked at the corpses and wounded on the ground, with a trace of regret in his eyes: "Hurry up to the hospital and leave the scene to my people to handle it."

He lowered the window and six black cars drove into the mountain road together and rushed towards the Peak of Victoria Peak. A team of thirty criminal agents appeared on the road, fully equipped with weapons, and took over the checkpoint at the foot of the mountain. At the same time, all the injured at the scene were sent to the hospital. When only Gui Lao's body was left, Jiang Zuhui quietly winked, and the bullets on the body were silently dug out, and the last evidence was cleared away. Even if there is a mad dog biting the matter and insisting on it, there is not enough evidence to pursue it.

You must know that the garrison has always been a force department under strict jurisdiction. The governor cannot dispatch the garrison at will again and again. The garrison representatives cannot mobilize the garrison without authorization without the order of the ancestors.

When Yan Xiong waited for the motorcade to stop at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, he immediately pushed open the door, resolutely led more than 20 armed police officers forward, and shouted to the bodyguards guarding the iron gate: "Police Major Crime Squad , come to take over the security of the Governor's Mansion."

"Open the door!"

He roared so loudly that the five bodyguards were deafened.

The Governor stood outside the glass window of his office, looked out, and said sadly in his heart: "So fast!"

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