Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 377 Stride over

The speed with which the police arrived at the scene meant that the crime squad had already prepared, not so much to defend the Government House, but to capture it.

The bodyguard opened the iron door, and more than 20 police officers immediately rushed into the mansion and took over the security of the Governor's Mansion.

Yan Xiong, wearing a flowered shirt and a gun on his waist, strode into the mansion, came to the governor's office, stood at attention, saluted, and shouted: "Senior Inspector Yan Xiong of the Operations Department reports to the chief!"

"Sir Yan."

The Governor adjusted his mood and regained his former majesty. He stood behind his desk and said: "The crime team arrived at Taiping Mountain in time. They have made great contributions in guarding the Governor's Mansion and will receive the highest commendation."

"Thank you, sir!"

Yan Xiong saluted again and shouted loudly.

The Governor nodded: "Let Sir Ho and Sir Kin control the situation on Hong Kong Island and evacuate the mob, then come to see me at Victoria Peak."



Yan Xiong responded solemnly.

Immediately, the governor waved his hand and signaled Yan Xiong to go out. However, Yan Xiong took two steps back and stood at the gate with his gun in hand, guarding the governor's office with no intention of leaving. The governor's secretary had no choice but to step forward and said: "Sir Yan, the governor's office is top secret. Please move to the lobby to rest."

Yan Xiong did not hesitate to draw his gun, put it on the forehead of the secretary of the Governor's Mansion, and said coldly: "The police force is responsible for the security of the Governor's Mansion, and I will direct all actions. If you don't want to die, leave the Governor's Office immediately!"

"Otherwise, I have reason to believe that you are related to the thugs who attacked Taiping Mountain."

The expression of the secretary of the Governor's Palace suddenly changed, and he was angry and angry, but how could the eunuchs around the emperor dare to talk too much about the border troops entering Beijing? He could only look at the Governor behind the desk in his office, but the Governor knew that the police force must control the security of the Government House before the Hong Kong government reported it.

Put the knife to his neck.

Otherwise, how can we safely take back the Young and Dangerous boys? After all, the Young and Dangerous Boys are just like the garrison. It's easy to take them back, but it's difficult to get them out again.


Ge Hongliang sighed secretly in his heart and said to the secretary: "You can go out. Sir Yan will be responsible for the security of the Governor's Mansion. If there is any work, send it to the office as usual."



The secretary bowed slightly, glanced at Yan Xiong with hatred in his heart, and left the office slowly.

Ge Hongliang smiled at Yan Xiong and said, "Sir Yan, coffee or tea?"

"Cigarettes!" Yan Xiong turned around and smiled at the governor, took out a box of cigarettes from his arms, took out one and lit it, puffing away in front of the governor's office, very confident.

Yiqun Trading Company.

Jiang Tiansheng was detained by a group of ghost infantry. As soon as he walked out of the gate on the first floor, the garrison lieutenant received a car phone from his subordinate and asked incredulously: "Release him?"


"Let everyone go and collect the team back to camp."

said the garrison representative.

The lieutenant was stunned and extremely puzzled: "Sir, the man has just been arrested."

"Let it go now."

The representative of the garrison said: "Soldiers are only responsible for executing orders. As for whether to release or arrest, it is decided by the Governor's Office. Now that the two parties have negotiated cooperation, all soldiers from the five battalions in Hong Kong must return to the garrison. Should they come back and wait for awards or wait? Court martial."

"You decide for yourself."

In fact, the representatives of the garrison were also very dissatisfied with the decision-making of the Governor's Palace, especially the death of more than 20 soldiers at the foot of Taiping Mountain. However, the Governor's Palace is now controlled by the police. If this is regarded as a coup, Gui Lao has already lost. Got to fail miserably.


It's not that Gui Lao didn't try his best, but that on the shore, Gui Lao couldn't beat the Chinese.

The North has also repeatedly warned the federation, drawing multiple red lines and sending out garrison troops to suppress the riots. In fact, it is already an act of wandering on the edge of the red lines.

No one dares to bear the next responsibility and no one dares to walk away.


Lieutenant Gui Lao solemnly agreed to the phone. After hanging up the phone, he handed it to his subordinate communications soldier. He immediately stared at Jiang Tiansheng and said: "You are really lucky. Let him go! Bring the team back to the camp!"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers agreed in unison. Some of them unlocked Jiang Tiansheng's handcuffs, and some put down the horse in the car. The rest of the Yiqun Hall leaders who were also arrested, such as Baimao, Touzi and others, also was released on the spot.

When Jiang Tiansheng saw that the Gui Lao soldiers were defeated and had not even driven away, Jiang Tiansheng received the order to release them. He immediately laughed wildly at the bottom of the building: "Hahaha."


"I said that the ghost guy was going to send us back to sleep. Why don't we even leave now? What's the matter? Are you going to finish your work and go home to finish your meal, and then continue to catch us tomorrow?"

Baimao, Towboy and other brothers all laughed.

The lieutenant glared at Jiang Tiansheng and waved the soldiers to board the armored vehicle.

The tow truck boy said: "Sir, if you come back tomorrow, we won't be so cooperative."

"Walk slowly!"

"Walk slowly!"

The brothers said hello.

Jiang Tiansheng spread his hands and waited for his younger brother to hand him a cigar, then stepped forward in his cloth shoes and handed the cigar to the glaring lieutenant. After a slight hesitation, the lieutenant took the cigar, and then Jiang Tiansheng handed over the match and lit the cigar for the lieutenant.

When the lieutenant saw Jiang Tiansheng's submissive look, he felt much better in his heart. But the next moment, Jiang Tiansheng patted his shoulder with his hand and said with threatening eyes: "Please smoke a cigar today. If you let me see you again, I'll ask you." You smoke the big banana!”

"Let you have a good time!"

Just when the lieutenant was about to slap Jiang Tiansheng away, Jiang Tiansheng had already retracted his hand and strode back to the company building: "Let's go."

"Don't bother us, sirs, go back and blow each other's hair. We, sirs, are busy."

eight pm.


Victoria Prison.

In a single room, Zhen Guolong was sitting in He Sheng, wearing a T-shirt, leaning against the wall, and said loudly: "I have been working in the police force for 20 years. I have squatted in the police squad room a lot. This is the first time I have squatted in the military camp squad room."

"Oh shit."

"It's so impressive to speak out!"

Dabi Deng sat across from him, knowing that Zhen Guolong was telling a joke, so he echoed: "That's right."

"In the future, in the world of martial arts, we are the only ones who have worked in Victoria. We have the highest academic qualifications and the highest qualifications. Who the hell dares to disobey us?"

In fact, after these gangsters were arrested by the army and marched into the military camp, they were scared to death. In the early years, this prison was used by the Boxer Rebellion and other opposition forces. Later, it held serious criminals for a short period of time, and finally it was converted into a place to hold political prisoners and spies.

The club bosses have many people under their command, but their identities are not publicized. Usually, after the police interrogation is completed, they are handed over to the Department of Corrections for management.

There is no chance of entering Victoria.

Lin Jiang sneered and said: "Then we have to thank Sir He even more. If it weren't for his glory, you wouldn't have the chance to visit Victoria."

"Lin Jiang."

Chaozhou Zhou was wearing a black shirt and asked through the door: "What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that we don't want everyone to die in there in the end. My wife, children, and gold banknotes are all cheaper, little brother." Lin Jiang sounded disdainful, and the crooked chicken of Dongxing Society laughed and said: "Your wife and children will end up being cheap, Xiao Xiangsheng. "


There was a lot of laughter in the prison cell.

Lin Jiang became the object of ridicule.

After everyone stopped laughing, Dongxingshe Crooked Chicken suddenly said seriously: "Uncle Bai, you are the last one to come in. How is the situation outside? When will Sir He get everyone out? Are all the brothers helping He?" Sir do things."

Even Lin Jiang was forced to get involved.

Due to his status as a member of the Youth Gang, Xin Ji participated in the Double Ten Operation more or less.

Baifanyu stood up under the attention of everyone: "Sir He must have a back-up plan. It only takes two days at most for the brothers to walk out. Because the ghost guy caught me, but he didn't catch Jiang Sheng in. Why?"

"They don't dare!"

Waiji, Chaozhou Porridge, Zhen Guolong and others looked thoughtful.

Jiang Tiansheng was not arrested, which indeed made the big bosses present feel more confident. If even Sir He's retainers were arrested and brought into Victoria, the external situation would actually be very pessimistic. Of course, before the white rice fish was caught in Victoria, the bosses were in a relatively relaxed mood. It was the white rice fish that was captured that made the bosses feel a little more uneasy.


"Easy to say."

However, Lin Jiang deliberately played the opposite tune and tested Baifanyu to see if he had any exciting news.

"Even the garrison was dispatched to suppress the unrest. How can the police still be able to defeat the garrison?"

Baifanyu smiled and said, "It's just a dream."

"I also have to dream that the police team wins!"

Teochew Porridge shouted: "That's right!"

At this time, the outer door of the prison cell was opened, and an officer led several soldiers into the prison area. The soldiers had already received the order, stepped forward to open the door, and then grabbed the criminals inside one by one. Chaozhou Zhou and others were confused at first, then felt uneasy, and finally looked at each other, and actually saw fear in each other's eyes.

"Uncle Bai."

"The ghost guy isn't going to shoot us, is he?"


Zhen Guolong and others were pushed out of the prison area, their handcuffs were removed, and they were brought to the prison door.

They all thought they were about to die soon, but they didn't expect that Gui Lao would release them. Lin Jiang's eyes showed shock, and he turned back to Baifanyu and said, "So soon?"


None of them expected that the police force could win so quickly and let the military release them. Otherwise, they would not have thought of shooting them before.

Lin Jiang, Dabi Deng, Chaozhou Porridge, and Bai Fanyu stood in line in front of the cell door, striding across the threshold one after another. They all clasped their hands together, raised them high in front of their foreheads, and prayed: "Strive to embrace me, and I will be fine!" "

"Stride over." After Bai Fanyu finished his prayer, he put down his hands and opened his eyes, only to find a row of black cars parked across the street from the military camp. More than 20 plainclothes agents, holding guns at their waists, stood on both sides of the car doors. side.

He Dingxian was wearing a white suit and stood in front of a Mercedes-Benz in the middle. When he saw the big guys coming out of the small gate of the military camp, he laughed, opened his arms, and shouted loudly: "Loess pavement on the road, clean water on the street!"

"Thank you for your hard work, bosses. I will personally take people to greet you and set up a table in Chaofu Restaurant. I hope you can show your respect first."

When the white rice fish saw him displaying such a lavish array, he knew that the storm had passed and it was time to harvest.



Chaozhou Zhou, Dabi Deng, Zhen Guolong and others quickly bowed and shook hands.

He Dingxian invited everyone to the car one by one, and finally got into the car, closed the door, and the long motorcade drove out of Hongjin Road.

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