Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 416 Riot Take Action

Tai Kwun, Director's Office.

"Sir Barton, I fully support your actions. The Star Ferry Company not only cooperates with the Police Fund, but also the fare increase application was voted by the Public Transport Advisory Committee. The social movement organized by the Rickshaw Association is likely to ferment into riots. "After listening to Barton's report, Kunxian replied very decisively: "In order to prevent the incident from being exploited by malicious people, the Operations Department must handle it quickly, eliminate it, and ensure the stability of social order on Hong Kong Island."

"Yes, sir!"

Barton was very satisfied and stood at attention and saluted: "Thank you, sir!"

Kunxian looked at Barton's leaving figure, his eyes showing imperceptible hostility.

Wan Chai Pier.

The manager of the Star Ferry Company stood at the entrance of the pier, with a look of helplessness on his face, and said anxiously: "Brothers from the Rickshaw Association, the incident happened at the North Point Pier and has nothing to do with the Star Ferry Company."

"If you have any opinions, you can report them to the police. Can you calm down first and sit down and have a cup of tea?"

At this time, one of the coachmen walked out. It was Kuang Pingyuan, the director of the association who was soliciting customers at the North Point Pier yesterday. He was a coolie in his early forties, with a neat crew cut, a simple and honest appearance, and a big and thick body. I saw him pointing his finger at the ferry manager and yelling: "You called the police to drive us away!"

"How come it has nothing to do with you?"

"The account will be settled on the head of the gang."


More than a hundred coachmen immediately made a noise and shouted: "The Star Ferry is responsible for the death of my brother!"

"Kowtow and apologize!"

"Publish your apology in the newspaper!"

The manager of the ferry watched as more and more coachmen gathered together. The roar became louder and the atmosphere became more tense. The alarm sounded in his heart. He smelled a different smell of gunpowder and couldn't help but secretly complain. He quickly asked his subordinates to get a sum of cash and wrap it in an envelope. He took the money and went up to negotiate with the leader of the car dealer: "Boss, this matter really has nothing to do with the Star Ferry. At least it is not something I can solve. I have sent people to discuss it with you." How about the board of directors report and I will definitely give you an answer before noon?"

"A little caution is considered as compensation for the dead brothers. We are all working here, so don't make things difficult for each other."

Kuang Pingyuan took the envelope with his hand and felt the thickness. The anger on his face was suppressed a lot. Seeing the difficult look on the face of the Ferry Manager, his tone became more relaxed: "Okay, I will give you more than an hour. Ten No news before two o’clock.”

"I set fire to your dock."

Manager Xiaolun's brows jumped when he heard this. He thought to himself that it was terrible. He didn't dare to answer the question. He just bent down and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Let the brothers go away and have a rest first."

Kuang Pingyuan glared at him and naturally did not tell his brothers to disperse. Instead, he led the people from the Rickshaw Association to block the pier directly, and the Star Terminal immediately came to a standstill. Many reporters heard the news and came to the dock with cameras to take photos of the scene.

Seeing this, the ferry manager had no choice but to acquiesce to the atrocities committed by the rickshaw association. In order to stand firm as a victim, he even called his subordinates: "Go to the fast food restaurant in front of the pier to pack 150 meals for the terminal employees and All the car dealership brothers will get a share."

"I got it, Brother Lafite." The subordinate agreed in a low voice and quickly took two people to do the work.

A series of events that happened in the morning have already become hot topics, with feedback going up layer by layer.

The chairman of the Star Ferry Company, Michael Yi, received the news that the rickshaw drivers were blocking the pier. He knew that the Rickshaw Club would definitely take action. No matter how much compromise he made, it would not make much sense. Continuous concessions would only increase the opponent's arrogance. He immediately ordered: "Call. Call the police and Wan Chai Police Station will handle it."

"I got it, BOSS." The secretary lowered her head and agreed, turning around and leaving on her high heels.

"Ding ding ding."

"Ding ding ding."

The desk phone keeps ringing.

Yi Mi Gao seemed to have not heard anything and ignored it.

The phone call was simply from the director of the company, or the executive officer of Wharf. Wasn't the incoming and outgoing inquiry just something that happened at the dock? Anyway, the last card has been played. If Sir Barton can solve it well, everything will be fine.

Wharf executives and company directors can no longer hold him accountable.

If things are not handled well, just wait until you are fired from your position and thrown out of the office. Why bother with the phone number?

When Director Wan Chai received the call, he couldn't help but think of the two orders issued by senior officials in the morning. The first order was signed by the Deputy Director of Operations, and the second order was privately issued by Senior Assistant Director Ge Bai. As we all know, public orders are greater than private orders. Life, but the interests of private life are greater than public life.

How to choose?

This is the subdivision where Sir Ho once stayed in Central. The director is naturally more pro-China. After thinking for a moment, the director dialed the phone and issued an order: "There is a large-scale illegal assembly at Wan Chai Ferry Terminal. Immediately let the rapid response team Move out."

"Two rules, firstly, don't harm citizens, secondly, don't shoot!" He was a little worried and simply said: "The response team all disarmed their firearms and carried shields and batons to perform tasks. If the scene cannot be controlled, if you need firearms, give me Call up."

"Yes, sir!" The Chief Inspector of Wan Chai Rapid Response Team immediately agreed.

Immediately, he hung up the phone, took off the gun bag from his waist, walked out of the office and went to the waiting area. He saw fifty police officers from the rapid response team with loaded weapons, wearing helmets and holding rifles in both hands. Beside the bench.

The police officers had probably been waiting all morning. Many of them had taken off their gloves and wrist guards, and there were many mineral water bottles at their feet. The room was filled with smoke and the ground was covered with cigarette butts. However, as the most elite operational force in Gui Lao's hands, all members of the rapid response team have received military training, and there are many veterans who participated in World War II among the inspectors. When the commander opened the door of the waiting area, all members were put into combat readiness in one second. , stopped whatever they were doing, clattered, and stood up from the ground together, staring straight ahead without squinting.

"One minute, disarm the firearm, go downstairs and take the bus to Wan Chai Ferry Terminal. The task is to disperse the citizens who are illegally gathering, but there are two conditions. First, violence against citizens is not allowed, and second, protect yourself."

"Things are different this time, understand!"

The officer shouted loudly.



Fifty police officers from the rapid response team held their heads high and roared.


The officer turned and left.


Five senior inspectors shouted loudly, and the police officers quickly unloaded their guns, put them back in the weapons cabinet, and then rearranged them, taking out riot shields, tear gas and other items. In fact, since the 1960s, the functions of the police have gradually transitioned from military police to urban security. Since the opponent is not a life-and-death enemy, but an enemy that must be physically destroyed, the police are no longer as strong as they were during World War II. In many cases, they cannot When shooting, it is necessary to avoid the death of people, and the overall evolution is towards the defense force.

Therefore, although it was the first time that the rapid response team received an order not to use guns or hurt people, they quickly learned to accept it and decisively executed the order, because they had already subconsciously believed that killing innocent citizens was an act against humanity. Some citizens are guilty of these actions, and the crime may not lead to death.

It can only be said that the people in the action department and the management are two kinds of people. The police are the ones who exploit the bottom, and the police are the ones who protect the citizens. The difference between the police and the police, and between the ghosts and the ghosts is actually greater than that between people and the police. Dogs are even more different.

This is also the reason why the Hong Kong Island Police Force will still recruit British police officers in the operations department after the 21st century. In operations, British police officers are as brave as the Chinese. People who work for a salary and engage in politics are two different creatures. .

"Da da da."

"Da da da."

There was a uniform, crisp and powerful sound, and the sound of leather boots hitting the ground was heard. Teams of members of the rapid response team completed their equipment, rushed out of the office building, and went directly to the parking apron on the side of the police station to open the door and board the vehicle. Gui Lao has equipped this team with sufficient mobile special vehicles, including three cars and eight jeeps, which can carry up to 80 people to carry out missions. It ensures that the rapid reaction force can quickly arrive at the nearest incident point at any time and perform the most important "quick response" function.

This vehicle configuration can be said to be the highest standard among all departments in each police station, and it is also a tradition that the "Quick Response Team" has continued. Otherwise, the "Quick Response Team" would not have been changed to "Stormtroopers" after the restructuring.

How much is a Stormtrooper assault vehicle worth?

Nowadays, equipment is limited by product capabilities. They are basically old jeeps that have been replaced by the military. In 20 or 30 years, professional assault vehicles will be on the scene, and the treatment of quick response teams will be even higher.


The coachmen collected the lunch boxes sent by the ferry company and gave up for the time being. They all sat cross-legged on the ground, eating big gulps of rice. The coachmen who can be selected by the club to do errands know in their hearts that they will have work to do later. No matter who hands out the lunch box, they are always happy to have a full meal first and then work.

But when three cars with police license plates and six jeeps full of military and police officers parked on the side of the dock road, the drivers immediately put down their lunch boxes and looked at the police officers who jumped out of the police cars and lined up to prepare, with expressions in their eyes. There was a flash of anger and timidity.

The coolies at the lowest level faced off against the policemen who were on official pay. They were timid before fighting and tried to show off their arguments. The policemen were all white-skinned ghost guys who looked menacing and murderous. Fortunately, the drivers knew what they were doing and were confident.

Kuang Pingyuan took the lead and threw the box lunch in his hand far away to the people at the terminal company, shouting: "Fuck your mother, you dare to call the police!"

His technique was sharp, like a practicing martial artist, and he could hit the target with just one throw from a distance of more than ten meters. The manager of the ferry company was confused by the leftovers. He saw that the policemen who arrived at the scene had already started making noises before they could figure out what was going on.

"The Ferry Company asked the ghost guy to come and beat us again!"

"It's not enough to kill one, they are coming to kill me again, brothers, do it with them!" I don't know when there were more than 200 rickshaw drivers on the scene, and there were hundreds of brothers scattered at the end of the street not far away as a backup force. At this time, before the police could take action, the coachmen started a riot. They grabbed sticks in their hands, climbed over the railings, and rushed towards the office of the Pier Ferry Company.

"Kill them!"

"Tell him to pay for his brother's life!"


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