Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 417 Seizing Power

Before the police started shouting to disperse, the driver turned into a mob and began to attack the Star Ferry Pier. The commander simply gave up shouting and directly ordered his men to charge at the rioters with sticks in an attempt to drive the rioters away. However, the thugs at the car dealer acted very purposefully and only attacked the pier and did not violently resist the police at all. Once police approached, they either turned and ran away, or simply climbed over the fence and jumped into the sea.

The water next to the pier is shallow, and the drivers who dare to dive are very good at water. Not only are they fine, but they can also escape easily. On the other hand, the number of police officers is limited, and their equipment is heavy and basically useless. Moreover, the thugs were well prepared. They took out their homemade Molotov cocktails and threw them at the pier.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Scattered fires began to burn at the Star Pier, and the fire quickly swelled as the sea breeze spread. Although the Star Ferry Pier is a high-end cement pier and will not be destroyed by fire, the ticket sales station, drop-off area, and offices were all ablaze.


"There are too many rioters. If we don't take effective measures, we may not be able to stop the chaos." After the rioters discovered that the police force had limited force and did not carry firearms, they became more aggressive and used random changes to organize the riot. Once someone is injured, or escapes, or falls into the water, a new coachman will immediately come from the end of the street to take the place of the previously injured person, and continue to do so, which is very heroic.

The frontline chief inspector received the report from his subordinates and watched the riot at the dock continue to expand. He said with a solemn expression: "Tell the brothers to withdraw. I will call the director to request support and pay attention to the people who escaped from the dock."

"Yes, sir!" The senior inspector saluted and accepted the order. He turned around and arranged for the police to retreat. He also divided a group of people to clear a route to assist the employees in the dock office to escape. Since the coachmen vented their anger against the terminal company, mainly smashing, destroying, and burning them, and did not embarrass the staff inside, some terminal employees escaped one after another.

The reporters did not expect that the riot would rapidly expand under the eyes of the police. They took photos with excitement and watched how the police would end the situation, and then sent the written articles to the press. The Director of Wan Chai immediately received the report from the front line and did not dare to neglect it. He called Tai Kwun to report to the Director. Police Commissioner Kun Xian received the news of the frontline handling, frowned and said sternly: "When a public incident causes a commotion, the most important thing is to solve the source of the incident, rather than trying to suppress public opinion."

"Additional manpower can be sent to the dock to maintain order. Firearms are not allowed. We must strictly control the development of the situation!"

This sentence made Kunxian's position and meaning very clear. The Wan Chai Police Commissioner immediately understood and said: "Yes, sir, the Wan Chai Police Department will handle it properly."

"I don't want anyone to die due to the riot. Let the Auxiliary Medical Team be prepared to treat all the injured at the scene, regardless of citizens, police officers, or people involved." Kunxian said in a stern tone: "Understand!"

"Understood, sir!" The Wan Chai Director loudly accepted the order. When there was only a blind tone on the phone, he immediately hung up and dialed the Auxiliary Medical Team for support. At the same time, he sent a uniformed team to the scene as a backup force. In fact, when the uniformed team arrived at the scene with shields and police officers, the commander of the rapid response team knew that force was unlikely. The top management had not allowed the use of firearms, which was equivalent to giving the mob an opportunity to cause riots. The number of eighty uniformed members and fifty police officers from the rapid response team seemed large, but when faced with more than four hundred people on the scene, there was actually no force to disperse the suppression.

At 11:30, before the incident was reported in the newspaper, Deputy Director of Security Kin Baoning was in the office, looking back and forth at a stack of photos showing the riots at the Star Ferry Pier.

As a senior executive who has just retired from the position of director, he still retains a very keen sense of politics. Even if he does not know what little moves are going on within the police force, he can just see the orderly progress of the incident step by step and how it is handled just right. Saw a conspiracy.

"There is no doubt that this conspiracy is against military officials. Whether it is specifically aimed at attacking the military faction or someone is unknown." Jian Baoning put down the photo, frowned, and said to himself: "But we cannot let the incident continue. Keep developing.”

"The Wan Chai Police Department is unwilling to contribute, and calling in personnel from other departments will lead to a emptiness of the police force. It would be better to have other disciplinary departments dispatched." He lacked details of the incident. After all, Kunxian and Patton had also been promoted after his promotion. Everything will not be reported to him. As for the few police officers who can give direct orders, they are only at the constitutional committee level and may not necessarily know the inside story. And after he was promoted, his subordinates' connections were used once, not once.

He simply used his authority as deputy director of the Security Bureau to order other disciplinary forces to mobilize. Now that there was a fire at the Star Ferry Pier, the best troop to use was the Fire Department.

Jian Baoning thought clearly about the pros and cons and determined that it was really necessary to intervene. Without hesitation, he called the Fire Department Director Ge Wen and asked the Fire Department to send Wan Chai District's operational troops to the pier to put out the burning house and assist the police in dispersing the rioting citizens.

This move was actually a very correct move. He was well-known as a teacher and could also intervene in the internal affairs of the police force. If there were any unfavorable results, the fire department was one floor away and the negative impact would not fall on him. After doing all this, Jian Baoning called Kunxian to ask about the whole incident, but Kunxian's call was waited for a while and no one answered. This gave Jian Baoning an ominous premonition, and he immediately called Barton, the deputy director of operations, but Barton's call was still unanswered.

"The key to the matter is the Rickshaw Association." Jian Baoning put down the phone, calmed down for a moment, then combed through the myriad of threads, found the most important link, called his subordinates and told him: "Check who is the president of the Rickshaw Union. who."

"Detain his family and bring them to me."

As the deputy security chief of one of the thirteen bureaus, although his power is not as powerful as that of the police force, he is not a showman. It only takes a few words to touch an ordinary person. However, the rickshaw union was so shady that he really didn’t know who the president was.

Tai Kwun.

Chief Inspector Chen Li of the Anti-Corruption Office, wearing a white shirt with his ID hanging around his neck, walked into the office of the Deputy Director of Operations with more than 20 anti-corruption officers. When Deputy Director Barton looked horrified, he stretched out his hand. Holding the phone firmly with his right hand, he showed a kind smile and said with narrowed eyes: "Sir Barton, the Commissioner of Police invites you to come and sit in the office."

"Sir Chen?"

Barton recognized the short Chinese man in front of him with gray temples and wrinkles on his face, and knew that he had an unusual relationship with Sir He. In the past years, he had been sitting in the anti-corruption room with his legs crossed, smoking, making tea, and looking like he was just messing around. Political affairs.

After all, he is over fifty. It would be difficult for him to be transferred to the anti-corruption office, and the Chinese people below him would not be able to tolerate him occupying his position. At this time, he walked into the office with a group of subordinates, which really shocked Barton, but after Barton reacted, he immediately became furious and shouted: "Sir, is he helping Kun Xian?"

"The anti-corruption office is working, no comment." Chen Li still smiled kindly: "I'm just following the orders from above. Please don't make it difficult for me, Sir Barton. Besides, the director has made coffee in the office. If you don't go, Who drinks?”

"The director is not in the mood to wait for you too long."

When Barton saw Chen Li looking like he was about to take action, he knew that the other party would not bring more than 20 people to joke with him. He glared at Chen Li coldly, then picked up his police hat, put it on, and strode out of the deputy office. long office.

When he walked into the office of the Commissioner of Police, led by a group of Chinese police officers from the anti-corruption office, Kunxian was standing behind the large desk, drinking a cup of hot coffee slowly.

"Sir Kunxian!"

"What do you mean by asking the anti-corruption office to invite me?"

Barton stood in front of his desk with an extremely angry expression.

Kunxian put down the coffee cup, walked to the sofa in the reception area and sat down. He looked at him intently, and said in a meticulous and clear manner: "I let you deal with the incident at Star Ferry Terminal, not to let you deal with it again and again. , and expanded again and again.”

"The first thing the police force has to do is to protect public interests, and the second is to pay attention to the interests of the police officers. As for the interests of the police force, they don't exist at all!"

"Barton, as the Deputy Director of Operations and the Chairman of the Police Fund, you actually interfered with the freedom of the commercial market for the sake of the proceeds of a project of the Police Fund, causing a large-scale riot of more than 500 people at the Star Ferry Pier. Now the Star Ferry Pier has been burned down to nothing but Concrete, bare land, who will deal with the aftermath of the police officers and citizens injured in the incident?"

Barton's chest was heaving and his breathing was very rapid. He looked at Kunxian quietly and suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth: "In less than three hours, you have completely changed your position. It seems that the whole incident was organized by you and He Dingxian. of."

"The purpose is to drive me out of office?"

Kunxian glanced at him calmly and said lightly: "You have no sense of mission and honor as a police officer, you resist the police review, and you don't cherish the opportunity. Now, as the Commissioner of Police, I am dismissing you as Deputy Operations Director." long position.”

Barton held on and said: "Appointment at the police chief level requires a document signed by the Governor and approved by the Security Bureau. You have no right to remove me from my position!"

"Sir Jian will not agree!"

Kunxian was merciless: "It will be temporarily lifted and then approved."

"Take his rob off."

"Take his ID!" He pointed with his hand.

Two police officers from the anti-corruption office immediately stepped forward and detained the tall and tall Barton. Chen Li stepped forward again to remove his gun bag and retrieve his ID. During the whole process, Barton did not struggle. He just stared at Kun Xian and said, "You If you betray us, I won’t let you go, sir!”

Kun Xian took the gun and certificate handed over by Chen Li, waved his hand to the police station to release the man, and said in a calm tone: "Whoever controls the situation will take the initiative. Sir, I will not follow you for someone who has lost his power." fight."

"Besides, he has been unable to fight for a long time. Now, what he needs most is a decent ending, not a bloody defeat."

"You're just stupid enough to hang out with an old guy who's about to retire."

Barton had all kinds of thoughts rolling around in his head, and suddenly felt a little panicked. When he saw Kun Xian stood up, opened a cabinet, took out a cup, and put it in front of him: "Remember to finish your morning coffee before leaving. Don't waste it anymore."

That cup of coffee is long gone.

It's cold.

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