Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 422 Inside Story

Inside the office.

He Dingxian took off his police cap, hung it on the clothes post, sat alone on the sofa, lit a cigar, and quietly savored the power brought by the Assistant Director. First of all, he has jurisdiction over all police stations in Hong Kong Island and has the authority to mobilize all departments of the Hong Kong Island Police Station and participate in all command operations.

Secondly, there is a senior assistant director Wright above him. He is a colonialist and has an opposite position to him, but he is currently extremely weak and dare not interfere with his decision. He actually already has the power of being the top leader in Hong Kong Island.

Finally, there are arrangements for old brothers such as Lei Luo and Jiang Zuhui.

"Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others definitely want to take a step up, but if they go up any further, they will have to be transferred from the criminal department, and it is impossible to serve as the chief detective."

"The people I used to guide have already occupied the positions of middle-level powerful people. They are not only in the serious case, O record, criminal group, but also in the anti-corruption, operations department, and intelligence department."

"Even the customs and fire department have my people."

The greater the power.

The more people need to use it.

"If Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others are promoted, the position of Chief Inspector of the two districts will be given to them."

"Although, in terms of political factions, their Ma Zai also belongs to my side. They will take my position as the main point in everything and can definitely be manipulated. But Ma Zai's Ma Zai is not my Ma Zai. The new two Inspector Zonghua always has a closer relationship with them.”

"If we don't have to face the integrity crisis in the future, let's forget about letting their Ma Zai take over."

"The integrity crisis is right in front of us, and it will begin in less than ten years, or even in about five years."

He Dingxian spit out a mouthful of white mist.

Important events in history are often not simply a confrontation that ends after a fight.

It is a series of events connected together, a storm that has been brewing for three to five years, or even ten years. However, due to the correlation, it was summarized into one incident. The Independent Commission Against Corruption was established in 1974, and the police strike occurred in 1977.

If we simply think that we will encounter a crisis in 1974, we will fall behind and fall into a situation of being passively beaten.

Why was the Independent Commission Against Corruption established in 1974?

How many political battles are behind the birth of a new disciplined force? How many meetings, votes, and resources are needed?

These are things to ponder.

We are now in the mid-1960s, just a few years away from the 1970s.

"Now that Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others are put in office, they are unwilling to take up idle positions. They will be easily attacked by others if they perform actual duties. Moreover, all the actual duties at the Constitutional Committee level are very important. If you spend effort and money to run one, they will be sacrificed in the future. .”

"Who would be willing?"

He Dingxian is not willing to give in, and Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others will be even more unwilling when the time comes. When they really want to retreat bravely, it will be extremely easy to oppose him. He Dingxian originally planned to give them a vacant position in two or three years, and then gradually arrange his retirement and transfer his family and assets out of Hong Kong Island.

Nowadays, it seems that the Chinese in the police force are becoming more and more powerful, and the resistance to the retirement of the old brothers is getting stronger. Conflicts often change faster than expected.

And once Lei Luo, Jiang Zuzu and others are allowed to occupy the position of Inspector Zonghua, it will not only increase resistance in the future, but also give Gui Lao more opportunities to target. Gui Lao doesn't even need to catch him and beat him. As long as he defeats Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others, he can destroy his grassroots power. Although this kind of destruction is fatal to the Chinese police, just changing a spokesperson is nothing more, but it is very fatal to him. When the time comes, he will be ignored by the ghost guy, and then the ICAC will take action.

His face was completely lost.

As for personal safety and property safety, there is actually no need to worry. As long as he is willing to leave, he will definitely leave. He can find someone to take over the company's equity in advance. The problem is that He Dingxian has not enjoyed the prestige of the governor and does not want to leave at all!

Ho clearly has the potential to become the ruling class of Hong Kong Island. Why should he withdraw from Hong Kong Island and live a lowly life outside? To open a company, you need to look at people's opinions, and to invest in projects, you need to have trustworthy relationships. No matter how much money you have in your account, it doesn't matter if you have tens of thousands of guns or millions of people!

"So, it is best for Lei Luo and Jiang Zuhui to be nailed to the position of Inspector Zonghua. They can give money, but they cannot be promoted." He actually wanted to select two trustworthy people to replace the two districts. The position of Inspector Zonghua.

But his tentacles of power were stretched too far, and all those who could use them had long since been exhausted. The Chief Inspector of the two districts is a very critical position. He must not only be capable and prestigious, but also loyal. This kind of talent is rare for any big boss. How can it be possible to recruit him just by asking?

There are a large number of newcomers at the bottom waiting to make their mark, but it would be great to be promoted to inspector within three years.

He is far from Inspector Zonghua.

Ah Le, Ah Gui and others who were with me before were also sent out to serve. It had been less than three years since he became Inspector Hua, and he had just started to take over the affairs in the jurisdiction. He went to replace Inspector General Hua and could not hold down a large number of people. elder.

Cai Zhaoguang, Zeng Shaoke and others are easy to use, but they are also those who need to be retired.

"For the time being, let's be aggrieved by Aluo and the others. This time, we must support young people and reserve a group of new generation police officers who can quickly take over their positions after the integrity crisis." He Dingxian sighed in his heart: "As long as the Chinese in the police force do not There is a situation of turmoil and power vacuum."

"The integrity crisis will never hit me. I just send a few wanted notices to my retired brothers just to show off. How can they do anything to the Chinese in the police force?"

As for Ge Bai, who caused the integrity crisis?

He is now the Deputy Director of Operations, and as long as the ICAC commissioner does not lose his mind, it is impossible to investigate him.

"It's just that we have to give the brothers some compensation in terms of money."

At this time, He Dingxian can only hope that Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui, Cai Zhaoguang and others are reliable and trustworthy, and will not make big troubles because of a little gain or loss. In the end, they have to rely on their old brothers at critical moments. He feels that politicians are always lonely, because many times their decisions will not be understood even if they are correct. He couldn't privately call Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui, Cai Zhaoguang and others to confess what would happen in the next five or ten years, right?

Even if Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others said they believed it, He Dingxian couldn't believe that they did!

He Dingxian checked the soot, made a list in his mind, and asked Yan Xiong to call to inform him. Later, he thought about the Star Ferry incident. The scale of the whole incident was very well controlled. Not only did it achieve its political purpose, but the Yau Ma Tei Ferry Company also took advantage of it. Concurrent operating rights for the line from East Tsim Sha Tsui to Wan Chai.

This concurrent franchise does not require any license fees. It was a resolution passed by the Transport Advisory Committee during the emergency call-up of Yau Ma Tei Ferry. In the future, when the Star Ferry Company is unable to carry passenger traffic, the Yau Ma Tei Ferry Company can operate at the Star Pier.

This resolution can be called gangster logic. The Star Ferry Company is very unconvinced and has already launched a second application for cancellation. However, just as the Commission will not overturn the application for price increase, it will not easily cancel the concurrent operating rights of Yau Ma Tei Ferry.

As for when Wan Chai Pier is short of ferries, can the Star Ferry carry the passenger flow? What these terminal companies and ferry companies say doesn’t count, what Yau Ma Tei Ferry says does! Otherwise, the terminal company will be prepared to face endless searches and inspections by the customs and police.

In fact, there were already two Yau Ma Tei Ferry gambling boats operating on the Wan Chai and East Tsim Sha Tsui lines for a long time, taking away a large number of Star Ferry customers. When there are boats available at the same time, citizens prefer to take the Yau Ma Tei Ferry.

This decision caused the Star Ferry Company's share price to plummet by 30%.

"Historically, the number of casualties in the Star Ferry incident far exceeded the outcome of my leadership. The incident also spread to next year, indirectly promoting the June 7th Incident." He Dingxian was very confused about the June 7th Incident in history.

Because the leftist forces in Hong Kong are in decline these days, how can they organize such a large-scale event? Thousands of people participated in the battle, more than 50,000 people went on strike, and more than 1,000 people were injured. From the initial demonstrations to assassinations, gun battles, planting bombs, etc.

The entire incident took place from May to December, which lasted for seven months until it ended with the intervention of the mainland. It was also known as the "May Storm". The extremely extreme slogan of "anti-British and anti-riot" caused Hong Kong to lose control of the country. The island's economy fell into a slump, causing the property market to plummet. Except for the few days when the curfew was implemented, the Hong Kong government took relatively effective measures. The rest of the time, it was passively beaten.

Although the matter involves northbound factors, the Hong Kong Island Federation of Trade Unions itself has no influence, so why did it suddenly become so organized? He Dingxian now knows the size, territory and areas of expertise of various forces in Hong Kong. He feels that the June 7 incident is far from simple and may involve some inside stories that have not yet been revealed.

However, if things are as they appear on the surface, it is the wind from the north blowing into the harbor. Well, He Dingxian actually doesn't want this incident to spread to Hong Kong Island. It's not because he has any opinion on this trend, but simply because there is no need to make it so big!

He can completely come forward as an intermediary to talk to Governor Bai Liji. Any demands can be solved through small-scale struggles, and it is not beneficial to expand them for no reason.


Seven o'clock.

When He Dingxian arrived at the door of Chaofu Restaurant in a car, Lei Luo, Cai Zhaoguang, Jiang Zuhui, Zeng Shaoke and others had been waiting at the door for a long time. When they saw him get out of the car, they immediately came up to him and said, "Where is it?"

"Brother Xian!"


Lei Luo and Jiang Zuhui seemed calmer. Cai Zhaoguang and Zeng Shaoke were not qualified to participate in the awarding ceremony. At this time, when they saw He Dingxian, they all took the initiative to show their enthusiasm and respect. He Dingxian patted Lei Luo on the shoulder, then stepped forward and gave Cai Zhaoguang a strong hug, saying, "Sir Cai, Brother Zeng, long time no see."

"Congratulations, boss."

Both Inspectors Hua looked excited.

Lei Luo smiled and said: "Go in and have a drink and chat, the brothers are all waiting."

He Dingxian turned around and saw Lardboy sitting on the chair behind the ceremony table. There were several suitcases at his feet, full of red envelopes. The six tables inside were filled with Chinese police officers above the supervisor level.


"Go in and chat."

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