Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 423 Please help brothers

"Hello, Director!"

The moment He Dingxian walked into the restaurant, the police officers at the six tables all stood up with a roar, bowed and shouted.

He Dingxian looked indifferent, waved his hand casually, and led the people to sit down at the main table.

The inspector-level police officers present sat down one after another, put their hands on their knees, and looked at the superior with serious expressions. No one whispered to each other, and no one put their hands on the table. This neat and well-trained driving posture made him feel a little uncomfortable. He chuckled twice, poured a glass of wine and said, "I invited the brothers to come for dinner today. The main reason is to find a chance to chat after not seeing each other for a long time."

"Don't make it too formal."

"Drink first."

He raised his glass.

The brothers began to pour the wine one after another. Someone stood up again with a cup in his hand. Only then did he dare to sit down when he saw the superior holding it down with his hand.

After He Dingxian saw the brothers toasting together, he laughed loudly and said: "Drink to win!"

"I wish our brothers a bright future and new achievements in the police force."

"Congratulations, sir, you are getting promoted step by step!"

The police officers seemed to have rehearsed, and they shouted in unison, and their congratulations spread throughout the restaurant.

"Drink victory!"

Regardless of their age or strength, the brothers drank the wine in one gulp.

It seems that the brothers attach great importance to being able to attend the promotion banquet of their boss, and have communicated with each other in private.

He Dingxian smiled knowingly when he saw this, picked up his chopsticks and tasted the dishes first. Today's dishes are very rich, including not only abalone vermicelli, but also soft-shell turtle, foie gras, roast duck, matsutake mushrooms, Wuliangye and Lafite, and each table comes with a cup of caviar.

The dishes are of course mainly Chinese food, but some Western food ingredients are adapted to Chinese recipes.

Lardboy obviously put a lot of effort into preparing the menu. There are some dishes that Chaofu Restaurant can never make. He must have hired a team of chefs to make them. However, in order to take care of the boss's mood, the location is still set at Chaofu Restaurant.

He Dingxian usually doesn't like to be extravagant and wasteful, but he is not stingy when he should enjoy it. People are in high spirits during happy events, so this meal must be presented in a high-end and respectable manner. He was very satisfied with Lardboy's arrangement.

Amidst a burst of congratulations, he stood up and toasted table after table. From time to time, he also encouraged some young inspectors, such as Fang Jianming, Chen Jiale, etc., and even Criminal Inspector Zhuo Jing, who had just joined the police force for two years, was all patted by Sir He. Shoulder.

Zhuo Jingquan was a graduate of the police academy three years ago and a Silver Di Award winner.

The last time I was tapped on the shoulder by Sir He was at the graduation ceremony.

Now, with his outstanding ability, he has already distinguished himself among young police officers, and is highly valued by Chen Zichao. He is expected to be promoted to senior inspector next year.

Very respected by fellow graduates.


"I will work hard!" Zhuo Jingquan was seen holding the wine glass, his expression flushed, and he was so excited that he drank the wine in the glass and added a salute.

He Dingxian smiled heartily and said: "Okay."

"The future of the police force depends on you."

This sentence fell into the ears of Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui, Cai Zhaoguang and others, and they immediately heard a different meaning.

Afterwards, He Dingxian came to the next table, looked at Inspector Li Wenbin, who was the winner of this year's Silver Di Award and was still in his probationary period, raised his glass and nodded: "Cheers."

"Thank you, sir."

The inspectors all stood up, holding cups in both hands, and drank happily.

He Dingxian didn't say anything more to Li Wenbin. Being able to invite him, a trainee inspector, to the director's promotion banquet was a very special consideration in itself. If Li Wenbin had political ability, he would be able to gain a lot of important connections with just one drink. In the future, he will be able to seize a lot of opportunities. It all depends on whether he has the ability to seize them.

In fact, when Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others came to the restaurant and found that the boss had invited many young police officers, they felt strange in their hearts. People are afraid of old age, and even more afraid of being eliminated. They are all talented people, and they can sense the direction of the political wind just by looking at the attendance list.

Of the six tables present, the young police officer actually occupied two of them, and the remaining four tables were divided into police stations in the two districts. How many seats can one police station have? You know, the number of Chinese inspectors has already exceeded 100, and those who can come must be in positions of real power.

Some uniformed police sergeants in border areas and rural areas are not qualified to come, so how can they get a few young people to work as slaves and do hard work?

These young people clearly want to be reused!

When He Dingxian communicated with the young police officers, the old brothers became more certain of their inner thoughts, exchanged glances with each other, and remained silent, but they all sensed the crisis!

They can still do it!

Sir He may not want to use them anymore?

This is a very uncomfortable thing for the old brothers who have conquered the country. No wonder, the group of heroes who founded the country in history are the most difficult to deal with. The group of Chinese heroes in the police force are actually also very difficult to deal with.

He Dingxian returned to the main table, smiled and started drinking soup, and when he was concerned about the lives of Qian Weishan, Huo Jiacheng, Meng Yuanda and others, Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others were already in despair. Sure enough, until after three drinks, the party was about to end. , none of the bosses mentioned promotion.

This kind of thing is not brought up at the beginning, and the further it goes, the less likely it is.

However, when the show was about to end, things took a turn for the worse. Sir He was seen smoking a cigar with an unsatisfied look on his face. He blew out a cigarette ring and sighed loudly: "It's so hard to get together with my brothers and I won't be in a hurry to go home." If so, can we all go wash our feet and massage our heads together later?"

"Big head or small head, brother Xian!" Qian Weishan's face was red and he had a playful smile with a yellow accent.

He Dingxian patted him on the shoulder and said boldly: "We will press the big head, and you will press the small head. Is that interesting?"

"Don't dare."

"Don't dare."

Qian Weishan said quickly: "This kind of thing requires one person to share the blessing. The big boss won't touch the little head, how dare I do it?"


Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others laughed loudly.

Sir He only extended an invitation to the old brothers at the head table. Except for Chen Li, who said it was too late and he was old and wanted to go home and go to bed early, everyone else agreed and waited for the boss to come up with the final answer. Afterwards, He Dingxian picked up his suit jacket, threw it over his shoulder, got up and left with Lei Luo, Cai Zhaoguang and others.

Of course, Lardboy is in charge of arranging the car and the lady.

The remaining guests saw that the boss had already evacuated. Those who wanted to go home could leave one after another. Those who still wanted to connect with their superiors and colleagues continued to work hard at the wine table. In fact, Sir was already drunk and was in no hurry to go home. Some people punched each other, played cards and gambled, took the opportunity to make friends, or gave money to the superior. In short, very few people went home, and most of them had organized the next party after drinking in the restaurant.

The big guys have big boss activities, and Ma Zai also has Ma Zai’s circle.

Golden bell.

Imperial Sauna City.

This is a high-end club with an investment of over RMB 100,000. The private rooms are equipped with air conditioning and the hall is fully tiled. It was formerly the Regal Sauna City in Sun Kee. After the store was acquired by Chao Yiyong, it was renovated and opened. It is the largest and best one in Central. sauna city.

Although the lady is not as frequently updated as when she was in charge, she focuses on one service technique and has a good reputation among customers.

Originally, around nine o'clock in the evening was the peak passenger flow in the sauna city. In the past, the massage beds in the lobby were already full of guests, and the private rooms were lined up until early morning. But today the entire sauna city is not open to the public. When the bosses walked up the stairs and entered the store, the lobby had just passed the wind and the environment was very good.

More than 20 waiters in uniforms bowed in greeting and dispersed around, waiting for the boss to greet him.

In fact, all the waiter's work was done by Lard Zai and Lan Gang. There were more than a hundred beautiful technicians dressed in different styles and with different temperaments, lining up in a queue, and the scene was very spectacular.

He Dingxian was used to it, so he chose lazily, found a massage chair, sat down, and casually said: "Azai."

"Just help me choose one."

Lardboy grinned and said, "No problem, boss."

He also has some understanding of the boss's tastes, and he has already bought the latest, brightest, and most awesome products for the boss. Qian Weishan held a cigarette in his mouth, sat down in the second seat to the right of the boss, and said with a smile: "Brother, you have so many girls."

"It's too much!"

Lardboy smiled and said: "Ten in a row, pick slowly to avoid being spoiled for choice."

Qian Weishan nodded happily, and Tong Leiluo, Jiang Zuhui and others actually took their time in choosing. It seemed that they had experienced big occasions, and they were not stage frightened at all, but they were very fast, and they picked everyone they saw very straightforwardly. For them, there are a lot of opportunities to enjoy it. If they see something they like, they just click on it without even thinking about looking at it again.

They have plenty of time to play slowly.

He Dingxian was covering his face with a hot towel, resting his legs and letting the young lady perform her skills.

Although, he cannot tell Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui and others that the Hong Kong government will take action in the future and sacrifice the old brothers to ensure power. After all, the guarantee of power is his personal power in the end. He is selfish and his brothers will definitely have their thoughts. No matter how many reasons he can come up with, he can't change it. However, he could vaccinate his brothers in another way.

The hall was quiet for ten minutes. He Dingxian suddenly took off the towel on his face, handed it to the lady, rubbed his temples with his hands and said: "A Luo, A Hui, Sir Cai, Sir Zeng."

"There are also Ah Xiong, A Le, and Zi Chao."

"I asked Ah Zai to prepare a check for each of you. The amount is not much, one million for each of you. It is a little bit of appreciation for being a big boss. The right way is to get promoted and make a fortune. It is good to get promoted and make a fortune at the same time, but you can't be a big boss. If you are promoted, you should make a small fortune."

One million per person is not a small amount.

Yan Xiong was clearly surprised and looked at the officer unnaturally: "Sir He, what happened?"

"There is something wrong."

He Dingxian looked around with a smile, swept around everyone, and said sincerely: "I need your help with something."

Lei Luo was shocked and a little unexpected: "Brother Xian."

"What's the matter?"

"Brothers risk their lives to help you settle it!"

He Dingxian smiled and said: "The top brass of the Hong Kong government seem to be planning to restructure the police force. You can also see that the number of police officers is increasing and our control is getting thinner and thinner. I don't want to be distracted anymore, and I want you to help watch. Brothers from all districts, we will wait until the restructuring is completed to discuss all promotions."

"It may take a long time. Before that, priority should be given to promoting inspector-level police officers."

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