Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 511 Execution

"Mr. Ho, the entire ICAC has issued a confession to the public. We hope to gain understanding from colleagues in the disciplined forces and strive for leniency from the Hong Kong government." As the former chief investigation officer and now the acting ICAC commissioner, Ou Liangxian came to the disciplined forces as a representative of the ICAC. Chief talks.

The Acting Commissioner broke into the ICAC and was forcibly arrested for investigation. He was later acquitted by the police and became the only surviving senior official of the ICAC. Former Anti-Corruption Superintendent Chen Li, who was arrested by the ICAC during the same period, was naturally released without charge by the ICAC as soon as the conflict ended.

The reason why He Dingxian released Ou Liangxian was because he hoped that Ou Liangxian, who had been beaten, could take a good lead in the ICAC. Ou Liangxian was also very aware of the liquidation that the ICAC was about to face. Not only did he write letters and report in the name of acting commissioner, and openly shoulder his responsibilities to the whole society, he also kept a low profile and acted in a very ostentatious manner.

Ho Dingxian sat next to the teahouse, picked up the teacup, and said loudly: "ICAC promotes the social development of Hong Kong Island. It doesn't matter if you go the wrong way at the beginning. The most important thing is to understand what to do in the future. The Governor has decided that the current arrest will All ICAC officers have been prosecuted and sentenced, and those suspended from duty can be reinstated.”

"Staff have no decision-making power on policies and do not bear political responsibility, but senior ICAC officials must be held accountable!"

Ou Liangxian's eyes immediately darkened, knowing in his heart that Sir He would not let the ICAC off easily, he wanted to force the ICAC to its death.

Director of Customs Zhao Dunxian, Director of Corrections Mason, Director of Fire Services Govan Medical, and Head of the Auxiliary Team Jerry

Several disciplinary force officers sat aside, all feeling sad about the fate of the ICAC. It was so glorious when it was established, but it failed in the first battle and ended with the liquidation of the entire upper class. This shows how cruel the struggle for power is.

As a political winner, Mr. Ho can decide the future of an office and hundreds of people with just one sentence. Whatever the Governor's intention is, the Hong Kong government's decisions are all excuses. At least in the command and restructuring of the disciplinary forces, the Hong Kong government has already lost power and has become a mechanical sealing tool.

"Yes, sir."

Ou Liangxian raised his hand in salute and said solemnly: "Thank you, Sir. The Independent Commission Against Corruption will definitely cooperate with the investigation and pay for the mistakes made."


"This is what a public office officer looks like. He has the courage to take on responsibilities." He Dingxian nodded with great satisfaction: "Sir Ou was under investigation during the conflict and did not participate in the implementation of the decision-making, so he can receive special immunity."

"There is no need to worry about being prosecuted."

Ou Liangxian breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Sir He."

"You still need to sponsor the restructuring of the ICAC." He Dingxian said: "The ICAC and the Anti-Corruption Office of the Police Force have overlapping functions. I suggest that an anti-corruption investigation committee be established during the restructuring, with representatives from the Police Anti-Corruption Office and above the superintendent level. Personnel at or above the senior investigation director level of the Independent Commission Against Corruption shall serve as members.”

"In the future, if there are repeated cases and overlapping powers, it will be handed over to the committee for voting and arbitration to decide which department should handle the case."

Mason, Ge Wen, Zhao Dunxian and others were all moved, knowing that with the ICAC, the ICAC would have nothing to do with the police in the future. Whenever there is a case that the police force does not want to investigate, the police force initiates a voting arbitration and it will be in the hands of the police force in minutes.

At that time, how and what the police will investigate is not just a matter of talking.

They all really want to join the committee to ensure the political security of the Office, but the police force has an anti-corruption office as the fulcrum of power. What about the Customs, Fire Services, and Correctional Services Department?

By bribery!

In short, their hearts were agitated, but they were not stupid enough to speak.

Even if He Dingxian really asked, he would not agree, because he needs someone who can make long-term deals with several public offices and restrain the chiefs of several public offices. Although the Integrity Investigation Committee cannot be used indiscriminately, it can be enough to remove one or two commissioners at critical moments.

A real man cannot live without power for a day.

"Of course, the Integrity Commission is also responsible for tracing and reviewing case files. It should have a permanent working group under it, which has the right to review all investigations before closing cases. For cases where new clues are discovered, it has the power to restart the investigation and re-open the investigation. Investigate and hold relevant personnel accountable.”

"These must be written into a report and submitted to the Governor's Office for formal legislation."

This is a loop of hemp rope wrapped around the ICAC's neck, which can strangle Lao Lian at any time.

Isn’t the so-called ICAC Working Group the Political Department of the ICAC? Or the political department run by the police force!

"no problem."

But Ou Liangxian felt that the ICAC had already been beaten to pieces. Isn't it just a loop of hemp rope? If you can take a breath, you can live a breath first.

"I have so many opinions on the internal restructuring of the ICAC. Another requirement is that the new anti-corruption commissioner must be selected as soon as possible using the new system." He Dingxian said: "As the acting commissioner, Sir Ou has also participated in police integrity conflicts. Even if the plan is exempted, it will not look good to the outside world."

"Sir, please rest assured that within one month, the ICAC will complete the restructuring and elect a new anti-corruption commissioner. According to the restructuring documents, only candidates above the senior investigation director level can run for election, and the director level and above have the right to vote."

"During the period when the top management of the ICAC is vacant, how should the voting power be adjusted? Sir He, please give me your opinion." Ou Liangxian understood his identity as a tool and knew that he would not be eligible for the position of the next commissioner, so his responsibility stopped at leading the restructuring.

He Dingxian nodded and said: "It's very simple. You appoint a few senior investigation directors and directors first, and then hold the first vote. During the conflict between police and integrity, some ICAC employees performed very well and were not caught up in the chaos. shouldered social responsibilities.”

This list has long been given to the ICAC.

Ou Liangxian nodded: "I understand."

"Sir, have you seen the performance of some ICAC staff? I don't know which staff impressed you so much."

Mason and Ge Wen had a clear understanding of each other and looked at each other.

He Dingxian didn't hide it either: "The one named Han Zhibang is very good."


"He has always been a highly trusted and practical person within the ICAC with outstanding achievements." Ou Liangxian nodded and promised that the first Chinese ICAC Commissioner, the second ICAC Commissioner Bai Bian, was born during the conversation between the two. If we say that the police force is responsible for the security of the whole territory and serves as a demonstration effect for the disciplined forces, the restructuring must not be impatient, but must be slow and steady. So the position of the ICAC has been reduced from a public office to a subsidiary department of the police force.

The restructuring can be radical, fast and violent. Anyway, if the police force can suppress it, what do they have to worry about?

Besides, the ICAC was established not long ago, and most of the lower-level staff were Chinese. The upper-level staff were all wiped out in the storm. It was a good time to draw on a blank canvas. If you wait for a year or two, it will be easier to solve the problem. Therefore, He Dingxian himself did not immediately become the Commissioner of Police, but directly promoted his students to the position of Anti-Corruption Commissioner.

Mason, Gewen and others were secretly sighing in their hearts. In the future, there would be no Integrity Commissioner in the Government House, but only the Integrity Commissioner. The appointment of the Commissioner would probably always be in the hands of the police.

At this time, Sir He saw that the matters with the chief officers of the disciplined forces had been settled, he clapped his hands on his thighs, stood up and said, "Okay, we've finished talking about business, let's go to a restaurant to have dinner together, and stop by to visit an old friend on the way."



Mason, Ge Wen, Ou Liangxian and others stood up together, and the five of them walked out of the office of the Senior Assistant Director one after another, got into their own cars and drove out of the Tai Kwun. Special car No. 1 took the lead, and the rest of the cars followed closely behind.

The Correctional Services Department manages more than 20 prisons on Hong Kong Island, which are divided into high, medium and low security according to their security level. Low security is for short-term detention, medium security is mostly for economic prisoners and drug rehabilitation centers, and high security is for serious criminals. The most famous ones are Stanley Prison and Lai Chi Kok Detention Center.

The only prison not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections is the Military Victoria Prison.

At this time, the group's car arrived at the entrance of Victoria Barracks, passed the gate inspection, and drove straight into an open space. There were some prisoners serving their sentences on the road, wearing prison uniforms. They looked up at the convoy with numbness written on their faces.

They are all war criminals or political prisoners, mostly Japanese nationals.

When Mason, Gewen and others saw the motorcade arriving at Victoria, they had some predictions in their minds, and when they stopped at the execution ground, their faces showed it. The group of people didn't even get out of the car, they just sat in the car and watched former anti-corruption commissioner Ji Da, wearing prison uniform, being led to the execution ground by two soldiers for identification.

He Dingxian sat in the back seat of the car, lowered the window, looked at the person kneeling on the ground, sneered, and a look of disdain flashed across his face.

He brought several officers of the disciplinary forces around, firstly to let everyone witness the outcome of going against the police force and to intimidate other disciplinary forces, and secondly to ensure that the Hong Kong government would not change the situation and save Ji Da's life.

Since he had said hello in advance that he was coming, no one would dare to do it, regardless of whether they had the intention or not.

He Dingxian felt very happy when he saw a soldier taking off Jida's hood and confirming his appearance. Then an execution soldier armed with a rifle loaded the gun according to the command and pulled the trigger toward the criminal's heart.


A shot echoed across the field.

The bullet penetrated Jida's heart. Jida's trembling body immediately lost strength with the sound of the gun, and fell forward without any hesitation.

Immediately, a soldier stepped forward to check his life status, and then returned to gesture to the execution soldier. The execution soldier fired again to confirm that the criminal was dead before ending the mission. He Dingxian, Ge Wen, Mason and others had different moods. After watching the execution, they drove to the restaurant in a car.

During the meal, except for Sir He who was in a good mood, Ge Wen, Mason, Zhao Dunxian and others all talked significantly less. Ou Liangxian had no choice but to force a smile to enhance the atmosphere. When a person reaches a high position and thinks he can be famous all his life, and someone gives an example to prove that I can kill you, and I can kill you, who can be happy?

"Ha ha."

"Eat more. When the Colonial Secretary and Financial Secretary see it, they think we can't afford to eat or pay the bill." He Dingxian greeted everyone to eat, and he didn't forget to call the waiter back: "By the way. Do you have caviar at home?”

"Give each of you sirs a box."

The manager hurriedly said: "Okay, He Sheng, come right away."

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