Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 512 The end of restructuring

September 6, 1972.

The Correctional Services Department, the Customs Department, the Fire Department, and the Independent Commission Against Corruption have successively completed their restructuring. Mason, Ge Wen, and Zhao Dunxian were succeeded in the new system election. Han Zhibang was elected as the new Anti-Corruption Commissioner, and Jiang Yichong was appointed as the Chief Investigation Officer.

The first Chinese commissioner of the ICAC was born, and the entire ICAC completely entered the Chinese era, with all positions at the director level and above being held by Chinese.

That month, ICAC and the police force jointly established the Integrity Investigation Committee. Ho Dingxian was invited to serve as the first chairman, Han Zhibang became the vice chairman, and Chief Superintendent of the Anti-Corruption Office William served as the secretary-general, with a total of 16 members.

The news that the two offices have joined hands to form a committee to jointly fight corruption has been published in major newspapers, radio and television news, and has become a focus of the Government Government's recent vigorous publicity. The public is also happy about this, believing that the reconciliation between the two offices will be conducive to the development of Hong Kong Island, and they have high hopes for this.

Three months later.

The restructuring of the police force is coming to an end. Ge Bai was unanimously approved in the first constitutional committee election and became the new Commissioner of Police. Ho Ting-yin was promoted to Deputy Director of Operations, and he managed all Hong Kong's operations forces, leading the front-line operations department to the top. He immediately became famous and attracted much attention in the Chinese business circle.

Once upon a time, Chinese police officers could not reach the level of inspector even when they were old. Now, after twenty years of ups and downs, and through the efforts of a generation of strong men, it is finally the turn of the Chinese in the police force to reach the top of power.

This has nothing to do with how much strength Sir He has and how many guns he has mastered. Even if he is the well-deserved number one person in the police force, he still cannot gain recognition without enough fame.

The former Chief Chinese Inspector was still the number one Chinese, with thousands of guns, how could he have any status in the world of Sir? "Zuo Zhuan. The Second Year of Success": Only tools and names cannot be faked. The police chief, Inspector General Hua, is only assigned to work for big bosses. The deputy director of operations, the first brother of the police force, is the powerful boss of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce.

People will only respect pioneers who change the world and have the courage to create new things. Everything that did not exist before is the credit of those who have gone before!

At the same time, Wen Weidou, the former Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Island District, a backbone of the pro-China faction, was promoted to Senior Assistant Director. Former Kowloon District Chief Inspector Qian Weishan was promoted to Kowloon District Police Superintendent and was posted as Mong Kok Commissioner. Former Operations Superintendent Yan Xiong was promoted to Senior Superintendent of Operations to manage all front-line troops in Tai Kwun.

Former New Territories Chief Inspector Zeng Shaoke was promoted to Superintendent and appointed as New Territories O-Record Officer. Former Sham Shui Po Chinese Inspector Choi Siu-kwong was promoted to Superintendent and appointed as the Commissioner of Sham Shui Po. Mong Kok Chinese detective Chang Kong Cho-fai was promoted to superintendent, received the Gold Medal of Valor, and was transferred to the Criminal Division.

After the amnesty order was promulgated, old brothers who had been in cold storage in the police force came out one after another and served in new capacities. Those who have no special performance in the conflict over police integrity will be rewarded with at least a promotion to the next level. Those with special performance in police integrity conflicts are often promoted to one rank and two levels of appointment.

In order to break away from the past money empire era, the police force made the same decision as history, abolishing the criminal division and completely decentralizing its powers to the three departments of uniform, traffic, O record and serious crimes. The functions and powers have become divided, the anti-corruption office has been upgraded to the anti-corruption department, and the person in charge has been designated as the assistant director. The commercial crime investigation team and the internal investigation team have been upgraded to independent police departments.

All internal police officers were promoted to one level. Hao Defu, who had been stuck at the superintendent level for nearly ten years, finally stepped into the director level. William also became the youngest chief superintendent of the police force, but their jobs have hardly changed.

In order to prevent Chinese riots, the explosion-proof response team, the last British force in the police force, was officially transformed into the stormtroopers and became a special service force of the police force. It is equipped with special assault vehicles and takes on the task of responding to emergencies in various districts. Responsibilities of the situation.

End of the year.

He Dingxian was busy with the restructuring of the police force. He went home late at night for several nights in a row. He was a little exhausted. But he was relieved that after finishing the work, his brothers could all have a good New Year.

Although he was responsible for many chores during the restructuring, and even the procedural matters were taken over by Sir Ge, it was his job to properly arrange the brothers and appease people's hearts, and it was still the most tiring job. You must know that since its establishment, the Criminal Division has always been the most valued department among the Chinese.

Even if the powers are constantly being divided, every student police officer regards the Criminal Division as a good department. A department that has existed for 20 years, is of great significance in history and has made outstanding contributions, will be abolished if it is said to be abolished.

The brothers were emotionally flustered and resisted in terms of interests. Overall, they seemed very conservative. It was even more uncomfortable than canceling the fees!

In other words, the brothers' resistance to the abolition of the criminal division is itself a resistance to the abolition of fees.

"Da da da."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a magnetic and hearty voice shouted: "Sir He, there is a report to hand in."

"Please come in."

He Dingxian was wearing a suit and sitting on a leather chair, with the starry night outside the window behind him and a cup of coffee on his right.

Chen Zichao came to the office in uniform and held a document. He stood at attention and saluted, then handed over the report with both hands: "This is the placement document for all criminal team members in Hong Kong."


"Let me take a look." He Dingxian attached great importance to the document that was called for. He took the report and started reading page by page. From time to time, he took out a pen to draw a circle or a check mark. Chen Zichao, who had been promoted to senior superintendent, stood quietly beside him.

The Serious Crime Unit has been upgraded and is affiliated with the Criminal Division. Teams have begun to be formed in various jurisdictions. The main force is to transfer police officers from the previous Criminal Division. It can be said that all the redundant powers of the criminal team were stripped away, leaving only the power of criminal investigation. After joining the serious crime team, it really became like the criminal team.

The abnormal power given by the colonists to achieve the purpose of rule was precisely the reason for the abnormality of the criminal police force. After everything was managed by the Chinese, the police force prospered in all aspects.

"It's not a big problem. Those who have circled will be promoted to a higher level, and those who have checked will find a way to transfer them out." He Dingxian closed the folder and returned it to Chen Zichao.

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Zichao stood at attention and saluted.

Among them are Chen Jiaju, Li Ying and others, but He Dingxian's promotion to them was not just based on familiar faces, but based on their performance in the police integrity conflict over the past few days. Afterwards, He Dingxian picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. He did not rush to let Chen Zichao out, but asked in a slow tone: "Do the guys in the criminal department have any objections to the cancellation of fees?"

"Sir, no!" Chen Zichao looked stern and shouted loudly.

He Dingxian chuckled and said, "Tell the truth."

"To be honest, there is none, and I dare not have it." Chen Zichao said loudly: "Through the police integrity conflict, everyone in the police force knows that corruption cannot last forever. If we take the initiative to reform internally, we can still end up in a good situation. If the police force lost in the conflict, , the consequences must be more serious.”

"The key point is that Sir He helped the guys get an amnesty order. Legally, he can forget the past, and financially he can keep his previous assets."

"Guys have nothing to say."

He Dingxian nodded: "I understand, go back and rest early."


Chen Zichao's tone was relaxed and he said with a concerned look on his face: "Boss, it's time for you to get off work."

"Yes, don't I have to deal with you?" He Dingxian showed a slight smile, Chen Zichao smiled, turned around and left without saying a word.

He Dingxian knew that Chen Zichao was telling the truth. Everyone had seen the blood, so how could they not clearly see the pros and cons, but it would be too naive to think that no one in the criminal team had any hidden agenda. It’s just that I don’t dare to say it.

The monthly fee is higher than the salary. Even if part of it still exists in the form of union subsidies, the missing part is still huge.

It is more difficult to quit greed than to quit drugs.

"People are greedy, and everything is just a matter of weighing the pros and cons. To make people give up their interests, the harm only needs to outweigh the benefits."

He has a clear understanding of human nature in his heart, but as long as no one comes out to undermine the overall situation, he will not deliberately take advantage of his brothers. Without a high-level boss like him to maintain the black order, who is qualified to build a money empire?

The rent collectors actually went to collect the rent, and the guys still wanted to collect the fees, and they wanted nothing more!

One month, one year, two years, over time, fees will naturally become a thing of history, and no one will dare to reverse course anymore. What's more, the order of the money empire is not shaped by the police force alone, but an agreement reached by all disciplinary forces and the entire Hong Kong community.

In addition, the police force has a recruitment quota of 500 people this year, and according to opinions, the police-civilian ratio on Hong Kong Island will be raised to the international average level, that is, a ratio of 1,000 to 8, and 18 police officers out of 1,000 people.

It is expected that within five years, the Hong Kong Island Police Force will exceed 10,000 people and will reach 20,000 people within ten years.

This is an estimate of social demand as the population grows. In the future, the police-to-citizen ratio on Hong Kong Island will actually be the highest in the world. A city with a population of seven million has nearly 40,000 police officers on staff. There are so many, such a large number The police force is filled with new people, and they will naturally have enough power to suppress the old forces and old ideas, and lead the police force to a new level.

When the number of the police force reaches 10,000, no senior police officer can exert power, and freshmen police officers continue to take the stage.

He Dingxian picked up a briefcase, turned off the lights in the office, and walked downstairs, wearing a tie.

"big boss."

Ni Kun opened the car door.

"Chaofu Restaurant."

He threw his bag into the back seat and didn't call home, but continued to meet people.

Now that the white affairs are done, it’s finally time to start working on the underworld.

When the car stopped at the entrance of Chaofu Restaurant, there was no big crowd gathered, and the younger brother was shouting and drinking. There was only a middle-aged man with two personal bodyguards. When he saw the license plate, he bent forward and greeted him.

"Mr. He."

"Mr. He."

He Dingxian walked out of the car on his leather shoes, looked at Jiang Tiansheng in front of him, and patted him on the shoulder without raising his hand: "Ah Sheng, come up and chat."


Jiang Tiansheng raised his head and said with excitement: "Mr. He, I haven't had dinner with you for a long time."

"The police force is very busy, so it's not easy to find time to go out." He Dingxian and the Jiang brothers have changed from frequent meetings to communicating mainly on the phone. The main reason is that there are fewer and fewer places where they can be used. This is something the two brothers are worried about. It was clear that I was somewhat uneasy.

Not to mention Hong Kong Island, even in Nanyang, with Mr. Li taking office, many things have changed.

"Mr. He, please."

He came to the door of a private room, took the initiative to bend down and push the door open, and invited the boss to enter the main table.

People like He Dingxian who often took the main seat were not used to refusing at all, so he sat down without giving in.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

He Dingxian held the wine glass and suddenly said: "Ah Sheng, the first person I see when I have time is you."

"I see."

Jiang Tiansheng straightened his expression, nodded quickly, and appeared to be listening. In fact, countless bigwigs and fierce men in the entire world were waiting for the news of the dinner.

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