Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 518 Two years

Young and Dangerous guys with many prefixes squatted in the laundry room and watched Fu Yixing publicly commit rape. Afterwards, the Department of Corrections did not pursue any investigation or pursue any investigation. They were shocked. They all know that Zhu Zhicong represents not only the community, but also the tacit understanding of the police force.

In the past, all major societies had express regulations prohibiting liaisons with officials.

"Wearing red boots", that is, those who collude with official officials, will be punished with thousands of knives. However, as the police force and associations began to cooperate and both parties jointly maintained social order, the rules were gradually abolished. Every rule serves interests, and interests are naturally more important than rules.

Nowadays, the police force and the society have parted ways, and the old rules have been put on the table again, using warm blood to awaken the memories in people's hearts.

In the end, Zhu Tao's case was closed by suicide. Not only was Zhu Zhicong not held accountable, he also received the highest sentence reduction this year.

"This is what happens when you wear red boots."

A man from Dongyi Hall was hiding in the corner of the playground, leading a group of boys to occupy a corner of the barbed wire fence. He held a cigarette in his hand, looked at the body that was taken away in a body bag by the prison guards, and sighed in a complicated tone. Although there were no harsh words, the expressions of the horses around him were solemn.

Two years later.

Oriental Bank.

"Ah-yin, as the Kwai Chung Container Terminal begins operations, land prices in the New Territories continue to rise." Fok Kwan-tai, wearing a suit with stubble on his face, became increasingly calm: "Now the Hong Kong government is selling land in the Kwai Chung area, and the price per square foot is It has reached five hundred.”

"The price of land is 500 square feet, and when a house is built, the open price is more than 600." He Dingxian sat next to the teahouse and drank tea: "This has already caught up with the land price in Kowloon five years ago."

"It's a bit arrogant."

Huo Guantai shook his head: "But the capital market has begun to pay attention to the New Territories, and a lot of hot money has poured in, causing land prices to soar. The batch of land rights that were previously hoarded are almost used up, and it is time to acquire land rights again this year. It is said that there are several British companies Ziyang Bank also plans to buy it."

In fact, when the Hung Hom Tunnel was officially opened to traffic three years ago, connecting the New Territories, Kowloon and Central, the New Territories officially entered the development period. Although, the pace is later than that of Central and Kowloon, it is mainly responsible for undertaking the industrial transfer of Kowloon.

Such as docks, factories, manufacturing industries, etc.

But it is indeed developing rapidly and vigorously, and it is normal for it to attract capital attention.

Kowloon District was transformed into a residential area, specifically to accommodate the overflowing residential population in Central, while Central was promoted to a core business district, also known as the CBD in later generations, and took on the responsibilities of consumption and tourism.

These three areas will form different levels of development according to the order of development and the size of the land, and they will complement each other. This is definitely a very reasonable move. It can only be said that Gui Lao is really good at playing the economy, and his development concept is thirty years ahead of the Chinese.

Due to the special support of Oriental Bank and the early growth of Chinese capital, a large number of manufacturing industries were born on Hong Kong Island. At present, they mainly gather in Kowloon District, with a small number migrating to the New Territories. Among them, the electronics industry is the most prosperous, and the leader is Hutchison Xiaoqing.

Not only did it become an OEM for many Japanese companies, it also established a research institute and began to research its own products.

Although most independent products are launched as knockoffs, who defines knockoffs?

Hong Kong Island citizens only know that you can buy a radio with a few dozen yuan, a washing machine with a thousand yuan, and a TV set with a thousand and fifty yuan. Even though the product quality is slightly lacking, it comes with a five-year warranty and free maintenance.

This has greatly lowered the level of consumption of television products by Hong Kong people. Both radio and television have quickly gained a large number of listeners and viewers, which has greatly promoted the development of the entertainment industry.

If Hutchison Xiaoqing does not provide a warranty, there will be money to be made from knock-off products. If it provides a warranty, even research funding will require loans. However, both Wu Xiaoqing and He Dingxian have always asked for a warranty. Wu Xiaoqing hopes to establish a brand reputation, seize the market in advance, and become a big Chinese brand in the future.

He Dingxian won the wireless television license and founded TVB, which can make money through the entertainment industry and achieve a win-win situation.

"With the opening of the Hung Hom Tunnel, the ferry industry is getting worse day by day. The newly launched tourist routes have temporarily low incomes. Hong Kong Island has no tourists at all." He Dingxian sighed in his heart: "Hong Kong Island is a small island with poor culture and shallow history. How can tourism be developed if it is limited?”

"According to the standards of Hong Kong Island cities, the transportation hub industry that is most suitable for development is to serve as a transfer station and provide hotels, accommodation and other services to tourists. However, since the 1990s, tourism on Hong Kong Island has flourished, all with the support of mainland compatriots."

"So, we don't need to think about the tourism industry for the time being. When the ferry industry can make a comeback through tourism, Hong Kong's electronics industry will probably be able to enter the mainland duty-free and compete with foreign brands for the market, right?" After all, the electronics industry is a high-tech industry, representing manufacturing in a region. the highest level of the industry.

To be able to enter the mainland market in the 1980s and successfully win a game was a sign that Hong Kong Island was catching up quickly and successfully catching up with the international pace. If we could compete with Apple in the 2000s and enter the global market, our life would have been a worthwhile one.

Won glory for the country!

The geographical advantage of Hong Kong Island is really good. You can enter the mainland market and get preferential treatment. You can import and export to foreign markets and seize the opportunity. Because, for the mainland market, the products from Hong Kong Island are "domestic products" and "independent brands". For the foreign market, the products from Hong Kong Island are "Hong Kong products", which have not been mixed with the Soviet Union and have not been baptized. Capitalist stuff.

This is not an intentional double standard, but the original purpose of the establishment of the "special zone" system was to prevent Hong Kong Island's economy from being too affected by the return and to protect Hong Kong Island citizens to a certain extent. And the window city is to leave space and be a little vague in concept to give both parties the opportunity for friendly exchanges.

And foreign countries will spare no effort to smear Hong Kong Island and create the impression that Hong Kong Island does not belong to China. Smart businessmen, as long as they don't make mistakes in matters of great right and wrong, can gain more economically and gain the value of united front, it will be good for the country.

The premise is that we cannot be like some losers in history who only understand the value of the mainland and cannot appreciate the value of foreign countries. Instead, they ate their fill in the mainland and licked bowls from abroad. That's because you don't know who the master is, and you're bad and stupid.

If you can eat well at home and use your strength to fight for food abroad, then you can really live up to the historical value of the city!

"Don't worry about the British-owned foreign companies. New Territories people probably won't sell Ding rights to ghosts." He Dingxian opened the cigar box, picked out a cigar and handed it to Huo Guantai. He said with a smile: "Let me say hello to the four major surnames again. This year's Ding All rights were acquired by Oriental Bank.”

Since the decentralization of Ding Warrants, the rise and fall have become much more obvious.

Although there is no way to list it on the secondary market, the primary market already has a price. How much it goes up or down every day can be found out with just a phone call. However, few people can buy Ding rights in the market. First, most of the Ding rights were acquired by Oriental Group and belong to Oriental Group's private land in the New Territories. Secondly, the leaders of the four major surnames became rich with the development of the New Territories, and began to hoard Dingquan on their own, hoping to engage in real estate business in the future.

They just didn't want to cooperate with the Hong Kong government before, and they would naturally not corporatize the family after being exploited for their ruling power. But as the development of the New Territories has become a foregone conclusion, family companies have become a trend. If you can develop it yourself, you naturally want to make more money.

Ho Ting-yin acquires rights in the New Territories, but his income is actually getting less and less every year.

Huo Guantai was worried that it was not enough, so he went to see Sir He. But after receiving Sir He's promise, he felt relieved and blew out the smoke: "Okay, the company is waiting for you to provide the land."

He Dingxian smiled, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip: "Ding Quan also has a cycle. Except for the first three years, there will be fewer and fewer Ding Quan in the next ten years, until there is another batch of Ding Quan in the eighteenth year. The right to go public.”

According to statistics from the Hong Kong government, more than 100,000 rights were approved in the first three years, including young people who have just turned 18 and elderly people in their 80s. After deducting 60% of the indigenous people who build their own houses, 40% of the Ding rights can be put on the market.

This is also the reason why He Dingxian can make large-scale acquisitions at extremely low prices.

But with the release of the first wave of stocks, Ding Quan will become less and less year by year. Because Ding rights are bound to population, and the future will be bound to birth and population. It takes eighteen years from the time a New Territories person is born to the time when he is granted Ding rights.

Although the Ding Rights policy stimulated the number of births in the New Territories in the first two years, because only men can obtain Ding Rights, in fact, the number of Ding Rights that this wave of births can apply for is far less than before. A large part of the Dingquan in He Dingxian's hands was used to build a warehousing company, and a small part was used to build buildings. The rest was held for future growth.

Because the first and second ports of Kwai Chung Terminal are jointly operated by Wharf, China Merchants and Jebsen \u0026 Company. The Hong Kong government has canceled public tendering and instead operated the business under the leadership of the government, which is equivalent to a state-owned enterprise. But under the banner of the free market, I attracted two foreign companies to work.

This can be regarded as MacLehose's silent protest against Chinese capital, but the Hong Kong government controlled the first two piers, and it was the Chinese's turn later. Therefore, Chinese investors are generally not in a hurry. He Dingxian owned part of Wharf's shares and could earn some dividends, but he couldn't satisfy his appetite, so he established a freight company and logistics park in the New Territories. It specializes in collecting and distributing goods arriving at the port, and its business has been very prosperous in recent years. In the long run, it is far more cost-effective to build logistics parks using land in the New Territories than to build residential buildings and sell them.


"Although New Territories people are traditional and like to have more children and be blessed, and are stimulated by the Dingquan policy, they will definitely account for a part of the population growth in the future. However, as the development of the New Territories deepens and is affected by the economy, the population growth will definitely shrink."

Huo Guantai has seen population survey reports. The higher the average income, the lower the birth rate.

According to him, the future population growth of Hong Kong Island cannot be expected from the New Territories, but from the first generation of new immigrants. Only the first generation of new immigrants will have a strong desire to have children, but not the second generation.

He Dingxian knows that eighteen years after every birth wave in the New Territories, there will be a game surrounding the rights of the New Territories!

It is not surprising that population is the basis of all economies and the future of all organizations.

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