Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 519 A little willfulness of power


Works Department.

This is a first-level department under the Development Bureau, which is responsible for urban development planning and building and land affairs. It is the predecessor of the Lands Department in later generations, such as land transfer, construction of public housing, parks, etc.

"Ding ding ding."

Office of the Administrator.

The Director of Public Works, Bupei, was wearing a suit and holding a pen. He was signing documents. When he heard the phone ringing, he reached out to pick it up: "Hello."

"Bu sir."

"I am He Dingxian."

He Dingxian was sitting in the restaurant, holding a cigar in his mouth and standing in front of the window holding a phone.

Bu Pei was stunned at first, but then he immediately reacted and said: "Sir He, what do you want from me?"

"Just a little thing, can you take some time at noon to chat at Chaofu Restaurant?"

He Dingxian's voice was full of laughter.

"no problem."

Bu Pei agreed readily: "I am extremely honored to have the opportunity to meet Sir He."

"Then it'll be twelve o'clock. See you there or not."

He Dingxian glanced at the clock on the wall of the box. It was already half past eleven. After hanging up the phone, Bupei hurriedly closed the documents, tidied his clothes, picked up the car keys and left the office. Normally, there is little contact between disciplinary forces and administrative departments, especially administrative offices with great power and high status such as the Public Works Department.

You know, the Public Works Department is also responsible for the two important positions of the Land Bureau and the Planning Bureau. No matter which city it is placed in, it will always be a first-class and fertile position.

Although He Dingxian himself did not have much friendship with Bupei, Oriental Group and Fok Xiantang Real Estate often dealt with the Department of Public Works, which involved many exchanges of interests. The Director of Public Works must make a big deal.

Moreover, Sir Ho is a senior officer of the disciplinary forces. Unlike those big bosses, he is not a junior sitting in front of the Director of Public Works. His status is slightly higher.

There are some things that real estate bosses cannot do, but for Sir He, it only takes a meal or a word.


Arrive at twelve o'clock.

Bu Pei was in a suit and leather shoes, and rushed to the restaurant. Under the guidance of the waiter, he went to the door of the box. When he saw Sir He and two accompanying guests standing at the door to greet him, he quickly stepped forward, bent down to shake hands, and said with a smile: "He Sir."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

He Dingxian held his hand and said sincerely: "Thank you Sir Bu for the compliment, please come in!"


Bu Pei nodded heavily, and when he saw Qiu De, who was accompanying him, he nodded slightly, showing a look of familiarity.

The two of them just kept in touch with each other during the banquet and didn't talk about anything serious. But Bupei has been in politics for many years, so how could he not understand why Sir must ask for something when he is invited to a banquet? So after more than forty minutes, after eating and drinking, Fang smiled and said, "Did Sir He encounter any difficulties in the real estate industry?"

"As long as it doesn't violate the regulations of the Office, I will definitely help."

If there is no violation of the regulations, why do we still need to invite the Commissioner?

He Dingxian smiled and said nothing, poured a cup of tea and put it on the turntable, then gently turned it to Bu Pei: "To tell you the truth, Sir Bu, it's not that I ran into trouble in the real estate industry, it's that the villagers in the New Territories have some objections to Ding Quan. "


Bu Pei originally thought it was a trivial matter, but when he heard Ding Quan from the New Territory, his expression suddenly changed and he became more vigilant: "What happened in the New Territory? If you have any problems, you can communicate well. Don't use the old method to deal with it. It is harmful to the New Territory. "

He Dingxian was amused by Gui Lao's nervousness and shook his head: "Everyone in the construction industry knows that the villagers in the New Territories have Ding rights. They have joined forces to deliberately raise the price of building houses in the New Territories and sell building materials at high prices. This has made many New Territories people miserable."

"You also know that the villagers in the New Territories have land, but they don't have money in their pockets. They can't be deceived by those black-hearted builders, but the market behavior and the police force can't help. I can only hope that Sir Bu can help. .”

Bupei became more and more confused as he listened, and couldn't help asking: "How can I help?"

"Follow the market and tighten Ding Quan's approval so that builders won't sell materials at high prices." He Dingxian was talking nonsense, but Bu Pei was clear-eyed and understood: "Sir He, don't worry."

"I will definitely help the New Territories villagers with all my heart."

He Dingxian laughed loudly: "Hahaha."

"Bu sir."


Bu Pei stood up and clinked glasses with him. Both of them were very happy.

He Dingxian held the empty cup and even said with a smile: "Sir and I really regret meeting each other a few years ago. If I had met Sir a few years earlier, I would have given him a big red envelope as a thank you gift. Unfortunately, the police force is a disciplinary force and cannot do this anymore." This is it."

"Sir He is joking. It is my duty to serve the citizens. It is my fault that I need to let Sir He communicate with the villagers." Bu Pei looked drunk and smiled obscenely.

Qiu Degeng stood up and handed out a VIP card with both hands: "Sir Bu, this is a new private club opened by Oriental Group. This is an experience card. It includes massage and catering services. It should not be considered a bribe. ?”

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count." Bupei's eyes lit up.

"This is also the first time for the Oriental Group to open a club. I hope Sir Bu will have time to correct it."

Qiu Degen put the card in Bupei's hand.

He Dingxian smiled and said: "The experience card is worthless. If this is considered bribery, will the ICAC still be busy?"

"Ha ha."

Experience cards are indeed worthless. What is truly valuable is the status and power of the card holder.

If Ho Ting-hsien wants to acquire the rights of young people in the New Territories, he does not need to fight with the New Territories villagers or real estate owners. That is so low-level and a third-rate coward. Those who have power, as long as they are a little willful, will get approval from the authorities.

Those rights holders in the New Territories are demanding that he take back the rights!

Bupei didn't understand at first, but later he realized that those excuses made no sense. Unfortunately, the world is not driven by reason, but by interests.

As long as there are benefits.

That night.

With the idea of ​​seeing the world, Bupei drove alone to the Oriental Club in Pok Fu Lam. He made a phone call in advance to make an appointment. When he arrived at the door, someone helped him park the car, and then he took a shuttle bus to the manor-style building.

The lobby on the first floor has a complete Chinese style, which can be described as antique and rich in literary and artistic temperament.

There are not only small bridges and flowing water, but also a small stage with graceful dancing artists wearing ancient costumes and dancing in the clouds and mist. Although Bupei is a ghost, he suddenly found that he likes Chinese culture very much.

That swaying figure, graceful dance steps, that small waist, and that big butt.

It turns out that culture and art all over the world are so connected. It turns out that he really has artistic talent.

That night, not only did he find a box of gold bars in the VIP room, he also took two art classes and became a teacher of four female artists. Art itself is meant to flatter the superior and the powerful, and is specifically designed to serve those in power. It can even be said that culture sprouts from power.

This is two completely different cores from the grassroots culture born from the bottom. Therefore, it is more accepted and recognized by the mainstream. The right to interpret the mainstream lies in the hands of those in power. There are often more artists in the upper class, or artists often need celebrities, and the same is true for the endorsement of high officials.

This club is not run by Sir He. He himself does not object to similar things, but he dislikes them even more. He treats them completely as the rules of social operation. So he let shopkeeper Qiu take charge, but apart from anything else, he really got a lot of business benefits.

Gui Lao likes to experience Chinese culture. Yan Xiong, Chen Zichao, Qian Weishan and others often go to experience European and American culture. Chen Lidu occasionally comes to wash his feet and check the average size of white girls.

New Territories.

Tsuen Wan.

At the Hong Kong government office, inside the door of the office of the Secretary for Public Works in the New Territories, a burst of curses suddenly sounded: "Fuck your mother, you damn ghost! You are bullying people. Last week, someone was approved for Ding rights. Why is the approval of Ding rights suspended today?"

"If you dare to bully people from the New Territories, be careful if you walk at night and be killed!"

Several villagers sitting on the benches in the corridor stood up anxiously after hearing this: "What's going on?"

"Ding Quan can't do it?"

Villagers who came from outside to apply for Ding rights poured in and surrounded the door of the office.

The resident of the Department of Public Works saw a group of villagers yelling and killing when they were unhappy. He was very frightened, but he still calmed the villagers loudly according to the document: "Everyone, don't panic. Ding rights applications can still be processed as usual, but the approval time is limited. It’ll be a little longer.”

"Recently, the Public Works Department has discovered many cases of people lying about their age and forging identity documents to defraud their rights."

"Everyone knows that all land in the New Territories belongs to the people of the New Territories. One piece is approved and one piece is reduced. In order to protect the interests of all New Territories villagers. The Public Works Department has strengthened the approval process, which requires longer time for approval."

This passage is indeed persuasive. In addition, the Public Works Department has a good reputation in recent years, and the villagers present are no longer angry about making trouble.

"Those who have applied can continue to come in. Those who have already applied can go home and wait for news. After approval, the Works Department will call and send an official notification to collect the land title." said the resident of the Department of Public Works: "Please understand."

"Okay, okay, come back in a few days."

Some villagers sighed.

"Fuck you."

"I want the title deed now, or I'll smash your office."

Another person with a hot temper refused to agree.

"Get out of the way."

"You won't die if you wait for two more days, so hurry up and let us submit the application procedures." But someone immediately refuted that the villagers could not organize together at all. Although the New Territories villagers have always been the most troubled people in Hong Kong Island, after the urbanization of the New Territories, the clan system has indeed been disintegrated and weakened to a certain extent.

The Public Works Department did not restart the approval process a few days later. On the contrary, the week quickly dragged on to a month. More and more villagers were unable to obtain Dingquan title deeds. After relevant news flowed to the capital market, The price of Ding warrants fell sharply in response.

Because the Dingquan certificate that cannot be redeemed is actually a piece of waste paper.

The longer the approval process drags on, the more the price of Dingquan will continue to fall.

Tsuen Wan.

Lu's Ancestral Hall.

Lu Hanwen, wearing a T-shirt with dark skin, strode into the tea room and said anxiously: "Brother Tao, the price of land per square foot has dropped to 380. In just one month, the family has lost millions of Hong Kong dollars. "

"We cannot let land prices fall any further."

"This is cutting the flesh of the New Territories villagers!"

Lu Hantao was wearing a black gown and was sitting in the tea room. He waved calmly and said, "What's the rush? Let's sit down and drink tea together. It's not just the Lu family that has fallen. It's also the entire New Territories land prices that have fallen. Gui Lao wants to cause trouble." "

"Are we New Territories people afraid?"

There was a black mole at the corner of Lu Hantao's mouth. Over the years, the two hairs grew longer and longer. Accompanied by that condescending look, he really had a domineering air without anger.

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