The police officer Ma Teng knew that Zhang Hao had already been dispatched, and he was determined to help solve this problem.

After all, all of them had to make some efforts to deal with the matter of this little devil gang, because the little devil was almost irreconcilable with them.

Zhang Hao was very extreme in everything he did, and wanted to uproot a thing.

So at this moment, although he apparently touched a team of about dozens of people, there were actually a bunch of vans around, and all kinds of people began to surround him.

This was a blockade in different directions, and this time Officer Ma Teng didn't have much to say.

After all, Officer Ma Teng also knew that this era was full of good and bad people, and Zhang Hao actually wanted to do some good things, and he was unwilling to intervene.

Zhang Hao was able to stand in the same direction with them and help them deal with some things, which made Ma Teng feel particularly grateful.

Other people might have a strong resistance to Zhang Hao, but Officer Ma Teng recognized Zhang Hao quite a lot.

So Officer Ma Teng had to do some responsible things to control many things.

To prevent other people from causing a bad blow to Zhang Hao and his team.

After Zhang Hao and his team arrived at this location, they found the location of the gambler after a search.

This character has no special features, so he was directly called a gambler.

Among them, the gambler's location was a very poor place, surrounded by a group of people who didn't even have a house.

They lived under some high walls, and there were strong winds in it, which sometimes made them unable to sleep peacefully.

At this time, Zhang Hao followed his brothers and walked towards it, and Officer Ma Teng and his team were the first to open the way.

There was a lot of smoke in it, and a group of people were still smoking that kind of special item.

There is a large group of people here, they are screaming like evil spirits, they have been poisoned.

Zhang Hao disdains these people, they could have worked hard to live, but in the end they lost everything because of some items.

Then he entered the slum.

There are many people in this slum who work hard for their lives, they work day and night.

But there are also people who used to have a very rich life, and finally because of their various temptations, they finally reached this state.

Officer Ma Teng is also very helpless, many of them are his old friends, and these are guys he has caught.

But there is no choice, because their sentences have expired, they can only be released in the end.

Now they are still at large here, or maybe they are spending the rest of their lives in misery.

Officer Ma Teng lit a cigarette, and several of his brothers had begun to block them, and they were thinking about how to get in.

But just when they were still thinking, a man in a black evening gown came out.

This guy's clothes are relatively new in this slum.

At this time, Officer Ma Teng was quick-witted and recognized this guy at a glance. He was the one who blocked the traffic in the video that day.

This guy is the gambler.

So Officer Ma Teng roared directly and began to chase him, trying to press the phone to the ground.

Zhang Hao saw Officer Ma Teng's rampage and instantly understood what was going on. It turned out that this guy had appeared.

He directly asked his younger brothers to start to move out. Zhang Hao's younger brothers have been in the underworld for many years.

He was not afraid of anyone in terms of fighting and doing things. He rushed over in an instant and hit the younger brother.

The gambler saw this group of people surrounding him, and he did not hesitate at all.

He pulled out a stick from his waist to attack.

The group of guys in front of him were not his opponents at all. These guys were all martial artists in the Japanese gang.

Moreover, he had been living in seclusion in this area for so many years, so he could escape from this group of people in an instant.

Officer Ma Teng was also very angry at this time. He did not expect to be defeated by such a person.

Officer Ma Teng was knocked to the ground by a stick. He was in so much pain that he wanted to see Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao and his group of people attacked him crazily.

Although their opponents were particularly strong, the gambler was a capable person.

Zhang Hao stretched out the gun in his hand and shot through the gambler's thigh.

Zhang Hao had a gun he bought himself, and guns were not illegal at this time, so he could use it directly.

This gun shot through the gambler's thigh, and the gambler was in excruciating pain.

There must be some dangers at this time, such as he would eat the capsule in his mouth. Zhang Hao ran over and pried the man's mouth open with his hands.

And he hit the man's teeth with the butt of the gun fiercely, making the guy's mouth full of blood.

Several younger brothers beside him held down the man. The gambler wanted to die, but Zhang Hao took out the capsule directly.

The capsule was thrown to the side, and this thing needs to be studied again.

Only by finding the antidote for this thing can we get a certain result and not let them die directly.

After rescuing them, we can still verify and get the things of these guys clearly.

This is Zhang Hao's idea. He couldn't help but light a cigarette and saw the guy in front of him was beaten.

The police officers beside him also gathered around and nodded when they saw the guy in front of him being dealt with.

After all, Zhang Hao is a tough guy.

He is really capable of doing these things, and the military guys on the side all widened their eyes.

Even Ma Teng forgot that he was a policeman and should be equipped with a gun.

He should have shot at the beginning, but he didn't expect that Zhang Hao would shoot in advance. This kind of thing is a bit shameful.

But Ma Teng is a man with a sense of justice. He doesn't care about these things, but the group of brothers beside him are a little dumbfounded.

At this time, Zhang Hao didn't say much, so he asked them to take this kid back and keep a close watch on him.

At that time, people with average physical fitness would not be able to hold him down, so they had to tie him up directly.

At this time, Ma Teng was familiar with it because he often carried out this kind of arrest work.

These people must be settled down.

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