The boy was caught and tied up, and both arms were locked with iron rings in the hospital.

This guy's eyes were bulging and he was struggling constantly.

But now he had no way to escape, and he was tied up tightly and in pain.

This deep shame made him feel that he was not very good.

But after all, this gambler was still trapped, and there was no reason to struggle.

Zhang Hao understood that some people were not worthy of sympathy at all. This gambler had harmed countless people.

Those kids of the motorcycle gang had no problems at all, and they were framed by his design.

In the end, they went to a road of no return, and they might spend their whole lives in prison.

And these people are just pawns used by this gambler.

Zhang Hao learned through hypnosis that the guy's name is 050.

This kid's original name is Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi now wants to avoid the attack, but there is no way.

It is very clear that Zhang Hao has a certain reason for everything he does.

Officer Ma Teng was not in a position to say much, and could only watch quietly from the side.

However, just when all of them were thinking about what would happen next, Dongfang Ming arrived in the hospital in person.

He took a look at the man named Yamaguchi.

This guy is full of pride, and his temperament is a little different. He is not one of the little devils.

At this time, Zhang Hao saw Dongfang Ming's appearance and asked if he knew him.

Dongfang Ming carefully identified him and felt that this guy looked like an old friend of his.

Because this kid looks a bit like this mainland, this Yamaguchi should be a hybrid.

Yamaguchi saw Dongfang Ming and couldn't help laughing. They all gathered around him. It was really funny.

"I've never been watched by so many people in my life. Get out of here!"

Although his hands and feet were tied at this time, his mouth was dirty. Although he had many secrets that were heard by Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao used this hypnosis to instantly reveal all the hidden secrets inside him.

But Yamaguchi thought he didn't have any more secrets to talk about, and he didn't care about them.

Because he had entered a brainwashing before coming, he had been brainwashed by many things.

At that time, he had only one plan in his mind, which was to kill Zhang Hao and he had to kill him.

Other things had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Zhang Hao's mind had drifted far away. He lit a cigarette, as if he had returned to the past.

He didn't know how these things had developed to this point, and why did these guys want to kill him?

Did they really find some secrets? But Zhang Hao didn't want to think too much.

He went over and slapped the man hard.

He told Dongfang Ming that if this man was really useful, he could take him away.

If this guy was useless, Zhang Hao would put him in the most stringent prison.

These were some of Zhang Hao's rights. He helped Officer Ma Teng catch so many murderers.

These were all major international villains, all top bullies among the Japanese gangs.

These police officers had not caught them for so many years, and now Zhang Hao had brought them to justice one by one.

This showed one thing, that Zhang Hao had enough strength and ability to achieve a certain degree of deterrence.

No wonder the Japanese gang wanted to start a fight with Zhang Hao and wanted to get rid of him.

In fact, these were all very difficult problems.

Because Zhang Hao was already very outstanding in doing this.

"I just think she looks familiar, but I'm not sure about all of his identities. I need to investigate all of his things."

Dongfang Ming felt that this person was indeed not simple, and he must be firmly controlled and have a deep understanding of all these things.

Only in this way can he cause some situations, otherwise he may not be able to control the development of such things.

Dongfang Ming thought carefully for a while, lit a cigarette, and looked at Zhang Hao, who was so imposing

's look made him laugh.

This guy is a capable and courageous person, while the guys around him are just making trouble.

At this time, Dongfang Ming asked his men to investigate. As a large gambling god in this area, he already had a group of younger brothers.

Although he showed that he was just the owner of a lunch shop, he had an attitude in everything he did.

Zhang Hao found that Dongfang Ming actually had such an idea, and he was not in a position to stop him. Let him do whatever he wanted.

That night, Dongfang Ming lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Zhang Hao was very serious about everything he did. He knew very well that he was heading in this direction now.

The opponent must be firmly controlled.

At this time, Yamaguchi was smaller and used various languages ​​to insult.

These were a large number of elites in the Japanese gang who would use various languages.

At this time, these words were all things that could not be heard in Ma Teng's ears.

Officer Ma Teng was a very good person, and he was also proficient in various languages.

It has a deep awareness and various control over these things.

So when he saw this mountain pass, he insulted Zhang Hao in various languages ​​and they were instantly angry.

He directly took an iron stick and beat the guy in front of him hard.

He beat this guy so hard that he was covered with bruises and grimaced in pain.

And he planned to send him to a prison the next day to let him feel what bloody storms are like.

At this time, Zhang Hao lit a cigarette, and he couldn't help laughing when he looked at his new friends quietly.

I don't know what kind of distant place they will go to next?

Because the gang of that little devil has never stopped.

Perhaps their goal is particularly clear, and it will create a more dangerous environment in the near future.

These things must contain them all in the bud.

At this time, Zhang Hao smiled indifferently, and several people around him began to applaud crazily.

I think this is a great thing.

Moreover, Zhang Hao discovered that some things were not what he wanted them to be.

For example, the person in front of him, Yamaguchi, was actually brainwashed.

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