The old man was very angry.

Yamaguchi has been shouting all the time, acting very rampant, as if no one dares to touch him.

In fact, this is completely because the people around him have been eyeing him covetously, especially Ma Teng and Dong Jianyu.

As a person who has been very cautious in doing things for so many years, Officer Ma Teng still retains some rationality.

But Dong Jianyu has been in full swing for so long and has always been a hot-tempered person.

In front of Zhang Hao, Dong Jianyu is more restrained, but it is different behind Zhang Hao.

Dong Jianyu waited until Zhang Hao went out to do some other work and entered Yamaguchi's room alone.

Yamaguchi is no longer of much use. We just need to send him to a large prison after he recovers.

So Dong Jianyu looked disdainful and punched the man on the head.

The guy was beaten so hard that he saw stars. He didn't expect someone to dare to do it here.

There were police officers all around, especially Officer Ma Teng, who was a man with a strong sense of justice.

Even if he was facing an unforgivable criminal, he could control these people.

I didn't expect Dong Jianyu to dare to rush over to fight at this time. Yamaguchi was extremely angry at this time.

"Don't think too much. No one will come to save you. You will definitely be punished today!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Officer Ma Teng didn't think much in the office next to him.

His younger brothers reminded him that Dong Jianyu didn't know what to do in the medical room.

Officer Ma Teng couldn't help laughing and said that this was Zhang Hao's good subordinate who generally wouldn't do anything out of line.

So Officer Ma Teng didn't say much and continued to look up some information.

He wanted to learn more about the situation of those little devils. Now they have received these transcripts and some records.

These things are the first-hand information they studied. If they hadn't had Zhang Hao's help before, they might not have been able to find the reason in their lifetime.

It's almost impossible to fight against those little devils.

Now with the help of Zhang Hao, they are now facing the organization of this group of little devils.

Everyone is watching, especially the big guys in the industry, they are also waiting for an opportunity.

Like the gamblers.

As a gambling god, Dongfang Ming has his own awareness and knows how to control the organization of the little devils.

Those guys are a group of devil-like opponents in the whole land of China.

None of them will easily give up the gambling god who kills this group of little devils. He helps with all his strength and intends to use money to support Zhang Hao.

Dongfang Ming has been planning this matter, but he has not yet implemented it. He is waiting for an opportunity.

When that time comes, he will meet Zhang Hao in person, after all, they are all emerging now.

Because I have completely grasped all of this, the Japanese gang is still gradually pulling in secret.

At this time, Ma Teng thought for a moment, and he felt that some things are not what you want.

They must follow this clue to explore little by little, and this mountain pass seems to have some problems.

He seems to be hiding something, and these things are not easy to control.

Just when they have started to take turns on duty at night, Dong Jianyu has not come out yet.

Dong Jianyu's big fist hit the face of the Japanese like raindrops, and he shouted and begged.

How arrogant he was before, how painful he is now, and he is grinning in pain.

The man's always majestic appearance has now disappeared completely.

Dong Jianyu never wanted to let this guy go. He thought that this guy was against him and was quite disadvantageous to Zhang Hao.

Isn't this just not taking Zhang Hao seriously? Zhang Hao is the big brother of the underworld in this area.

Can he be insulted by such a little devil.

Although Dong Jianyu knew that this guy was just 050 in the sequence of the little devil.

People of this level have reached such a level, it is obvious that Dong Jianyu is still a little afraid.

But after all, he is a big man under Zhang Hao, at least people

Zhang Hao is backing him up.

With such a relationship, Dong Jianyu is not afraid of anything and beats this kid so hard that he sees stars.

Just when Dong Jianyu was about to beat this guy, someone pushed the door open.

Officer Ma Teng rushed in and found that this guy had been beaten to death and was in pain.

Although Officer Ma Teng thought that Dong Jianyu should continue to beat him and beat this kid more.

But now he also found that if this kid really died, they all had an inseparable relationship.

They all had to bear some responsibility, so Officer Ma Teng came to stop this kid before he was about to die.

So Dong Jianyu was also stunned at this time. He had agreed with Officer Ma Teng not to get involved.

But since Officer Ma Teng came, Dong Jianyu had to stop in time.

At this time, this guy was beaten so hard that he saw stars in his mouth, but his consciousness seemed to be gradually recovering.

It's not like he has fallen into a coma or a stupid state. It seems that he has changed.

This situation made Officer Ma Teng a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that this guy was brainwashed, but his consciousness gradually disappeared.

It's not that he disappeared completely, but he still retained some memories.

After experiencing such a strong beating like Dong Jianyu, he was able to recover as before.

However, Officer Ma Teng also knew that it was impossible to easily interrogate him at this time, and Zhang Hao still needed to do it.

Only Zhang Hao could get a very clear instruction and mastery in it.

At this time, Zhang Hao couldn't help laughing with his eyes wide open.

I heard that the guy was stunned by Dong Jianyu and recovered his memory.

At this time, Zhang Hao didn't say much, and ran away directly, and this matter was also discovered by some paparazzi.

As the editor-in-chief, Feng Kejin also understood that there could be no omissions in this matter.

They also need to get first-hand information about this matter and understand the relationship between the past and the present.

This matter is particularly clear and fresh.

At this time, a lot of people ran over quickly and arrived at the hospital.

What they didn't know was that someone was faster.

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