The dead body was completely dead, and the tough man under him also died with him. The bodies of the two men were neatly arranged together. Zhang Hao didn't even take a look. He looked up and down carefully with a cigarette in his mouth, thinking that these things were too incredible. It made him feel that these things were a little unreal, and made people feel some deep doubts. However, Zhang Hao also had a consciousness. He understood that some things were not what he wanted. Some things must be firmly grasped in their hands. They must know what the background of this eight claws is. Only by dealing with all those people and knocking them to the ground can they fight fiercely. Sometimes Zhang Hao's heart had already turned over, he knew that the group of Japanese devils would not retreat easily.

None of them was easy to deal with, they were all tough guys with strong strength.

At this moment, Zhang Hao carefully looked at the people around him and felt that this matter had reached a point where it could not be discussed.

The people around Zhang Hao gathered around, among whom was Heita, who shook hands with the people around him with a warm face.

They all knew that now that Zhang Hao had stood in this position, he should have some clear actions of his own.

How they would face the Japanese devils next was already a top priority.

If they retreated easily and gave up easily at this time, then everything would be lost.

They had to pack up everything they should have.

Feng Kejin, the editor-in-chief at the time, still arrived at the scene and published everything, but did not mention anything about Zhang Hao.

After all, if this thing is made clear, Zhang Hao will suffer certain losses and will be traumatized.

So everything Zhang Hao is doing now has become something of a dark era.

There is nothing particularly dangerous.

Zhang Hao is holding a cigarette, which is full of smoke and steam, and the people around him are full of emotion.

Maybe some things are not easy to grasp, but some things must be as stable as Mount Tai.

Zhang Hao's heart has already rolled down.

"Why do you say that this kind of thing is not right?"

Zhang Hao thinks this is still a very outrageous thing, just like someone behind him told him something strange.

For example, how can we control the development of this problem and then control these things within a reasonable range?

This is a big problem. At this time, Zhang Hao thought for a while and then he was going to operate.

Just when Zhang Hao was about to start, someone suddenly told him something, that is, to make some things accurate to a certain extent.

Zhang Hao widened his eyes and thought about his next plan.

The man told Zhang Hao that some things were not under their control, and that was the shipping.

They needed to smuggle, and these things were the means by which the big brothers in the underworld usually made money.

If there were no smuggled items, I'm afraid Zhang Hao would not be able to get by now, and his subordinates would betray Zhang Hao one after another. He understood these things.

So now Zhang Hao has everything in his hands and feels that he must continue the smuggling.

So the Japanese gang planned to disrupt the situation at this time. What kind of people would be sent is still unknown.

But it is obvious that the Japanese gang's previous octopus was powerful enough, and this time it is possible that some powerful people will come out.

Heita drank with several people and told his thoughts. He knew someone who was a powerful guy in the hands of the Japanese.

Dong Jianyu lit a cigarette and looked indifferent.

He knew that some things were not easy to find.

But there are some things he must make some changes to, and he must think about these things clearly.

For example, in the Black Tower, he said there was a character called a magician, who could not use magic to the extreme, and was particularly powerful.

He even said that he could perform a real great transformation and make a person disappear out of thin air.

This character seems to have some special abilities, which is really too much

It's amazing.

After hearing this, several people on the side widened their eyes, especially Dong Jianyu, who thought it was too unbelievable.

It was just like a joke.

Is there really such a thing? Dong Jianyu was not sure, he thought this was a complete joke.

He lit a cigarette, and then blew out a smoke ring very easily. This time they were responsible for escorting Zhang Hao's goods and had to send them outside.

These things are also to promote development. If there were no development of these things, I'm afraid there would not be any economic explosion.

Dong Jianyu and his people began to pack their luggage. This time, there were Ma Qing, the double gun, and Dong Jianyu, Zhang Hao's capable general.

Among them, Heita actually knew the little devil gang very well, and he also joined the escort mission this time.

After all, Zhang Hao felt that some things were not reassuring, so since he had announced this time, he was also ready to escort these important things together.

There are many cultural relics and various treasures in it, they need to be transported back to the country, because they are now leaving from the little devil's port.

All of this must be sent back safely. The Black Tower people have thought very clearly that they need to pack up the things here.

They are now on their way to a distant place, and their goal is to transport these things back.

Now they must first reach the port of the little devils and load all the things on the ship first.

So the grand journey of the day began, and they were waiting on a passenger ship.

That night, the double gun Ma Qing wanted to play some mahjong games, and they toasted each other.

They had a lot of fun, and the refreshing expression made the people around them very happy.

At this time, Zhang Hao's heart had already gradually approached the edge of a collapse.

After all, he suddenly found a figure shaking constantly, and this guy set up a stage.

He performed some magic here, and some playing cards in his hand also made many people feel curious.

There are many people in this cruise ship, such as Officer Ma Teng, who also joined here, and he hoped to see the return of those cultural relics.

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