The magician looked very sharp, and he looked a little special, which made people feel weird. But such a person has his own unique personality. He is not impatient and has some operating methods. He acts as if he can see through everything here. He doesn't care about anyone's eyes. He just performs by himself, and he can enter this luxury cruise ship, which can be regarded as a bit of identity and status. Zhang Hao is curious about what this is, and he doesn't know how to understand it. The piano music in front of him is also played with special sound. The voice is particularly delicate. The people in front of him began to immerse themselves in this kind of life and felt a little confused. Moreover, Heita felt that something was not right about this kind of thing, and it looked a little ambiguous.

However, these things were somewhat problematic.

For example, if a person could stand in this position, they must have some further understanding.

Zhang Hao's heart had already begun to be confused, and several people around him began to play mahjong together. They were in a private room.

In here, the music played by the pianist in the hall could be heard, and the sound was particularly melodious.

The gentle sound reached the ears of several people, and they were all wondering who could talk about such a thing.

So several of them began to take a walk, go out for a stroll, and see what was going on.

They went outside.

They saw that the group of people in front of them were particularly temperamental, and some of them began to look out.

Among them, Heita saw the magician directly, and knew in an instant that this kid must be the magician in the gang.

So they had to catch this guy directly. They had already discovered that the magician had appeared, but he didn't make any movement at all.

It seemed that he was not afraid of this group of people at all. After all, Zhang Hao was also a big brother in the underworld.

Zhang Hao had been in this life for so long, done a lot of things, and achieved a lot of careers, but he had never suffered such humiliation.

So they all widened their eyes and felt that this magician was really arrogant.

At this time, they all had burning eyes, waiting for an opportunity, hoping to kill this magician.

After Heita decided to lure the magician into the toilet, they started to act.

Ma Qing put his two guns on his waist, ready to operate and shoot soon.

His goal was very clear, and he had to kill these people on the spot to get a certain result.

This man's heart had already begun to overflow, and he knew that some things could not be explained in a few words.

Heita actually pulled the man in front of him over without any effort.

What was the situation? It was still an incredible effect. After the other person rushed over, the knife was inserted into his thigh.

Just when the black tower thought he had succeeded, the magician actually swirled a pigeon directly in his hand.

The pigeon flew in front of him and the knife fell to the ground with the pigeon.

It turned out that the one who was just killed was not the magician, but the pigeon, and the magician had a smirk on his face.

Even knowing that the black tower wanted to kill him, he did not run away. The magician seemed to have seen through it all.

This was really too incredible. Several people around him widened their eyes and felt a little curious.

They were thinking about what this guy was all about.

Some people understood that this magician was not a simple thing. He could turn many things, many dead things, into living things.

Such a person, he achieved such a position, it is very likely that many people would forget the bitterness.

At this time, a large group of people gathered around, hoping to control the magician. Ma Qing, who was holding two guns, fired bullets directly.

A bullet flew out directly.

The bullet shot through the thighs of several people, and the person was bleeding.

But when the magician was shot, he didn't react at all and dodged directly.

He was almost dead, but the magician's dodging speed was faster.

This kind of

The violent performance made people feel deeply helpless.

The magician's heart is very clear, and he never retreats from anything he does.

At this time, the magician turned into an air cloak in a blink of an eye and flew out.

His shadow.

Directly turned into a goose feather, avoiding their attack. Bullets were of no use at all.

The bullet broke the glass window, but did not catch the magician. Everyone in the cabin was shocked.

They were wondering why there were gunshots, and the sound of bullets.

But after all, Zhang Hao is the big brother of the underworld and has bought off these people.

There won't be too many things, and there won't be anything too strange.

In an instant, a fight began, and several people rushed towards Zhang Hao frantically.

Who are those characters? It's not certain now, and why they rushed to my mother's platform is not certain.

Zhang Hao has been in the industry for so long, how could he be knocked down by these people? Directly announced that several people around him should start to take action and knock these people down.

Seeing a large group of people besieging him, how could Zhang Hao have any forgiveness? He slapped a man on the face.

Zhang Hao's temperament has been shown. He is a big brother in the underworld. Few people can be more courageous than him.

Since Zhang Hao has explained the situation, they all started to wait on the side.

Zhang Hao lit a cigarette, which was full of smoke and gas.

The people who wanted to kill Zhang Hao in the chaos have been caught. At this time, Ma Qing pointed a gun at the head.

I hope that these people will be shot and thrown into the sea, and no one will know.

After all, such a place has been firmly controlled by Zhang Hao, and Officer Ma Cheng is also a strong man.

Officer Ma Teng saw these people now, and they were the guys in the Japanese gang at a glance.

None of these people can show off their skills, and they are all in extreme chaos.

People will eventually find out what they should do in danger. They all faced others and Zhang Hao couldn't help but feel scared.

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