The flying enthusiast's drummer climbed up first, followed by Barney and others.

Cao Kun grabbed Haitang's clothes and lifted her onto the plane.

The red lace pajamas looked tattered, and her fair skin looked dirty.

The sexy peony flower also became dim. Cao Kun looked at Haitang now, and he had no interest at all...


The drummer drove the helicopter slowly up, and the tires under the fuselage gradually left the ground, accompanied by the huge roar of the engine.

"Woo! Woo! Woo"

Haitang was lying on the ground, still making her last struggle, and her noble head was stepped on by Cao Kun. This kind of woman who wanted to get rid of him, Cao Kun would never show mercy to her!

Cao Kun released the M134 Gatling rapid-fire machine gun known as the "Vulcan Cannon". He wanted to do it himself tonight, but there were too few people in the manor, and there were not enough "Vulcan Cannons" to fill the gaps in his teeth.

At this moment, Hai'an, who was still unaware of the danger, had just finished repairing the windowsill with his fifth wife. A trace of complaint flashed across his wife's face, and she picked up the clothes on the ground and walked out.

Hai'an wiped the hot sweat from his forehead and glanced at the time on his watch.

It was already half past eleven.

The time Cao Kun and his men had announced was half past eleven, and I don't know what's going on now?

"Beep... Beep!"

The mobile phone outside the living room suddenly rang, followed by the phone in the villa, and the phones of Hai'an's men in the villa began to ring non-stop!

Hai'an frowned when he heard this.

He knew that Cao Kun's people had really started the war.

The call from the people below, whether it was to report bad news or good news...

He didn't dare to imagine.

But he knew that there would be heavy losses tonight!



"Fengdi Street" was filled with smoke, and the Mediterranean fired the first shot before the war.


Hai-dong had a cigarette in his mouth, a submachine gun hanging around his neck, and seven or eight grenades hanging on his clothes, and he let out a wicked laugh.

Hai-dong stood on the roof of a Mazda, carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder, and pulled the trigger at the dozen or so cars coming towards them.

The rocket launcher made a deafening roar, and a tongue of fire spurted out of the muzzle, shooting out like lightning...

"Fuck your grandma..."

Zhang Dalin, who was in the leading car, had a submachine gun in his arms, and before he could use it, the shells were fired at their car, and he couldn't help cursing.

The bomb hit their car accurately, and the car exploded instantly, with flames shooting into the sky and fragments flying everywhere.

Zhang Dalin's car was engulfed in the sea of ​​fire, and the rest of the cars braked urgently when they saw this.

But it was too late. The cars behind all crashed into the car in front, forming a rear-end collision, and all gathered together!

However, Mediterranean had reloaded the rocket and aimed at their car. His movements were skillful and fast, as if he had merged with the rocket launcher...


The rocket launcher roared again, and the rocket was fired again, hitting the target again!

"Bang bang... Bang bang"

The explosions came one after another, accompanied by painful groans, forming a tragic symphony.

The flames shot up to the sky, illuminating the night sky, and all the cars were engulfed in the sea of ​​fire, turning into a pile of scrap metal.

The aftermath of the explosion spread, and the surrounding air was replaced by hot air currents, the temperature rose, and smoke filled the air!


Mediterranean shouted excitedly while carrying the rocket launcher.

No wonder Tianshou likes it so much, it turns out to be so exciting! ! !

Zhang Dalin was a reinforcement from the East Lake Gang. The Mediterranean ambushed here in advance. More than ten vehicles were the vanguard troops, and all of them were "bombed" by the Mediterranean.

The drivers of the buses that came late saw the Mediterranean carrying a rocket launcher in the distance, and they made a sharp turn in a hurry, which scared the buses next to them and turned around and left here!

"Why did they turn around?"

The brothers in the car were confused. They were well prepared tonight, and they had more guns than usual. The brothers ran to the back and looked at the Mediterranean...

They were so scared that they broke out in cold sweats and asked the driver to step on the accelerator.

Damn it, they are fighting for a territory and a rocket launcher! ! !

How can they fight?

At the same time, similar things happened in the territories of all sizes in the other seven districts. Although it was not exaggerated to the point that every territory was "bombed" with a cannon, the people under Cao Kun were "crazy" enough!

If you can use a machine gun, never use a submachine gun.

If you can use a submachine gun, never use a black star.

If you still have grenades, never keep them for snacks.Night.

Even the machetes they carried were thrown as grenades.

The people of the East Lake Gang ran faster than rabbits, and they ran on foot!

Because the people on the bus had been "bombed" by a man in a red suit with a rocket launcher, it was simply a "shovel", who would dare to get on the bus!

The war spread rapidly in the large and small territories of the seven districts, and the streets were full of war. One by one, the territories were quickly incorporated into the territory by Cao Kun's people~

"Beep... Beep"

The phone in the East Lake Gang headquarters was still ringing non-stop, and Hai'an was in no mood to answer it, and lay directly on the sofa.

However, these phone rings made his seven wives in the villa upset.

There were many conflicts when seven people lived together, and Hai'an couldn't deal with them alone.

Now they were not even allowed to go out, so they couldn't find a sister to play with, and they all greeted Hai'an in their hearts.

They didn't know the danger was coming,

and had no idea that

the armored vehicle was almost at the foot of Xiaohei Mountain.


The armored assault vehicle fired two smoke bombs at the gate before it reached the gate of the villa. The smoke bombs hit the road at the gate and emitted thick smoke!

"Someone is coming!" The younger brother holding the walkie-talkie shouted hurriedly.

The two "secret agents" also notified the people above and pulled out their pistols.

The patrol team on the cement road all rushed to the gate with submachine guns...

The people at the gate of the manor also took out their weapons and aimed at the direction of the mountain.

The bodyguards in the manor also took out their weapons at the first time, and some ran upstairs to notify Hai'an.


At the gate at the foot of the mountain, more than a dozen younger brothers took out their guns, but they were surrounded by smoke and couldn't see the direction at all.

"Bang bang bang bang... bang bang bang"

The trench operator used the machine gun on the roof to fire at the door. In just a moment, more than a dozen people were left with bullet holes, blood was floating on their bodies, and they groaned in pain one by one.

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