"Brother-in-law! I don't know these things either..."

"I tell you, A Kun took people to other rooms to discuss things, and he doesn't like me to interfere in these things!"

"I can't ask either..." Ding Yao said aggrievedly.

"I also want to ask him if he needs our Sanlian Gang's help..."

Lei Gong paused and said, "If they fight with the East Lake Gang this time, they will really tear their faces with Hai'an. This needs to be reminded to him!"

"Don't rush to deal with Hai'an! He has Haitang in his hands. If he doesn't provoke Hai'an, he can still slowly eat up the East Lake Gang's territory!"

Hearing this, Ding Yao nodded. Although what Lei Gong said made sense, she didn't believe that Cao Kun was a brainless person!

"Then... When he comes out, I'll remind him and ask him about his plans!" Ding Yao said.

"This is the best! Since you are his woman, he won't disobey you!" Lei Gong said.

At this moment, Lei Gong also wanted to maintain a good relationship with Cao Kun.

After all, his sister-in-law had been sent over, so he naturally didn't want to see Cao Kun in trouble.

"I know..."

Ding Yao chatted with Lei Gong for a few minutes, and she was relieved after hanging up the phone.

Sometimes it was difficult to talk to Lei Gong,

If you don't pay attention, Lei Gong would easily see through her loopholes in her words.

But, she didn't plan to tell Cao Kun this now.

At least, wait until Cao Kun comes back.

She didn't tell Lei Gong that Cao Kun left the hotel, just to hide it for Cao Kun.


The Donghu Gang's nest is in Xiaohei Mountain in the "New City District", and the "New City District" is separated from the "City District" by a "Rende District", which is nearly 100 kilometers away!

Barney drove the helicopter out of the city, but stopped in the "Rende District" and didn't fly directly to the "New City District" because it was too ostentatious to drive a helicopter.

This time, Cao Kun only brought Barney, Christmas, Yin Yang, Bag, Villain, Trench, Church, Thor, and Drummer.

After getting off the plane, Cao Kun knocked Haitang unconscious and stuffed her into the trunk of the car.

Four cars got on and drove towards Xiaohei Mountain.

Xiaohei Mountain is located in the south of the "New City District" and is less than eight kilometers away from the "Rende District".

The manor is located on the hillside of Xiaolong Mountain, with a sparkling reservoir behind it and a steep cliff in front of it.

Like Qiu Xiaochi's manor, there is only one way up the mountain.

However, this manor has been around for more than 20 years and was built when Hai Dafu was alive.

As the headquarters of their Donghu Gang, it is also where Hai'an lives now.

Half an hour later, Cao Kun and others came to the forest about one kilometer away from the manor and controlled the drone to investigate the situation first.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Haitang in the trunk has woken up. She was tied up and could only struggle desperately. When she heard Cao Kun discussing their manor with people around him, she couldn't help but worry about her father.

Compared with Qiu Xiaochi's manor, the defense capability of the manor of the East Lake Gang headquarters looks like child's play.

There are more than a dozen men standing guard at the gate at the foot of the mountain, and there are actually two "hidden stakes" hiding under the trees in the woods on both sides, smoking cigarettes without paying attention to others.

How can these be hidden stakes?

It's just hide-and-seek!

A cement road about four meters wide and a hundred meters long leads directly from the foot of the mountain to the gate of the manor.

Both sides of the cement road are wrapped with wire mesh, which is about two or three meters long.

From the foot of the mountain all the way up, including both sides of the foot of the mountain, there are also wire meshes surrounding the woods on both sides.

There are more than a dozen brothers walking back and forth on the cement road, with submachine guns hanging directly on their bodies, looking around vigilantly...

"These people don't look like they have received professional training. They should be members of their East Lake Gang. The way they hold guns is wrong!" Yin Yang said.

"Let's drive the heavy armored vehicle in a while. The more than ten people at the door and the more than ten people on the road are not enough. They even surrounded the wire mesh on both sides. They can't run away!" said Zhan Qun.

"There is a cliff in front and a reservoir behind. If we kill all the way up and block the door of the manor, it will be difficult for them to run!" said Barney.

The drone circled the manor several times and flew above the manor again.

It can be seen that

The gate at the entrance of the manor was closed, and more than a dozen brothers stood at the door, looking around vigilantly. They not only had guns, but also walkie-talkies.

If anyone wants to enter the manor, they must go through their body search.

But Cao Kun and his men will be an exception.

The manor is very large, with a swimming pool, courtyard, parking lot...

There are bodyguards standing in these places, and they are looking around vigilantly.

Including the roof of the villa and the door of the villa, there are bodyguards standing.

They also saw the coast,Standing shirtless at the window on the second floor, a woman bent over the window, as if repairing the parts on the window, with disheveled hair swaying back and forth...

"Damn it! You're having so much fun!" Cao Kun couldn't help cursing.

Church and others came forward, looked at the screen in the monitoring equipment, and whistled~

"The people in the manor plus the bodyguards at the door, a total of 48 people, don't look like mercenaries. The trenches will drive up from the bottom of the mountain in armored vehicles, and we will fly directly up in a helicopter to deal with them!" Yin Yang said.

"Good idea!" Cao Kun agreed.

Then, he put out the equipment that Yin Yang and others needed, as well as the heavy armored vehicle.

Yin Yang and others began to check the equipment, and Cao Kun pulled Haitang out of the trunk.

Haitang struggled desperately, "Wuwuwu", Cao Kun slapped her in the face and said, "I'll show you tonight how I can capture your Donghu Gang's manor!"

"Wuwu! Wuwu! Wuwu!"

Haitang wanted to say that you were dreaming, but she couldn't say it with her mouth glued shut. Their Donghu Gang headquarters was heavily guarded. Although it was not as good as Qiu Xiaochi Villa, how could Cao Kun and his men attack it?

"Are you ready?"

Cao Kun turned around and shouted.


Everyone replied and put on the equipment on the ground.

Trench, villain, and church got on the armored vehicle, and this time they were the assault team again.

This armored vehicle is 6.12 meters long, 2.81 meters wide, and 2.43 meters high. The whole body is like a beast!

The three of them left the woods first. Cao Kun put the car and drone equipment into the space in front of Haitang. Haitang was stunned. "Is this still a human?"

Cao Kun walked forward about 20 meters and released the "CC9 Military Helicopter that will kill you" on a wide patch of grass.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" Haitang was puzzled. How did this plane come out?

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