The reason for this is that the Chief Secretary for Administration, the Financial Secretary, and the Commissioner of Police represent the three powers of power, money, and military, which must be firmly controlled by the Zu family and must be independent of the Governor.

The Secretary for Justice is actually very important, but the disadvantage is that Hong Kong Island did not have its own laws in the early days. At that time, the foreigners used the foreigners' laws on this land of Hong Kong Island. It was not until Hong Kong Island was restored that the British Hong Kong government thought about legislating to consolidate its rule.

But at that time, the rules had already been formed, which also meant that although the Secretary for Justice was one of the three secretaries, he had to be nominated by the Governor to the Zu family and then approved by the Zu family.

It is precisely because they are all appointed by the Political Department that the Commissioner of Police and the Governor of Hong Kong are strictly speaking not even subordinate to each other, but have different responsibilities.

Moreover, many of the police commissioners of the Hong Kong Police Force came from Scotland Yard and had their own network of connections in their ancestral home. Therefore, in many cases, although the Governor is the first person in Hong Kong Island, he will still be very polite to the first brother, and will discuss many things with the police commissioner instead of giving orders directly.

"Director Mai, it's me, Eugene."

After the call was connected, the Governor Eugene spoke lightly.

Like Eugene, Mai Renhao was also working overtime in his office at this time. With such a large-scale event in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Police Force naturally had to monitor it throughout the process.

After receiving Eugene's call, Mai Renhao immediately understood what the purpose of Eugene's call was.

But Mai Renhao still asked knowingly: "Mr. Governor, you called me so late, what's your order?"

"Chief Mai, you are playing dumb with me again."

Eugene said with a smile, and then continued, "Chief Mai, you have served in the police force for nearly 40 years. You should know very well how these crowd activities broke out. Tonight, if our Hong Kong British high-level officials do not take measures as soon as possible and let it develop like this, it will be very troublesome."

Speaking of this, Eugene paused slightly, and his tone suddenly turned cold and hard, "Chief Mai, your police force must take action to evacuate the citizens at Broadcast Avenue, the Governor's Residence, the Hong Kong British high-level residence and the entrance of Stanley Barracks to avoid riots and personal injuries to these citizens."

In addition to dealing with the upper-level organizers of the crowd, Eugene also has to strike the marching crowd itself, from top to bottom, to completely solve the trouble tonight.

"Mr. Governor, excuse me for being blunt. As far as I know, the number of participants has exceeded 150,000, and it is still increasing. In this case, I don't think it is a good idea to use tough measures to forcibly disperse the crowd."

Mai Renhao said dimly.

In fact, Mai Renhao did not think that this method was inappropriate, but he did not want to take the blame. It was not so easy to expel so many citizens who had gathered. If something went wrong, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Director Mai, I will give orders to your police force in the name of the Governor. If any problems arise, I, the Governor, will be responsible."

Obviously, Eugene also heard the implication of Mai Renhao's words.

"Mr. Governor, since it is your order, our police force must resolutely execute it. To be honest, I have summoned the Flying Tigers, the Stormtroopers and the Mobile Force of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and they can act at any time."

After Eugene agreed to take the blame, Mai Renhao showed a bright smile on his face.

"Director Mai, you are still as cunning as before."

Eugene shook his head and smiled.

"Mr. Governor, I'm about to retire."

Mai Renhao said slowly.

"I'm about to retire too, so let's just stand for the Queen for the last time, Director Mai, for the Queen!"

Hearing what Mai Renhao said, Eugene sighed and said slowly.

"For the Queen!"

Mai Renhao's face straightened and he said solemnly.

Afterwards, Mai Renhao hung up the phone and immediately called Deputy Director Chen Taoran.

"Director Chen, I declare that the police force has entered the third-level alert state. All Flying Tigers and Stormtroopers are dispatched to notify the citizens and give them 15 minutes to leave the scene. Otherwise, our police force will be dispatched to evacuate them to protect them in an orderly and safe manner."

After the call was connected, Mai Renhao immediately gave orders to Chen Taoran, with a murderous tone in his voice.

"Understood, Mr. Director!"

Chen Taoran responded immediately.

As Mai Renhao issued his order, the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force was mobilized instantly, starting with the Senior Assistant Commissioner. In just ten minutes, Mai Renhao's order reached the ears of every police officer in the police force who participated in tonight's operation.

At the same time, in an apartment in Central, Hong Kong Island, Zhuo Jingquan, Zhang Wenyao and five or six other senior police officers above the level of Superintendent gathered here.

At the center of these was not Zhuo Jingquan, who had the highest police rank among them, butA middle-aged man wearing a dark suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and a refined temperament, like a university professor.

Zhang Wenyao has never taken his attention away from this middle-aged man since he walked into the apartment and saw him.

According to Zhuo Jingquan, the middle-aged man's name is Huo Tianren (from the movie "Betrayal: Undercover"), Zhuo Jingquan and several other superintendents call him Professor Huo, including Zhuo Jingquan, who seem to be... believers of this Huo Tianren.

Yes, Zhang Wenyao thinks that it is appropriate to use believers to describe the relationship between Zhuo Jingquan and others and Huo Tianren.

"Ring ring ring ~"

At this time, the mobile phone next to Zhuo Jingquan rang.

"Ring ring ring ~"

"Ring ring ring ~"

Immediately afterwards, the mobile phones of the other two superintendents of the Operations Department also rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

Zhuo Jingquan picked up the mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and then asked.

After a moment, his face changed slightly, and then he said lightly: "Okay, I understand."

After saying this, Zhuo Jingquan hung up the phone, looked at Huo Tianren and said: "Professor Huo, a large crowd of people gathered here in Hong Kong Island, the police force is ready to evacuate in an orderly manner, and we have to end it early today."

"Orderly evacuation? Ha!"

Hearing Zhuo Jingquan's words, Huo Tianren showed a disdainful smile on his face, "The foreigners are always like this, thinking of using our wisdom and strength to suck blood on our heads, but not allowing us to have even a little freedom."

"Officer Zhuo, thank you, your words made me understand that our time is very tight, and we must speed up to overthrow the foreigners' dominance in Hong Kong Island. Only in a Hong Kong Island without privileges can we have real fairness."

Zhang Wenyao listened to Huo Tianren's words and had a very strange feeling, as if even if he knew that this person was talking about a fairy tale, he would still choose to believe this fairy tale, which made him unconsciously think of Li Jun.

However, Li Jun is different from Huo Tianren. Huo Tianren talks, while Li Jun really does it. The difference between the two is obvious.

As if he noticed some emotional fluctuations in Zhang Wenyao, Huo Tianren looked at Zhang Wenyao and said with a smile: "Officer Zhang, today is the first day we meet. I wanted to talk to you alone, but now it seems that there is not enough time, so I will say one more word to you."

"This world should not be like this, and it can also be different."

After that, Huo Tianren smiled and nodded at Zhang Wenyao, and then got up and left first.

Looking at Huo Tianren's back as he left, thinking about what Huo Tianren said to him, Zhang Wenyao fell into deep thought, and then he had a bold idea.

"Sir Zhang, let's go."

At this time, Zhuo Jingquan's voice interrupted Zhang Wenyao's bold idea, and he got up and followed Zhuo Jingquan out of the apartment building.

10 minutes later.

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