Outside the gate of the Governor's Residence.

Several troop vehicles turned up the volume of their horns to the highest level, shouting to the crowd gathered at the gate of the Governor's Residence, asking them to leave the scene in 10 minutes, otherwise the police force will take necessary measures to clear the scene and maintain order.

Not far from the Governor's Residence, several troop carriers were parked side by side. In front of the troop carriers, there were 2 groups of 90 Flying Tigers from the Hong Kong Island Region.

A white police superintendent was giving a speech to the two groups of Flying Tigers.

"Remember, anyone who has not left the scene after 10 minutes will be regarded as a rioter. You can use all flexible means, whether it is pulling one by one or persuading them to leave collectively, to evacuate the crowd..."

"There will be 2 more high-pressure water gun vehicles to cooperate with your actions. Remember, the mission goal this time is to completely evacuate the crowd gathered at the gate of the Governor's Residence. Do you understand?"

The white police superintendent shouted loudly.

"Fuck him, our Flying Tigers are supposed to fight criminals and protect citizens, but we were transferred by these foreigners to deal with citizens, fuck me." Zhou Xingxing, who was transferred back to the Flying Tigers of Hong Kong Island as a squad commander, complained to his colleagues beside him in a low voice. Originally, Zhou Xingxing's words were only heard by him and the people around him at the volume of the foreign superintendent, but at this time, the foreign superintendent was about to finish his words, and Zhou Xingxing's voice suddenly came out. "Sir Zhou, do you have any objection to the order of the police force?" The foreign superintendent stared at Zhou Xingxing and said coldly. "I..." Zhou Xingxing was originally quite unhappy about the evacuation of the many citizens who gathered. Hearing the words of the foreign superintendent, he was about to explode on the spot. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he was pulled by the team members behind him and winked at Zhou Xingxing frantically. "I have no objection." This also made Zhou Xingxing sober up. "Hmph, you'd better have no objection. Remember, the police force is a disciplined force. Following the orders of superiors is the first iron rule. There are still 6 minutes before the action begins. Everyone, get ready!"

The foreign police superintendent snorted coldly, and then continued to speak loudly.

"Fuck, dead foreigner, go to hell!"

Zhou Xingxing cursed in a low voice, then looked at the crowd of people watching and eating melons in the distance who had not yet dispersed, and whispered to himself: "Go, go! The foreigners are going to take action, and you ordinary people can't stop them!"

At the same time, Mount Kellett.

Two speeding cars suddenly stopped at the door of Xu Huayan's villa, and then 6 or 7 men in gray suits got out of the car and rushed into Xu Huayan's villa directly with guns drawn.

"You are..."

Some of Xu Huayan's people wanted to stop these men, but before they finished speaking, they were pointed at their heads with guns, "Political Department, don't cause trouble for yourself!"

At this time, in the living room of the villa.

Xu Huayan and Xu Baishi were still sitting in the living room watching the video of a foreigner shooting someone on TV, which had been looped dozens of times. At this time, the noise outside came into the villa.

"Dad, someone from the Political Department..."

Xu Baishi's eyes flashed with a hint of nervousness.

Even though he had long known from his father that someone from the Political Department was coming, when this moment really came, Xu Baishi was still nervous.

"Li Jun, I finally trusted you once, don't let me down."

Xu Huayan showed a bitter smile on his face.

At the same time, a Toyota sedan was driving towards the police headquarters building.

The darkness before dawn is the darkest, but dawn is about to come for those who are waiting for it...

Governor's Mansion.

Although the police force carried out 15 minutes of high-intensity propaganda, there were still very few people who chose to leave.

The main reason is that 70% of the people here are members of the three gangs, Xinji, Heliansheng, and Haohaobang. They didn't care much about the police in the first place, and now they are so numerous, so they will ignore the police's warnings.

And some other ordinary citizens saw so many people here, and they didn't leave out of the herd mentality.

This made nearly 20,000 people still gathered at the door of the Governor's Mansion.

"Time's up, action!"

The white superintendent in charge of commanding the Flying Tigers of the Hong Kong Island Region looked at the watch on his wrist and said lightly.

This time, in order to evacuate these gathered citizens, the police force transferred the Flying Tigers, Stormtroopers, and Riot Squads of the entire Hong Kong Island Region and even the Kowloon Region. Nearly 1,000 policemen gathered at the Governor's Mansion alone.

"Beep beep beep"

With a loud whistle.

The explosion-proof team standing in the front row took the explosion-proof shield and started to act directly, walking towards the crowd in unison, trying to isolate and disperse the crowd.

Behind the anti-explosion team, two high-pressure water gun trucks immediately began spraying water at the crowd.

See the police force for real, many ordinary citizens immediately became timid and retreated to the back, while some younger and fearless gangsters rushed directly towards the police from the anti-explosion team, and the scene became chaotic in an instant.

"Quick, support the front line!"

At the urging of the foreign police superintendent, Zhou Xingxing brought his team to the front line of the confrontation. Dozens of people had been knocked to the ground, and some were handcuffed and pressed to the ground by the police.

In addition, several police from the anti-explosion team were also injured and lay on the ground.

"Use tear gas!"

At this time, the voice of the foreign police superintendent came from behind.

Hearing the words of the foreign police superintendent, the Flying Tigers standing next to Zhou Xingxing immediately reached for his waist, took out a tear gas bomb, and was about to pull out the pin and throw it out, but Zhou Xingxing grabbed his hand, "Damn, did you really listen to the foreigners and use tear gas?"

"Sir Zhou, don't you see the situation clearly? The foreigners have made up their minds to suppress these people. All we can do is obey orders."

The team members under Zhou Xingxing said loudly to Zhou Xingxing.

At this time, while Zhou Xingxing was speaking, more than a dozen tear gas bombs had been thrown into the crowd of marchers. The strong stimulation made these people flee and hide. The advantages that the crowd had originally gained by relying on numbers were instantly reversed, and the police began to gradually take control of the initiative.

"It's so big. If something really happened, how should our police force end it?"

Zhou Xingxing looked at the chaotic scene in front of him and muttered to himself.

At the same time, at the gate of Stanley Barracks, the residence of the British Hong Kong high-level officials, almost the same scene was also being played out.

Especially at the entrance of Stanley Barracks, James, the commander of the foreign garrison, was sitting on the observation deck with a wine glass in his hand, watching the fleeing crowd below, laughing loudly, indescribably proud and happy.

At this moment, whether it was the foreign high-ranking officials of the Hong Kong British high-ranking officials, the foreign garrison, or the foreign high-ranking officials of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, they all thought they had won. The parade tonight had been completely suppressed by them. They only needed to wait for the people in the Political Department to deal with the high-ranking officials of Xinji, the Number Gang, and Liansheng, and let the TV stations and newspapers release a few rumor-refuting videos tomorrow, and then the matter would be completely settled.

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