On the other side, Mount Davis, Hong Kong Island, White House.

Six cars arrived here almost at the same time, and then Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong, and Deng Wei were taken to a small room by the police from the Political Department.

This time, they did not have the previous treatment, and they were no longer sitting on sofas, but wooden chairs without backrests.

On the other side, Wang Ailin, who had arrived here in advance, was talking to his subordinates who stayed at the headquarters in his office to understand the progress of the outside world.

"Superintendent Wang, the people have arrived."

At this time, a senior inspector walked to the door of Wang Ailin's office and said.


After listening to the words of the senior inspector, Wang Ailin put down the phone receiver in his hand, followed the senior inspector, and walked into the room where Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong, and Deng Wei were detained.

After entering the room, Wang Ailin did not rush to speak to Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong, and Deng Wei. Instead, he looked at the three of them carefully before slowly speaking: "Three of you, in fact, I have thought of many possibilities, but I just didn't expect that you dared to be the enemy of our political department."

Faced with Wang Ailin's question, Xu Huayan and the other two remained silent. At this point, they had no other choice but to trust Li Jun.

After all, the incident tonight was too big, and the three of them knew that the foreigners would not let them go even without thinking.

"I'm really curious, what did Li Jun promise you? What made you so desperate to help your enemies?"

Seeing that Xu Huayan and the other two did not speak, Wang Ailin continued to ask with a smile on his face.

"Wang Ailin, it doesn't matter what Li Jun promised us. What matters is that you violated our red line. The rules passed down by our ancestors, you, a foreign-loving dog who forgot your ancestors, will never understand."

Zhang Zhiyong glared at Wang Ailin and shouted loudly.

"The rules of our ancestors? Hahaha, Zhang Zhiyong, if the Number Gang is gone, what's the point of you still following the rules of our ancestors? Just like China, following the rules of our ancestors, then what? Being beaten by the Eagle people, running away, kneeling down to beg for mercy, ceding land and paying compensation, the rules of our ancestors, I despise you the most for those who cling to the rules of our ancestors!"

Wang Ailin was scolded by Zhang Zhiyong as a foreign dog, and a trace of anger flashed in his originally calm eyes, and he shouted sternly.

In Wang Ailin's view, he is an Eagle countryman, what right do you have to say that I am a foreign dog?

"It's useless to talk to you, a foreign dog, people like you don't understand what is courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame!"

Zhang Zhiyong fired at full power and attacked Wang Ailin with all his strength.

Wang Ailin was a little broken by Zhang Zhiyong's attack. After taking a few deep breaths and suppressing his anger, Wang Ailin looked at Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong and said, "I can give you another chance to let the people in your club go home honestly. I can treat what happened tonight as if nothing happened. Our political department's promise to you will be counted as of the day."

"Wang Ailin, since we have taken this step, we have not thought about regretting it. And what kind of character are the foreigners? How can you, a foreign-loving dog, not know? Will they be so kind and let us go easily?"

After Zhang Zhiyong, Xu Huayan also began to attack Wang Ailin.

"Deng Wei, do you think so too?"

Wang Ailin set his sights on the last person.

"Wang Ailin, we have fought a civil war with Liansheng for decades and split several times, but even if we were eliminated by the other side, no one thought of joining the police or the foreigners. Do you think I would do such a thing that would be shameful to my ancestors?"

A scornful smile appeared on Deng Wei's face.

"Okay, very good. Since you all refuse to cooperate with the work of the Political Department, don't blame me for taking action against you."

Wang Ailin stared at Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong, and said slowly, "Now the police have almost suppressed the march. When the police are free, all the middle and high-level members of your three societies will be arrested. Other societies will break into your territory. With the assistance of the police, they will soon eat up your territory."

"By the time your people come out, your three societies will have long been in name only."

Speaking of this, Wang Ailin paused slightly, "You are so obedient to the rules of your ancestors, but you can't even defend the country that your ancestors founded. Do you think you are ridiculous?"

After hearing what Wang Ailin said, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong looked at each other, and the three of them saw sadness and unwillingness in the eyes of others.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

At this time, the mobile phone on Wang Ailin's desk rang.

"Who is this?"

Wang Ailin picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button, then asked.

Afterwards, Wang Ailin heard something.Lin's face suddenly changed, and he cried out involuntarily: "What? Minister Dai, what did you say?"

At this moment, Wang Ailin's face and eyes were all incredible.

This also attracted the attention of Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong, and all three of them focused their eyes on Wang Ailin.

"Why? Minister Dai, the situation is already under our control, why should we do this?"

Wang Ailin, who had always obeyed Dai Anmin's words, chose to question for the first time.

At this moment, Wang Ailin was like a child who wanted to put his favorite toy back on the shelf, reluctant, unwilling, wronged, and angry.

But the next moment, I don't know what Dai Anmin said, Wang Ailin softened: "Okay, okay, Minister Dai, I will definitely complete the task you assigned."

After saying this, Wang Ailin seemed to have lost some of his temper. After slowly putting the mobile phone back on the table, he looked deeply at Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong for a long time, and then said: "You three can go."

After hearing Wang Ailin's words, Xu Huayan and the other two were disgusted at the time. They never dreamed that the turning point would come so quickly! So fierce!


These three words became the only thoughts in Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong's minds at this moment.

However, seeing Wang Ailin's expression, which was more uncomfortable than his mother's death, Xu Huayan and the other two also knew that they could not get an answer from him at all.

"Tsk, Superintendent Wang, why don't you arrest us three old guys?"

Zhang Zhiyong decided to mock Wang Ailin first without thinking about anything else.

"Get out!"

Wang Ailin shouted angrily.

"Wang Ailin, although I don't know what happened yet, it's obvious that your master is not reliable, haha!"

At this moment, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Zhang Zhiyong all showed bright smiles on their faces. Although they didn't know what happened, they were sure that all this must be related to Li Jun.

He really did it, and my trust in him was not in vain!

When he walked out of the room, Xu Huayan thought secretly in his heart, at this moment, he even felt that the air was full of the taste of freedom...

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