At the same time.

At the gate of the Governor's Residence, Edward, the director of the Hong Kong Island Police Force's Operations Department, who was in charge of the on-site command, breathed a sigh of relief after the situation was completely under control.

Fortunately, although there were many people gathered, except for a dozen police officers injured, they did not cause any trouble to the police force.

Now we just need to do a good job of finishing the work, and tonight's operation will be a great success.

Ring, ring, ring~

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

Edward took out the mobile phone, pressed the answer button and asked.

"Minister Edward, this is Mai Renhao."

Mai Renhao's voice came out from the receiver.

To Edward, Mai Renhao's voice seemed a little strange.

"Director Mai, what are your instructions?"

After getting rid of some distracting thoughts in his mind, Edward asked.

"Leave two squadrons of the stormtroopers at the Governor's Residence to assist the guards in security, and all the others will be withdrawn."

Mai Renhao said faintly.

"Director Mai, what happened?"

At this moment, Edward and Wang Ailin's faces were very similar, except for the incredible.

"Just now, I..."

Mai Renhao roughly told Edward what had just happened.

"Fuck, these people in the Political Department are more likely to cause trouble than to do good, fuck!"

After hearing what Mai Renhao said, Edward directly scolded the Political Department.

"Edward, now is not the time to pursue responsibility, you should take your people back to the police force immediately."

Mai Renhao said loudly.

"Yes, sir."

After Edward responded, he said with some concern: "But Director Mai, things have come to this point. If we give up like this, these citizens who participated today will not let our police force go easily."

"Hey, Minister Edward, you should withdraw first, and we will talk about these things later."

Mai Renhao sighed and said slowly.

"Director Mai, has our police force really been forced to this extent?"

Edward heard a hint of helplessness in Mai Renhao's tone just now, which made him feel very strange, and even a little scared.


After hearing Edward's words, Mai Renhao sighed deeply again, and then what happened just now emerged in his mind.

That was twenty minutes ago.

After knowing that the police force had taken control of the initiative at the parade site, Mai Renhao's originally tense mood relaxed a lot.

At this moment, his secretary walked into his office.

"Director Mai, someone said that he was sent by Li Jun to see you, and he said..."

At this point, Mai Renhao's secretary paused slightly, as if he couldn't say the next words.

"What did he say?"

Mai Renhao asked immediately.

Now he is very sensitive to the name Li Jun. A person who is not in Hong Kong Island can stir up trouble in Hong Kong Island, causing headaches for their police force and even the Governor Eugene. This kind of person deserves his attention.

"He said to give you 10 minutes, Director Mai. If you haven't seen him after 10 minutes, you will bear the consequences."

The secretary said cautiously.

"Hahaha, give me 10 minutes, you are so arrogant, bring him to see me, I want to see what Li Jun is up to."

After listening to the secretary's words, Mai Renhao laughed.

At this time, the situation in Hong Kong Island has stabilized, the march was expelled, Xu Huayan and others were arrested by the Political Department, and the whereabouts of Hongxing's cover-up are unknown. Mai Renhao believes that in three days at most, the Hong Kong Island underworld can be changed without any worries.

At this time, Mai Renhao absolutely does not believe that Li Jun can turn the tables.

2 minutes later.

Mai Renhao looked at Ah Hua who was brought in by his secretary, and said lightly: "Tell me, what does Li Jun want you to do by asking you to find me?"

"Director Mai, take a look at this first."

Ah Hua took out a cassette from the bag he was carrying and handed it to Mai Renhao.

Mai Renhao did not move, but gave his secretary a look. His secretary immediately understood and took the cassette from Ah Hua's hand, then walked to the cassette player not far away, turned on the TV and the player, put the cassette in, and pressed the play button.

A few seconds later.

Mai Renhao's face was no longer calm, and his face became uglier and uglier as the video played.

After this 5-minute video was played, Mai Renhao's face was uglier than his dead mother. He glared at Ah Hua and said in a deep voice: "What does Li Jun want to do?"

Mai Renhao had asked this question before, but his tone was completely different.

When Mai Renhao asked this question before, he was relaxed and even a little playful. He just wanted to see what tricks Li Jun could play.

Now Mai Renhao asked this questionA question, he now feels his scalp tingling, Mai Renhao never expected that Li Jun actually has such a hidden card.

"Actually it's nothing, after Jun left Hong Kong Island, he met a few foreign reporters, they are very interested in Hong Kong Island, but I don't know if they are interested in shooting people and confessions of political department people?"

Ahua looked at Mai Renhao, just like Mai Renhao looked at him before, his eyes were full of teasing.

Late at night, Governor's Mansion.

Governor Eugene rubbed his temples on both sides with both hands, feeling that his brain was about to split.

Since he was 60 years old, no matter what happened, he would go to bed before 12 o'clock in the evening, but after all the things that happened tonight, he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

"Mr. Governor, your black coffee."

Damon carefully placed a cup of black coffee in front of Eugene.

"Have the people outside the march retreated?"

Eugene asked while rubbing his temples and closing his eyes.

After Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei were released by Wang Ailin, they received a notice from Ah Hua that the people from their three societies could withdraw. Next, the stage of Hong Kong Island belonged to Li Jun.

Only Li Jun could be worthy of this stage tonight.


Damon replied immediately.

"When will the governor and Director Mai arrive?"

Hearing Damon say that the marchers had withdrawn, Eugene's expression finally eased a little. This was one of the few good news he heard tonight, although he might pay a great price for this good news.

"Calculate the time, it should be almost time."

Damon glanced at the time on his watch and then answered.

"Damon, go pick up the two gentlemen."

At this time, Eugene opened his eyes, looked at Damon and said slowly.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Governor of Hong Kong."

Damon was startled by Eugene's sudden opening of his eyes and said subconsciously.

A few minutes later.

A car with license plate number 1 slowly stopped at the entrance of the Governor's House. Behind it, there was also a black British car. The person sitting in this car was the Governor, Shi Kang.

The Governor, in fact, is the Chief Secretary for Administration. He is the second most important person in Hong Kong Island after the Governor, and is equivalent to the Mayor of Hong Kong Island.

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