When the Governor leaves Hong Kong Island, the Governor is the Acting Governor, exercising his power on behalf of the Governor.

Moreover, the Governor is a little different from the Governor and the Commissioner of Police. The Governor is usually directly selected and appointed by the Eagle Country's ancestral family from the British Hong Kong high-level.

Unlike the Governor and the Commissioner of Police, they are usually airborne.

The reason why the foreigners do this is also very simple. The Governor, an official who manages government affairs, must be very familiar with the situation in Hong Kong Island, so that he can better assist the Governor in managing Hong Kong Island.

Yes, the biggest responsibility of the Governor is not to develop Hong Kong Island, but to assist the Governor in managing Hong Kong Island. For the foreigners, it doesn't matter how fast Hong Kong Island develops. Whether it can be controlled by themselves is the most important thing.

"Mr. Governor, Director Mai, Mr. Governor is waiting for you in the office. Please follow me."

After Shi Kang and Mai Renhao got off the car, Damon, who was waiting at the door, immediately came up and said with a smile.

"Damon, thank you for your trouble."

Shi Kang said to Damon with a smile.

Mai Renhao was obviously in a bad mood and did not speak at all. He just walked beside Shi Kang and followed Damon to the office of Governor Eugene.

"Director Mai, what happened tonight? I heard that your police force was about to evacuate the crowd, but suddenly received your order to withdraw them to the police station. What happened?"

On the way to Eugene's office, Shi Kang asked Mai Renhao in a low voice.

Shi Kang did not know much about what happened tonight. He even received a call from Governor Eugene suddenly, asking him to come to the Governor's Office, saying that he had something to talk to him face to face.

"Mr. Governor, too many things happened tonight. I can't explain it clearly for a while. I will tell you slowly after sitting down."

Although he was in a bad mood, Mai Renhao still had to pay attention to Shi Kang's words.

Soon, Mai Renhao and Shi Kang walked into the office of Governor Eugene.

"Mr. Governor."

"Mr. Governor."

Mai Renhao and Shi Kang greeted Eugene respectively.

"Director Mai, Mr. Governor, please take a seat first. Dai Anmin from the Political Department will come over later. We will wait for him."

Eugene first said something to Mai Renhao and Shi Kang, and then said to Damon, "Damon, make two cups of black coffee. Director Mai and Mr. Governor are not young anymore, let them refresh themselves."

"Damon, please give me a cup of cappuccino. Let me drink a cup of black coffee. It's better for me to go to see God now."

Shi Kang said as soon as Eugene finished speaking.

"Okay, Mr. Governor, Director Mai, do you want black coffee?"

Damon smiled and replied to Shi Kang, then looked at Mai Renhao and asked with a smile.

"Black coffee, I'm not young anymore, I really need to refresh myself."

Mai Renhao sighed slightly, then he looked at Eugene and said slowly, "Governor, before we discuss things, I want to ask, how far can we go?"

"Director Mai, is it really that serious?"

Eugene frowned, making his old face full of wrinkles even more tortuous.

"Governor, it may be more serious than you think."

Mai Renhao said slowly.

A few minutes later.

"Sorry, Governor, Governor, Director Mai, I'm late."

Dai Anmin, who was dusty, walked into Eugene's office and said to Eugene, Shi Kang and Mai Renhao with a smile.

"Minister Dai, please sit down."

Eugene first asked Dai Anmin to sit down, then looked directly at Mai Renhao and said, "Director Mai, you can take out what you said."

Mai Renhao nodded slightly, then took out a cassette from his pocket, walked to the TV and cassette player, turned on these machines, and started playing the video recorded in the cassette.

Like Mai Renhao before, Eugene, Shi Kang, and Dai Anmin looked worse the more they watched the video.

But the three of them were also very calm. It was not until the video was finished that Eugene looked at Dai Anmin, who looked very ugly, and asked, "Minister Dai, is this someone from your Political Department?"

Eugene actually meant, can this not be someone from your Political Department?

"Mr. Governor, Chen Shaoqiang won the medal of our Political Department only last year."

Dai Anmin showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Mr. Governor, the person who brought the card told me that he has seven videos of people, all of which are confessions."

Mai Renhao directly told Eugene not to think about those crooked ways and to think about the right way.

After hearing what Mai Renhao said, Eugene took a deep breath, then looked at Shi Kang, Mai Renhao, and Dai Anmin in front of him and said slowly: "Three of you are the pillars, I believe youThey should be very clear about the consequences of such videos being released. "

In fact, even if the video of shooting people was played in a loop, Eugene was just shocked and angry, but not afraid.

But when he saw the confession of the so-called Special Branch police, he was really scared.

There are excuses for shooting people, and most of these people are indeed thugs, but if you add the confessions of these Special Branch police, it is equivalent to deliberately creating a massacre.

If this kind of thing gets out, not to mention that they can't bear it, even their ancestors can't bear it either.

They will not forget that there is a big country in the north watching them.

If it really comes to that, the best outcome is that all the senior officials of Hong Kong and Britain will resign, and the Eagle Country's ancestors will also make huge concessions to the people of Hong Kong Island to calm the anger of the citizens of Hong Kong Island and eliminate international influence.

This is completely unacceptable to Eugene, the Governor of Hong Kong. It will ruin his career. It doesn't matter, he's going to retire soon anyway, but the good situation of the whole Hong Kong Island will be ruined, which Eugene thinks is a crime.

It is precisely because of this that Mai Renhao made a decision immediately after seeing this video and agreed to the two small requests made by Ah Hua, that the Hong Kong Island Police Force stop all actions against the citizens of Hong Kong Island, and that the Police Force Political Department stop all actions against the citizens of Hong Kong Island.

In order to achieve the second small request, Mai Renhao even used his position as director as a guarantee and asked Eugene to call Dai Anmin and ask the Political Department to release Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei.

After Eugene's voice fell, the first person to speak was neither Mai Renhao nor Dai Anmin, but Shi Kang.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, the other party did not directly make these cassettes public, but first went to Director Mai, just because they didn't want to fight to the death. Then what we have to do now is very simple, negotiate with the other party!"

Shi Kang said directly.

"Mr. Governor, the question now is the question I just asked Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, how far can we give in? "

After Shi Kang finished speaking, Mai Renhao immediately continued his words.

After Mai Renhao finished speaking, Shi Kang, Mai Renhao, and Dai Anmin all looked at Eugene. As the first person in Hong Kong Island and the number one figure in the Hong Kong British government, only Eugene could answer this question.

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