At this time, in the transport cabin of the transport plane.

Three open jeeps rushed directly into the cabin. There were originally 18 "veterans of hundreds of battles" in the three vehicles, but 6 of them died in the previous charge. The remaining 12 "veterans of hundreds of battles" shot and killed all the bandits and foreign soldiers in the transport plane.

The 12 people walked towards the cockpit of the plane and met the professor and the bird who left the cockpit.

"Bang bang bang~"

The professor and the bird are indeed international bandits. They shoot very quickly and look for cover while shooting.

However, the two of them suddenly found that their targets, those indifferent men, did not even hide when facing them, and shot directly at them.

One was shooting while looking for cover, and the other was aiming and shooting.

It was clear who won and who lost on both sides.

"Da Da Da Da Da~"

After a burst of gunfire, the bird was shot into a sieve in the air while jumping towards the bunker, and the professor was not much better, with bullets in the waist and legs.


The professor endured the severe pain and cursed in a low voice, while quietly reaching out his pistol and firing, trying to buy himself some time.

However, to his disappointment, just a few seconds later, a man with 2 or 3 bullet holes appeared in front of him with an indifferent face.

"Bang Bang Bang~"

The professor fired subconsciously.

And the 'old soldier' ​​also pulled the trigger of the submachine gun.

"Da Da Da~"

After a burst of submachine gun firing, the body of the 'old soldier' ​​fell on the professor, but the professor could no longer move the body away. He leaned against the iron wall of the plane, stopped breathing, and died with his eyes open.

Soon, in the cockpit, there was a gun muzzle next to the heads of the three foreign pilots, and the four "veterans" raised their guns and looked at them coldly.

At the same time.

In the Asan military camp, the battle has come to an end.

Although hundreds of Asan soldiers began to explode after being forced into a desperate situation, they could not withstand Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo's continuous replenishment of veterans.

After discovering that the opponent's number would not decrease no matter how they fought, many Asan soldiers' mentality collapsed.

After their mentality collapsed, a massacre began.

A few minutes later, after killing hundreds of Asan soldiers in the Asan military camp, Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo left 50 "veterans" to clean up, and they took the others to rush towards the last two targets of the night.

In the command center of Stanley military camp.

"Fuck, why haven't those damn people come yet! "

Levens screamed.

Then, he glared at his adjutant and shouted: "Tell the officers in the barracks to rush here to reinforce within three minutes, otherwise they will be waiting for the military court!"

But Livings never dreamed that 1,500 soldiers had actually assembled and were also moving towards the Stanley barracks, but the speed was a little slow.

No matter how the white officers in charge of them urged them, these soldiers just couldn't speed up.

At this time, a walkie-talkie in the hand of an anxious white officer made a buzzing sound.

"Captain Thompson, the lieutenant colonel has given a death order. In 3 minutes, you must take people to the barracks, otherwise you will be waiting for the military court!"

The voice of the major adjutant came from the speaker of the walkie-talkie.

"Fuck, these people are walking slower than my 80-year-old grandmother. How can you let me catch up?"

Thomson cursed.

"Captain Thompson, that's your problem! "

After the major adjutant said this, he cut off the communication.

"fuck! fuck! fuck!"

Thomson cursed a few times, then looked at the soldiers who were still moving slowly and said: "Brothers, please hurry up!" Unfortunately, his pleading did not work.

Among the soldiers, one soldier whispered to another soldier: "Damn, the foreigners only pay 2,800 Hong Kong dollars a month, and they still want us to work hard. I don't know what they are thinking. "

The foreigners did save a lot of military expenses by recruiting soldiers in Hong Kong Island, but they didn't think about why these soldiers, who were paid much less than foreign soldiers or even Indian soldiers, would work for them?

On the other side.

Under various almost threatening orders from Levens, more than 200 foreign officers in the last camp of the foreigners finally set out and headed towards the Indian camp.

Soon, they met Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others head-on.

These foreign officers are indeed the most elite group of people in the entire Stanley military camp. They have very high combat literacy. Even when facing the 'hundreds of foreigners''Veterans' can fight against them head-on.

But as the battle progressed, more and more of these foreign officers died, and the advantage of the 'veterans' who could be replenished became greater and greater.

After more than ten minutes, the balance of the war began to tilt.

"Retreat to the barracks and use the houses in the barracks as cover to deal with these people!"

A foreign major shouted loudly.

It was also at this time that Wang Jianjun issued an order to charge!

Under Wang Jianjun's order, more than 100 'veterans' rushed directly towards the foreign officers with bullets.

After killing dozens of 'veterans', the other side rushed faster and was about to come to their people, and the morale of these foreign officers finally collapsed.

Soon, the entire Stanley Prison became a purgatory on earth.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, ask for help from the Hong Kong Island Police Force!"

The major adjutant said to Livings cautiously.

After a long silence, Levens finally nodded slowly. Asking the colonial police for help was a shame for a soldier, but Levens knew that at this moment, he and the foreign officers in Stanley Barracks had no choice.


Just then, a loud noise came into Levens' ears.

Without a moment's hesitation, Levens pulled out his pistol and looked at the stairs.

Soon, several figures appeared in Levens' sight.

Without a moment's hesitation, he fired directly.

"Bang bang bang~"

Levens successfully killed two "battle veterans", but what made him desperate was that a steady stream of people stared at him and other foreigners in the command center. Bullets rushed up.

"Da da da da~"

After a fierce exchange of fire, the command center of Stanley Barracks fell into a dead silence.

On the other side.

The residence of Commissioner of Police Mak Yan-ho.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

A phone ring woke Mai Renhao up.

"Who is this?"

Mai Renhao closed his eyes, picked up the phone, and asked.

Then, his eyes suddenly opened, and both his eyes and his facial expression were full of shock: "What did you say? Stanley military camp was attacked by gangsters. Did you ask our police force for help?"

That night, Hong Kong Island was horrified!

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