Late at night, the residence of the Commissioner of Police.

In the entire Hong Kong Island, there are tens of thousands of civil servants, but only three people have official residences.

The Governor, the Chief Commissioner, and the Commissioner of Police.

Like the Governor's Residence, the Commissioner of Police's Residence is also located in Mid-Levels, a two-story white European-style building.

But unlike the Governor's Residence, the Commissioner of Police's Residence is not guarded by special guards, but by the VIP Protection Group (C4) of the police force.

Originally, the nights here were very quiet, but tonight was obviously different.

After hearing that the foreign officer of Stanley Barracks actually asked the police for help, Mai Renhao was so shocked that he was completely awake on the spot. He had never heard of such a request in his life.

It's no wonder that Mai Renhao was surprised. Hong Kong Island has been opened for 140 years, and it has always been the police force that asked the army for help.

But the army has never asked the police for help. After all, even though the army has been largely withdrawn, there are still 3,000 fully armed soldiers in Stanley Barracks. If they can't handle it, wouldn't it be useless for the police to go there?

"Yes, Mr. Director, we did receive a request for help from Lieutenant Colonel Livingstone of the military. Please send someone to support them as soon as possible." On the other end of the phone, Chief Inspector Qin Wenfang of the Police Communications Department was also surprised.

She confirmed it several times just now, which made the foreign officer who was talking to her a little irritated. Then Qin Wenfang made a prompt decision and directly reported the news to the Commissioner of Police, Mai Yanhao.

"Okay, I got it. Your Communications Department will immediately notify the Hong Kong Island Region and the Kowloon Region, and ask the Flying Tigers, the Stormtroopers, and the PTU to carry heavy weapons and immediately support the Stanley Barracks!"

After a brief surprise, Mai Renhao immediately came to his senses. The situation was urgent. This time, he did not contact the heads of the relevant departments first, but directly issued his orders.

"Yes, sir!"

Qin Wenfang immediately said loudly.

After hearing Qin Wenfang's reply, Mai Renhao immediately hung up the phone, turned on the desk lamp, and dialed the number of the Governor's Office.

"I am the Commissioner of Police Mai Renhao. I have something very important to ask the Governor. Please ask the Governor to answer the phone immediately!"

After the call was connected, Mai Renhao immediately spoke.

At the same time.

In the Stanley Barracks.

After killing all the foreign soldiers and foreign officers in Stanley Barracks, under the orders of Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, the 200 "veterans" who were fully replenished quickly looted the arsenal of the barracks and moved all the items onto the military transport plane.

At the same time, they also gathered the dead foreigners, Indians, and "veterans" who died in battle together, and used incendiary bombs to cremate them and destroy the bodies.

After doing all this, Wang Jianjun took 200 "elite veterans" on the military transport plane and took off from Hong Kong Island.

The cockpit of the military transport plane.

Wang Jianjun took the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Jun, it's me, everything is done."

After the call was connected, Wang Jianjun said.

"Okay, you fly to Haojiang now. I have arranged for someone to pick you up at Haojiang International Airport. After arriving in Haojiang, act according to the plan. "

On the other end of the phone, at Henglai Hotel, Li Jun said with a smile while watching Mona fiddle with the tea set in an extremely elegant posture.

Before Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo started to act, Li Jun had already greeted He Xian. Now at Haojiang International Airport, Ye Qiu is waiting for the arrival of Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others with more than 2,000 "veterans of a hundred battles".

As soon as the military transport plane arrives, Li Ke will be driven into a hangar at Haojiang International Airport, and then the second phase of Li Jun's entire plan can begin.

A military transport plane is worth a lot of money...

"Okay, Jun brother, I know. "

After Wang Jianjun finished speaking, he hung up the phone and ordered the 'old soldier' ​​who was flying the plane to go to Haojiang International Airport.

"Beep beep~"

On the other end of the phone, Li Jun smiled slightly after hearing the busy tone from the receiver, and then smiled and said to Mona in front of him: "Mona, there is nothing wrong with your overall movements, but you must change that kind of subconscious teasing, otherwise it will lower your level, which is not good."

"Remember, in the top clubs, members are not looking at sex, don't take the lead, let them feel the nobility of their status at all times, this is the most important thing."

Li Jun was obviously teaching him everything he knew.

"Okay, Jun brother, I got it."

Mona folded her hands in front of her. Whether it was her standing posture or her demeanor, she had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before. If the previous Mona letIf you can tell a sexy beauty at first glance, then Mona is still a beauty now, but she is indeed the kind of beauty that ordinary men can only dream of but cannot reach.

"Mona, don't be so nervous, say a few words in foreign language."

Li Jun said with a smile.

After saying this, Li Jun always felt that something was wrong, but as Mona spoke in foreign language with a strong accent, Li Jun nodded with satisfaction.

She is indeed a natural socialite, with such a strong learning ability.

And it is obvious that Mona must have studied very hard these days. In order to encourage Mona to continue working hard, Li Jun decided to give Mona a small reward.

On the other side, at the entrance of Stanley Barracks in the Southern District of Hong Kong Island.

More than a dozen Hong Kong Island Police Force troop carriers, assault vehicles, and patrol cars drove directly in.

In less than two minutes, these more than a dozen troop carriers, assault vehicles, and patrol cars rushed to the military camp's airport.

However, what they saw was not only the charred bodies on the ground, but also the military transport plane that had flown high into the sky and could not be seen unless they looked carefully.

"Sir, what reinforcements are you going to give us?"

Flying Tigers Inspector Zhou Xingxing, who got off the troop carrier, looked at the military transport plane that was almost invisible in the sky and asked the white officer beside him. "Fuck!"

The white officer cursed in a low voice, then took out a satellite phone from his tactical belt and dialed a number.

"Sir, this is Mike Smith from the Flying Tigers. We are late. Apart from a large number of bodies, no living people were found at the scene, and the military transport plane had been driven away by the bandits."

After the call was connected, Mike Smith said loudly.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Taoran, the deputy commissioner in charge of the rescue operation, who was awakened by the Commissioner of Police Mai Renhao, was stunned on the spot after hearing this sentence.

Stanley Barracks has 3,000 garrisons, just gone like that?

Are you fucking kidding me?

At this moment, Chen Taoran felt an indescribable sense of confusion and absurdity. This matter was too outrageous, causing him to feel a little unreal now.

At this moment, Smik's voice came out of the receiver again.

"Director Chen, there are still soldiers in Stanley Barracks. I saw many soldiers coming towards me, and some Indian soldiers also came out of the barracks."

The crowd not far away in front of Smik, and the dozens of Indian soldiers with terrified faces, reported again.

The Indians are indeed talented in race, second only to the Baeks in escaping talent, so that even if Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo sent 50 "battle veterans" to clean up the battlefield, they could not kill them all.

Compared with the Indians, the foreigners are much more honest. More than 300 foreign soldiers and officers were wiped out.

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