At 4:30 pm that day.

Just as Eugene, Sowers, Mai Renhao, and Shi Kang were waiting for the press conference held by Li Jun.

Mount Davis, the White House of the Political Department.

After Wang Ailin was hit and killed downstairs of the Political Department headquarters, even idiots knew that the headquarters of the Political Department had been exposed.

Therefore, the top leaders of the Political Department immediately made a decision to temporarily move the Political Department headquarters back to the White House, playing a trick of hiding the dark under the lamp.

But the people in the Political Department could never have imagined that they had been completely targeted by Li Jun's people. Unless they moved back to Eagle Country, it would be the same wherever they moved.

At this time, in an office in the White House

"Li Jun is going to hold a press conference in Haojiang, what do you think?"

Deputy Minister of the Political Department Hao Dejie asked Shi Xun, another deputy minister of the Political Department.

After Dai Anmin was forced to resign, the relationship between Hao Dejie and Shi Xun became subtle. The two of them were each other's biggest competitors, and both of them had the hope of sitting in the position of Minister of the Political Department.

"How do I see? Of course I see with my eyes."

Shi Xun said sarcastically.

"Minister Shi, I am serious. If the MI6's espionage mission fails and our Political Department is implicated, the consequences will be disastrous."

Hao Dejie looked at Dai Anmin sincerely and said slowly.

"Minister Hao Dejie, don't you understand? This matter has exceeded the capabilities of our Political Department. Now Li Jun is playing a game with the Governor of Hong Kong. How our Political Department is doing, we have to wait until the outcome of their game is known."

Shi Xun glanced at Hao Dejie and said lightly.

According to the tradition of the Political Department, Hao Dejie and Shi Xun have completely different backgrounds. Hao Dejie came from the military, while Shi Xun came from MI6.

Shi Xun has always looked down on Hao Dejie, who came from a military background.

"Li Jun! Fuck, how did our Political Department fall to the point where we can't even handle a gangster."

Hao Dejie muttered Li Jun's name and cursed.

As a department with a transcendent status in the Hong Kong British government, the Political Department has always been arrogant, not to mention a deputy minister like Hao Dejie. A short mule like Li Jun was not in the eyes of their Political Department before.

As a result, now...

In front of Li Jun, their Political Department can't even make their own decisions, which makes Hao Dejie feel so frustrated that he wants to vomit blood.

"Minister Hao Dejie, don't think too much, just wait for the result."

Although Shi Xun said so, as long as you look closely at his eyes, you will know that he is as frustrated as Hao Dejie.

But Hao Dejie and Shi Xun don't know that at this moment, outside the white house.

"Military stronghold, get out!"

The four military police guarding the door of the white house looked at a car parked not far away and cursed loudly.

"Da Da Da~"

The bullets fired from the submachine gun answered them.

Then, the car accelerated directly and rushed into the white house.

Then, more than a dozen cars followed behind the car and rushed into the white house together.

"Da Da Da Da~"

After a fierce gunshot, all the military and police officers of the Political Department guarding outside the building were shot dead.

Soon, 50 to 60 people got off the cars quickly and divided into two teams. Under the leadership of Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, they rushed into the two buildings of the white house respectively.

The only difference was that these 50 to 60 people did not carry weapons, but rushed in with bare hands.

In the office, Hao Dejie and Shi Xun's faces changed suddenly after hearing the gunshots. They never dreamed that someone would dare to touch their political department.

After looking at each other, they took out the Glock 17 pistols on their waists. One leaned against the back of the office door to be on guard, and the other quickly picked up the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"This is Shi Xun. Our Political Department's "White Room" has been attacked. Ask the police to send reinforcements!"

After saying this, Shi Xun immediately put down the phone and ran to the window to see what was going on outside.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Soon, gunshots rang out in the two buildings of the White Room, and "veterans of a hundred battles" were constantly shot dead by the police from the Political Department.

However, with Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, the "veterans of a hundred battles" will never die.

Soon, in the building where Wang Jianguo was, a total of 23 police officers from the Political Department were knocked unconscious and captured alive, and all the information in the office, whether useful or not, was packed up and taken away.

In another building, Wang Jianjun's advancement speed was also very fast. In less than ten minutes, he arrived at the room where Hao Dejie and Shi Xun were.

With a bang, the door of this office was knocked open.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Without a moment's hesitation, HaoDejie pulled the trigger and shot at the people at the door. Shi Xun was not to be outdone and shot directly.

Several "veterans" who knocked on the door were shot on the spot. With the accurate shooting skills of Hao Dejie and Shi Xun, and the narrow terrain of the door, Hao Dejie and Shi Xun even suppressed the "veterans" for a while.

But as the bullets ran out, Hao Dejie and Shi Xun could not escape the fate of being knocked unconscious.

"Let's go!"

Wang Jianjun turned around and left without even looking at the two deputy directors of the Political Department.

Hao Dejie and Shi Xun were grabbed by the collars by two "old soldiers" and dragged out of the house like two dead dogs.

One minute later, more than a dozen cars quickly left the White House and arrived at the Tai O Pier next to Mount Davis in less than ten minutes.

At this time, there were already two ships docked at the Tai O Pier.

After Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo arrived, they immediately took more than 50 police officers from the Political Department, including Hao Dejie and Shi Xun, on the boat and left Hong Kong Island.

At the same time, in the "White House", Zhou Xingxing led a group of Flying Tigers from the Hong Kong Island General District to support the Political Department.

However, the previous battle went too fast. When Zhou Xingxing and others arrived, everything had already been settled, and...

"What's going on? There's not a single hair on the body..."

Zhou Xingxing looked at the empty building and didn't know what to say for a while.

Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo not only took away all the people and information from the Political Department, but also took away the bodies of the dead "old soldiers".

If the person who called the police was not someone from the Political Department, and there were a lot of blood and bullet shells at the scene, Zhou Xingxing would have to consider whether someone was maliciously calling the police falsely.

"Sir Zhou, what should we do now?"

A subordinate walked quickly to Zhou Xingxing's side and asked.

"You go to investigate the scene first, I will report the situation here to my superiors."

Zhou Xingxing immediately gave an order.

"Yes, sir!"

The Flying Tigers member responded and immediately turned around and left.


Zhou Xingxing glanced at the empty office next to him again, sighed softly, took out the intercom, and connected to a signal source.

"Hello, I am police number 71129, Flying Tigers Inspector Zhou Xingxing, I just received a call..."

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