At the same time.

Hong Kong Island, Governor's House.

Li Jun's press conference seemed to say a lot, but if you look closely, there was nothing except threatening the high-ranking officials of the British Hong Kong government, which made Eugene, Shi Kang and others all confused.

They couldn't figure out whether Li Jun was bluffing or confident.

After a long silence, Eugene slowly said: "Everyone, now we must figure out two things. What does this Li Jun mean? Does he have anything in his hand?"

After saying this, Eugene looked at Mai Renhao, "Director Mai, the police force still has to show its attitude. The press conference will be held as usual, indicating that the police force will do its best to investigate the gangsters who attacked Li Jun and their identities."

"Okay, Mr. Governor."

Mai Renhao nodded in response.

"In addition, we must be on guard these days. With Li Jun's personality, he will definitely cause trouble these days."

Eugene continued to give instructions.

This time Mai Renhao did not speak, but just nodded slightly.

"Mr. Governor, Director Mai, you go and do your work. These few days will be very difficult, but we must persevere for the queen!" Eugene looked at Shi Kang and Mai Renhao and said slowly.

"For the queen!"

"For the queen!"

Shi Kang and Mai Renhao also shouted slogans, got up and left Eugene's office. Soon, only Eugene and Sovos were in the office.

"Sovos, my old friend, tell me what you think now."

Eugene looked at Sovos, who had hardly spoken for an afternoon, and asked slowly.

"Old Eugene, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Sovos looked at Eugene and said lightly.

"What do you think?"

Eugene replied unhappily.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

Before Sovos could speak, a phone rang.


Eugene asked after picking up the phone.

Then, Sovos saw that Eugene's face became extremely ugly in an instant.

"You are not kidding me, are you?"

Eugene said slowly.

"Okay, I get it."

Finally, Eugene's face became extremely gloomy. He slowly hung up the phone, looked up at Sovos, and said weakly: "Just now, the White House of the Political Department was attacked. All the policemen of the Political Department, including the two deputy chiefs, are missing."

Hearing Eugene's words, Sovos's face changed suddenly. He could no longer sit still. He stood up and muttered to himself: "I know that Li Jun is the same as me."

"Sovos, what do you mean?"

Hearing Sovos' words, Eugene's face changed slightly.

"Old Eugene, now you don't want me to tell you that this was done by Li Jun, right?"

Sovos said slowly.

"How dare he touch the Political Department directly! Is he really not afraid of Zujia's action?"

Eugene's old face was already a little pale. He never dreamed that Li Jun would dare to touch the core department of their Hong Kong British high-level officials.

This has already violated the core interests of their Eagle Countrymen.

"Eugene, think about it carefully. The Political Department was the core department of your Hong Kong British high-level officials before. Is it still the core department now?"

Sovos said slowly, word by word.

Sovos' words were like a basin of cold water, which directly put out Eugene's anger.

The attack on Li Jun, an attack that completely disregarded the lives of civilians, could be strictly considered a terrorist attack.

Now Li Jun brazenly took action and kidnapped most of the people in the Political Department. If he used means to force the people in the Political Department to admit that they planned the attack...

Thinking of this, Eugene's eyes were already full of horror.

In that case, the Hong Kong British high-level officials really had to abandon the car to save the general. Not only did they have to abandon the Political Department, but even the middle and high-level foreigners who came out of the Political Department before would all be implicated. In this way...

Eugene was sweating coldly from his forehead just thinking about it.

You know, as the core department of the British Hong Kong high-level officials, the Political Department is full of people who are most loyal to the Eagle Country and the motherland.

In the past few decades, the Political Department has produced countless senior police officers, customs officials, and other high-level departments of the British Hong Kong high-level officials.

It can be said that working in the Political Department is equivalent to being gilded, which is equivalent to having a direct pass to the British Hong Kong high-level officials.

If something happens in this department...

Thinking of this, Eugene looked at Sovos and said, "Sovos, as a friend, give me a suggestion."

"Shut up Li Jun and talk to him."

Sovos said slowly.

"What if Li Jun's conditions are beyond our reach?"

Eugene frowned.

"Old Eugene, if Li Jun wants to do things to the extreme, at least half of the people in the political department will die. He has no need to kidnap all the people. He must also want to talk to us. "

Sovos analyzed.


Hearing Sovos's words, Eugene sighed heavily. After pondering for a long time, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

On the other side, in He Xian's house.

After the press conference, Li Jun went straight back to He Xian's house.

"Ah Jun, I'm curious, what tricks do you have next?"

He Xian asked with a smile.

"Uncle Xian, my tricks were used up during the press conference."

Li Jun smiled mysteriously and said slowly.

"Oh? Ah Jun, what did you do?"

He Xian's eyes moved slightly and asked with a smile.

"Uncle Xian, you just wait and see the show. If I'm not mistaken, someone will come to your house to find me in half an hour at most. "

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Hahaha, OK, Jun, I'll wait and see the show."

He Xian laughed loudly.

Less than ten minutes later.

"Master, Dr. Luo Bao is here and said he wants to see Mr. Li."

He Xian's housekeeper walked up to He Xian and said to him.

Hearing his housekeeper's words, He Xian's eyes flashed with surprise. After looking at Li Jun, he smiled and said, "Jun, if I'm not mistaken, you should know why Luo Bao is looking for you, right?"

Li Jun smiled slightly and didn't reply.

"Please let Luo Bao in."

He Xian said to the housekeeper indifferently.

One minute later.

A red-haired foreigner followed He Xian's housekeeper to He Xian and Li Jun.

"Mr. He."

Luo Bao greeted He Xian first, then looked at Li Jun and said with a smile, "This must be Li Jun, Mr. Li, right? ”

“Dr. Luo Bao, nice to meet you for the first time. Hello.”

Li Jun smiled and nodded to Luo Bao.

“Mr. Li, I am also very happy to meet you, but I am entrusted by someone, so I should talk to you about business first.”

“Governor Eugene just called me and told me that he wanted to talk to you in person. If you agree, he will come to Haojiang tonight.”

Luo Bao looked at Li Jun and spoke slowly. Even though he had been shocked once just now, when he repeated this sentence, Luo Bao’s eyes were still full of surprise.

The Governor of Hong Kong Island and him, the Director of the Haojiang Economic Bureau, are not at the same level at all.

He, the Director of the Economic Bureau, has been completely sidelined by He Xian. He has to look at He Xian’s face when he speaks and does things, but the Governor of Hong Kong is different. The Governor of Hong Kong is the real representative of the Queen in Hong Kong Island. He has the final say. How could such a person take the initiative to negotiate with someone, or take the initiative to negotiate?

And the negotiation object is still a Hong Kong Islander, a young Hong Kong Islander.

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