"Thank you, Mr. Li."

Thomas Fernandi's tone was full of bitterness.

"Mr. Fernandi, my men may be a little radical in their methods, but please believe that they are doing it to make the two of us work better together, and I have said that I only want Mabast Island."

On the other end of the phone, Li Jun's smile became brighter.

"Mr. Li, I completely understand what you mean."

Thomas Fernandi's smile became more bitter.

"Mr. Fernandi, if I were you, I would immediately lead people back to Legabee, and take advantage of Rudi Fernandi's people not reacting, so that they will completely lose the threat to you. If my information is correct, Rudi Fernandi seems to have a 7-year-old son..."

At this moment, Li Jun's voice sounded like the devil's whisper to Thomas Fernandi, constantly tempting him, but Thomas Fernandi knew very well that he had no other choice except to follow Li Jun all the way to the end.

"Mr. Li, I understand what you mean."

Thomas Fernandi said slowly, word by word.

On this day, Legabee City was in chaos.

Thomas Fernandi led Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and hundreds of Li Jun's special forces back to Legabee City. On the grounds that Rudy Fernandi's assistant cooperated with the 'New People's Liberation Front' and intended to subvert the Fernandi family's rule in the Bicol region, he directly killed all of Rudy Fernandi's confidants.

As for Rudy Fernandi's 7-year-old son, he disappeared in the chaos. As a real uncle, Thomas Fernandi was heartbroken and offered a reward of 30 million pesos to find his real nephew.

Only that night, Thomas Fernandi, who was still heartbroken in the afternoon, appeared at the Daragon Hotel with a smile on his face to attend the celebration banquet hosted by him.

After an afternoon of buffering, Thomas Fernandi has fully recovered and put himself in the right position.

Even if he is a puppet family head, it is better than a useless young master who only dares to stay in the hotel and pretend to be a playboy.

Moreover, Thomas Fernandi believes that as long as he can always remain friendly to Li Jun, he will never attack him. After all, Li Jun cannot find a second partner as good as himself in the entire Bickel region.

On the contrary, he needs Li Jun now. Through today's contact, Thomas Fernandi deeply realized how powerful the force in Li Jun's hands is. As long as Li Jun supports him, his position as the head of the family will be extremely solid.

"Mr. Fernandi!"

"Mr. Fernandi!"

Listening to the compliments from the people around him, Thomas Fernandi felt that he was about to ascend to heaven at this moment.

At this moment.

"Mr. Fernandi."

A familiar voice made Thomas Fernandi fall directly from the sky.

"Mr. Li."

Thomas Fernandi quickly restrained the complacency on his face and spoke to Li Jun carefully.

"Thomas, don't be so nervous, we are good friends, right?"

Li Jun looked at Thomas Fernandi, whose face quickly became stiff, and said with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Li, you are right, we are good friends."

Hearing Li Jun's words and looking at the bright smile on Li Jun's face, Thomas Fernandi also raised a bright smile on his face. At this moment, he understood what Li Jun meant.

Around Li Jun and Thomas Fernandi, many wealthy families in the Bikel region looked at Li Jun who was chatting and laughing with Thomas Fernandi, and even faintly wanted to suppress Thomas Fernandi, whispering, and guessing who Li Jun was.

However, Li Jun had no intention, and was not interested in getting acquainted with this group of so-called wealthy families. He had more important things to do, and he had to find Thomas Fernandi.

Fifteen minutes later.

In a room at the Daragon Hotel.

"Mr. Li, this is all the information you want about Mabaster Island."

Thomas Fernandi handed a stack of papers to Li Jun with both hands.

This is also a small task that Li Jun gave to Thomas Fernandi. The information from He Xian is still not very detailed. What Li Jun wants is to completely control Mabaste Island in his own hands, and he must be fully prepared.

Li Jun spent a full 2 ​​hours to read the information, and he also had a thorough understanding of Mabaste Island.

This is an island located 316 kilometers from Legabee with an area of ​​about 336 square kilometers.

It is the third largest island in the Bikel region and the island with the worst geographical conditions among the six islands in the Bikel region.Island.

Two-thirds of the island is mountainous, and the gold mines found on the island are in this mountainous area.

The remaining one-third of the flat land is located in the south of the island, but a small half of it is sandy beach, and the land that can be used to grow crops only accounts for one-fifth of the entire island.

It is precisely because of this that almost thirty years ago, the previous head of the Fernandi family, Thomas Fernandi's grandfather, forced all the Chinese in the entire Bicker region to move to Mabast Island. At the same time, in order to confiscate the property of these Chinese in a logical way, the Fernandi family pretended to promise the Chinese that they would designate Mabast Island as a Chinese residential area and govern it by the Chinese themselves.

As a result, after 160,000 Chinese people came to the island and spent 5 years to reclaim and develop Mabaste Island, the Fernandi family immediately forgot their promise to the Chinese people and sent the family's loyal dog, Pix Nannod, the current ruler of Mabaste Island, to the island with troops to forcibly occupy the farmland and houses developed by the Chinese people.

Fierce conflicts broke out between the two sides, and the Chinese people eventually became weak. The Fernandi family immediately immigrated more than 100,000 Malay monkeys to the island. After more than ten years of development, the Chinese population decreased from 160,000 to 100,000, while the number of Malay monkeys reached 300,000.

"Thomas, your Fernandi family's failure to keep promises should not be inherited, right?"

After reading the information about Mabaste Island, Li Jun looked at Thomas Fernandi and asked with a smile.

"No, no, Mr. Li, don't worry, I am different from the others in the Fernandi family, I keep my promise."

Hearing Li Jun's words, Thomas Fernandi immediately understood that he was hinting that his grandfather did not keep his promise to the Chinese, and hurriedly spoke.

"Thomas, since you are so committed to your promise, shouldn't you fulfill your promise to the Chinese, such as appointing a Chinese as the manager of Mabaste Island."

Li Jun's smile did not diminish, and he still stared at Thomas Fernandi, looking at him with a tingling scalp.

"Mr. Li, I will go to the governor of the Bikel region tomorrow and ask them to issue an appointment letter to appoint you as the governor of Mabaste Island."

Thomas Fernandi said hurriedly.

Hearing Thomas Fernandi's words, Li Jun smiled and shook his head and said, "Thomas, I am just an outsider, how can I be the governor of Mabaste Island?"

"What does Mr. Li mean?"

Thomas Fernandi asked hurriedly.

"I have a brother who is determined to take root in Mabast Island. He is the most suitable person to be the head of the government."

If Li Jun himself becomes the head of Mabast, it would be too ostentatious. There is no need for that. Just choose a soldier or engineer to be the head of the government. Li Jun only needs a title.

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