"Okay, okay, everything will be done according to your instructions, Mr. Li."

Thomas Fernandi nodded immediately. Now as long as Li Jun didn't let him roll off the stage, he would agree to Li Jun's other requests.

"Thomas, it's great to have a friend like you."

Li Jun looked at Thomas Fernandi and said slowly, word by word.

Time soon came to the evening of the second day.

In the high seas 300 kilometers away from Legaby City, a 100,000-ton cargo ship stopped on the dark sea like a prehistoric monster. This giant cargo ship has traveled for more than half a month from the Black Sea to come here, with the purpose of delivering equipment to Li Jun.





With six sounds of falling into the water, six patrol ships that were much smaller than the freighters were pushed onto the sea.

Luo Sanpao, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately took over the six patrol ships with his men.

Then, more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles were lifted from the cargo ship by the crane on the cargo ship to several armed merchant ships of Luo Sanlu. As for light weapons such as guns and rocket launchers, they were also lifted out one by one by the crane.

The amount of arms purchased by Li Jun this time was so large that the crane of the cargo ship was busy for 5 hours before all of Li Jun's goods were lifted out.

When all this was over, it was already dawn. Luo Sanpao stood on the deck of a cruiser, holding a satellite phone with a high-spirited look on his face, and dialed Li Jun's number.

"Brother Jun, all the goods have been obtained."

After the call was connected, Luo Sanpao immediately spoke.

"Okay, you will come back soon. "

Li Jun's voice came from the receiver.

"Okay, Jun brother!"

Luo Sanpao responded.

After hearing what Luo Sanpao said, Li Jun hung up the phone, and then gathered Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Li Wang, and Feng Yuxiu to his room, took out a map of Mabast Island that he had taken from Thomas Fernandi, and spread it on the bed.

"Everyone, A Pao just called me, and the Russians' munitions have arrived. I plan to attack the island tonight! "

Li Jun said slowly, word by word.

Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Li Wang, and Feng Yuxiu did not speak, but quietly waited for Li Jun's order.

"The Nan Nord family has a total of 4,000 garrisons on Mabast Island, of which 3,000 are in the gold mine in the north. The remaining 1,000 people, 200 are at Nan Nord's home, and the remaining 800 are in the military camp next to Nan Nord's villa, guarding the safety of Nan Nord's family."

"My plan is very simple. The ships in A Pao's hands have limited transportation capacity, so I will only summon 3,000 special forces first. Jianjun, you take 1,500 special forces and must eliminate the 3,000 garrisons of the Nan Nord family in the gold mine. Don't let any of them go."

Li Jun looked at Wang Jianjun and said.

"Understood! "

Wang Jianjun nodded immediately.

"Jianguo, you take 1,500 special forces to take down the Nan Nord family's base camp and deal with the 200 soldiers guarding the Nan Nord family's base camp. In addition, the 800 soldiers in the military camp outside the base camp will also be handed over to you to deal with."

Li Jun looked at Wang Jianguo again and said.

"Okay, Brother Jun."

Wang Jianguo also nodded immediately.

"Finally, after we get on the island, I will summon all the soldiers that can be summoned. Li Wang, you are responsible for dealing with the Chinese people on the island, let them calm down and don't be afraid, and Ah Xiu, you are responsible for dealing with the Malai monkeys on the island. Remember, no matter what method you use, you must make these Malai monkeys behave themselves."

Li Jun looked at Feng Yuxiu and Li Wang again and said slowly.

"Okay! "

Li Wang and Feng Yuxiu responded in unison.

"While taking action, I will let A Pao block the entire Mabast Island, so you don't have any scruples on the island. I only want the result, not the process. Do you understand?"


Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Li Wang, and Feng Yuxiu immediately stood up and shouted in unison.

"Have a good rest during the day. Tonight, I will let those Malay monkeys on Mabast Island know that bullying people will cost you a price!"

Li Jun smiled slightly and spoke slowly, word by word.

But at this moment, the Malay monkeys on Mabast Island, including Pix Nannod, the head of the Nannod family, would never dream that this would be their last peaceful day on Mabast Island. Everything that happened tonight would become a nightmare they would never forget in their lives...

Late at night, Mabast Island.

In the north, at the foot of a 200-300-meter-high hill, there is aA small village.

The houses in this village are basically made of wood frames, and palm leaves are thrown on the wood as roofs. They are extremely simple. Only a few houses have wooden frame roofs, which look like houses.

In one of the wooden houses.

"Village head, Pixar Nan Nord's people want us to send two more laborers to the mine. In the past six months, our village has sent 12 people, and only 3 people have returned, and each of them is disabled for life. If this continues, the strong labor force in our village will sooner or later be drained by Nan Nord's bastard."

A middle-aged man spoke to a gray-haired man in his 60s.

These two men, whether young or old, are very thin, the kind of thinness caused by malnutrition.

"Wang Lin, tell me, what should we do? Nan Nord's people have guns in their hands, what can we use to resist."

The gray-haired man sighed in a low voice.

"Hey, Uncle Tai, damn, we should have fought with those people in Nan Nord at the beginning, and we wouldn't have lived so aggrieved!"

The man named Wang Lin sighed deeply.

"At the beginning, I didn't know that these macaques had no credibility at all. They first tricked us into coming to the island to open up wasteland. After we finished the land reclamation, they asked us to give up half of the land. After we gave up half of the land, they drove us to the mountains in the north."

"We finally opened up wasteland in the mountains, and those macaques came to grab our land again. We retreated step by step, and now, what can we do to fight them?"

The man named Uncle Tai sighed with a frustrated look.

Wang Lin was so angry when he heard Uncle Tai's words that he cursed.

"Well, it's useless to say so much now. Let's think about how to deal with the labor withdrawal this time."

Uncle Tai's face was also very ugly, but he knew that it was useless to vent his emotions now.

"Could it be that Ah Mei and the others will..."

Wang Lin's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

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