"This is also for the village."

Uncle Tai's voice also became very low...

"Grandpa, Uncle Wanglin, what are you talking about?"

At this time, a little girl of seven or eight years old walked out of her room, rubbed her eyes and looked at Uncle Tai and Wanglin, and asked in very unfluent Chinese.

"Nothing, Xiaoxiao, you go to bed."

Uncle Tai waved his hand, signaling his granddaughter Xiaoxiao to go back to the room to sleep.

After his granddaughter walked into the room, Uncle Tai looked at Wanglin and said sadly: "Wanglin, in fact, what I am most afraid of is children like Xiaoxiao. Those people in Nan Nord don't let our Chinese children learn Chinese and don't allow our children to speak Chinese. In another twenty years, when this group of people die and grow old, our descendants will forget their roots."

Just listening to Uncle Tai's words, you can know what kind of life the Chinese people on Mabaste Island have lived in the past ten years.

Even the language and culture of their own nation are not allowed to be passed on. It is obvious that they want these Chinese people to forget their roots.

"Uncle Tai, let's run away, escape from this island, and return to our Chinese place."

Wang Lin suddenly looked up at Uncle Tai, his eyes were very bright.

"Wang Lin, think about your child, you can run away, but can he?"

Uncle Tai said slowly.


Hearing Uncle Tai's words, Wang Lin sighed deeply.

At the same time, there was a small camp on the seashore in the north of Mabast Island.

"Pangpala, have you notified all the 17 Chinese villages nearby?"

A young man with the appearance of a Malay monkey looked at a Chinese-looking man standing not far from him and asked lightly.

"Don't worry, Lord Nannod, everything will be notified as you ordered, and each village will provide 2 places."

The man named Pangpala said with a smile.

"Well, let the villages that haven't sent out people before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning send one more person, and then let them send one more person every hour."

The man who spoke was called Zion Nannod, the youngest son of Pix Nannod, the current head of the Nannod family, and was deeply loved by Pix Nannod.

It was precisely because of this that he was asked to be responsible for collecting labor in the Chinese village.

"Okay, Lord Nannod."

Pompara said immediately.

Then, this Pompala came to Nannod's side, showing an expression that all men understand, and laughed softly: "Lord Nannod, there are several Chinese villages who want to send one less laborer as before."

Hearing Pompala's words, Sian Nannod's face changed slightly. After a moment of silence, he said: "My father has given a death order for the target of this mission. No one can be missing."

Speaking of this, Sian Nannod smiled: "But even if I deceive those Chinese people, what can they do to me?"

"Hehe, Lord Nannod is right. It is a blessing for them to be favored by you."

Pompala immediately flattered him.

"Pompala, you speak better than your father Compad, I like to listen."

Sian Nannod smiled and patted Pompada's shoulder.

"Lord Nannod, I am expressing my true feelings."

Pompala immediately replied with a smile.

His father, Compard, once had a name called Lin Honghui. In order to show his sincerity in joining the Nannod family, he gave up his Chinese name and took the name of a macaque.

"Come on, tell me for another half an hour."

Zion Nannod said to Pompala with a smile.

"Lord Nannod, this..."

Pompad looked embarrassed when he heard Sion Nannod's request.


Zion Nannod looked at Pompard with a cold light in his eyes.

"Mr. Nannod, you..."

Helplessly, Pompard could only use his lifelong skills to flatter Sion Nannod, like a dog that amuses its master, making Sion Nannod laugh.

But whether it was Sion Nannod or Pompard, or the other macaque soldiers in the camp, they did not notice that under the dark sea, thousands of special forces were heading towards Mabast Island.

20 minutes later.

Pompard racked his brains, but couldn't think of a word.

"Why, it's over, only 20 minutes have passed."

Sion Nannod, who was enjoying it with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said lightly.

"Lord Nannod, I..."


Pompard just opened his mouth to explain himself, and suddenly a burst of gunfire rang out.


"Da da da~"

A burst of dense gunfire reached the ears of Zion Nannod and Pompard.

"Go see what happened."

Zion Nannod immediately shouted to Pompard.


Pompard's legs were so weak from the sudden gunfire that he was about to speak, but he saw that Zion Nannod had already pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

Helpless, Pompard could only walk out of the house in the dark.

Then, he was shocked.

I saw a group of men in camouflage combat uniforms reaping the lives of Marleyan soldiers like a massacre.

Only those who dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender could avoid death.

Looking at an expressionless man looking at him, Pompard's legs softened and he was immediately shocked. He raised his hands and knelt on the ground, not daring to move.

A few minutes later, the camp set up for recruiting people was taken down. In addition to more than 40 Malay monkey soldiers being killed, more than 100 people were captured, including Pompard and Sian Nannod.

At first, Sian Nannod wanted to threaten the enemy with his Nannod family identity. After being slapped more than a dozen times and beaten into a pig's head, he realized that not everyone would give face to the Nannod surname...

On the other side, Jinglai Village.

"We are all ordinary villagers, please let us go. "

Uncle Tai looked at the cold-faced man in front of him and knelt down to beg for mercy.

A few minutes ago, this group of people suddenly broke into their Jinglai Village and took out all 133 people in their village. However, a man in a green military coat walked up to them and asked them who was in charge here.

Although Uncle Tai was afraid, as the village chief, he still stood up.

"Are you Chinese?"

Wang Jianjun looked at the gray-haired, skinny, dark-skinned, and weathered man in front of him and asked.

"Yes, you are also..."

Hearing Wang Jianjun's words, Uncle Tai's eyes suddenly lit up.

"We are also Chinese."

Wang Jianjun nodded slowly in response.

"Are you Chinese? You are Chinese! "

After Wang Jianjun finished speaking, Uncle Tai had no reaction, but Wang Lin, who was standing behind Uncle Tai, was excited. He looked at the fully armed men in front of him, who were thousands of times better than the Nan Nord soldiers at first glance. As he spoke, tears burst out of his eyes.

"I need someone to take me into the mountains and find the Nan Nord soldiers who are responsible for guarding the gold mine. Who of you can help me with this?"

This is the first village that Wang Jianjun encountered after landing. According to Li Jun's instructions, if it is a Chinese village, then don't move for the time being. If it is a Malay monkey village, then control everyone and wait for punishment.

But obviously, Wang Jianjun had a new idea after discovering that this village is a Chinese village.

The area of ​​the mountainous area in the north of Mabast Island is actually not small. If it depends on 1,500 special forces to slowly search, it will definitely take a long time, but if there are locals who are familiar with the terrain to lead the way, it will be different.

"What are you going to do in the gold mine? "

Uncle Tai asked immediately.

"What do you think?"

Wang Jianjun did not answer Uncle Tai's question, but asked him a question in return.

"I, I can, I will take you to the gold mine!"

At this time, Wang Lin, who was excited, did not hesitate for a moment and directly said that he could.

"Okay, lead the way. "

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