Wang Jianjun said slowly.


Uncle Tai saw that Wanglin was about to leave with Wang Jianjun, so he grabbed him and whispered to him: "These people are of unknown origin, you..."

"Uncle Tai, they are our own people!"

After Wanglin threw down this sentence, he struggled to break free from Uncle Tai's hand holding his sleeve, and left with Wang Jianjun and others.

"It was the Chinese who tricked us at the beginning!"

Uncle Tai muttered to himself as he watched Wang Jianjun and others leave.

Then, a glimmer of hope appeared on his face: "I hope our luck will be better this time!"

Half an hour later.

Wanglin led Wang Jianjun and others to the top of a small hill. Wanglin pointed to a few faintly visible lights not far away and said: "That's the gold mine, and next to it is the military camp of Nan Nord."

"Okay, you wait here."

Wang Jianjie nodded slightly, and after throwing down this sentence, he was ready to lead his men to advance.

"Most of the miners in that gold mine are our people. Can you try not to hurt them?"

At this time, Wang Lin mustered up his courage and spoke.

"What's your name?"

Wang Jianjun turned his head to look at Wang Lin and asked.

"Wang Lin... Chen Wanglin."

Wang Lin habitually said his name first, and then reacted and said his name.

"Chen Wanglin, I remember you."

After Wang Jianjun threw down this sentence, he disappeared into the night with more than 1,000 special forces.

"Bless, bless them to win!"

Chen Wanglin looked at the few lights vaguely visible on the opposite ridge and prayed for Wang Jianjun in a low voice.

"Da Da Da~"

More than ten minutes later, bursts of gunfire rang out in the empty mountain area, touching Chen Wanglin's heartstrings.

The gunfire did not last long. In less than ten minutes, the entire mountain area returned to peace again.

Chen Wanglin squatted there, staring blankly ahead, his heart was full of confusion. He really wanted to know who won.

"Tap tap tap~"

After more than ten minutes, a sound of footsteps came into Chen Wanglin's ears, and he was so scared that he subconsciously hid in the woods.

However, at this moment.

"Chen Wanglin, our boss asked you to identify the miners."

A man's voice came into Chen Wanglin's ears.

At this moment, an emotion called ecstasy surged from Chen Wanglin's heart, and his mind was full of only one sentence: 'We won, we won! '

"Chen Wanglin?"

The "special forces" sent back by Wang Jianjun to pass on the message saw that Chen Wanglin did not reply, and shouted again.

"I'm here, let's go. "

While wiping the tears from his eyes, Chen Wanglin walked out of the woods and walked towards the special forces soldier.

In fact, he didn't want to cry, but for some reason, he couldn't hold back his tears...

More than ten minutes later.

Under the leadership of the special forces soldier, Chen Wanglin entered the gold mine for the first time, because after discovering the gold mine, Nan Nord blocked the area within a radius of 1 km from the gold mine and strictly prohibited Chinese people from entering.

After entering the gold mine, it was already illuminated by several strong lights. What caught Chen Wanglin's sight were thousands of black macaque soldiers. These people were ordered by Wang Jianjun to tie up their two thumbs and two big toes with nylon belts, which made it difficult for them to walk or move, and they could only squat in place in an extremely weird posture.

Then, what caught Chen Wanglin's sight was a group of skinny men, who stood there blankly, as if they had no consciousness.

"Brother Wanglin? "

At this time, a voice came from this group of skinny men.


Chen Wanglin immediately recognized the owner of the voice.

"Brother Wanglin, it's really Brother Wanglin!"

A skinny man with cracked skin but not very old shouted loudly.


"It's really Wanglin!"

As Agou shouted, the other few villagers of Jinglai Village who were still alive also recovered a little from numbness and looked at Chen Wanglin.

"Wanglin, why are you here, could it be..."

A man with slightly gray hair looked at Chen Wanglin, then looked at Wang Jianjun and nearly a thousand special forces soldiers, and a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Mangui? Mangui, how did you become like this? "

Wanglin listened to the familiar voice of this person, and after very careful identification, he recognized that this person was his childhood friend Chen Mangui.

"Wanglin, tell me, who are these people..."

"Mangui, Agou, Taolin, our compatriots are here, we are saved, we are saved!"

Chen Wanglin looked at Mangui and shouted loudly, and as he spoke, he was already crying like rain...On the other side.

When Wang Jianjun led his men into the northern mountainous area of ​​Mabast Island.

In the south of Mabast Island, a small fleet of four old Russian patrol ships was ready, waiting for Li Jun's order to open fire and destroy Mabast Island's only port, and the only means of transportation for the island to connect with the outside world: two small cruise ships.

"Brother Jun, my eldest brother sent a message that they have landed."

Wang Jianguo walked to Li Jun's side and said.


Li Jun nodded slightly, then turned his head and said to Luo Sanpao who was standing next to him: "Pao, take action."


Ten minutes later, several gunshots tore apart the silent night sky of Mabast Island...

Late at night, Mabast Island.

As the ruler of Mabast Island, Pix Nannod's place of residence is naturally the best place in the environment and conditions of Mabast Island.

This is also the only European-style villa manor on Mabast Island.

Outside the villa is an open space of about 20 acres. These open spaces can not only expose the tracks of anyone who wants to enter the Pix Nan Nord Manor, but also serve as a training ground for Pix Nan Nord's soldiers.

Next to this open space is the military camp where more than a thousand of Pix Nan Nord's most elite soldiers live.

Outside this military camp is the area where the families of these soldiers and Pix Nan Nord's confidants live. This entire area is also the rich area of ​​Mabast Island.

In this way, Pix Nan Nord unites those who are loyal to him around him, and these people control the 400,000 people on the entire island.

This area is also the area that every male monkey living on Mabast Island dreams of living in.

Because of this, this time Pix Nan Nord recruited 3,000 soldiers, and these male monkeys responded positively, with thousands of people signing up in just one day.

Moreover, after these people became soldiers, they exploited the Chinese people more cruelly and more ruthlessly than the original group.



Several gunshots woke up everyone on the entire Mabast Island.

Then, they saw bursts of fire in the direction of the dock.

After only three rounds of salvos, the artillery of the four patrol ships destroyed the only dock, two cruise ships, and several pitiful coastal defenses on Mabast Island.

Then, the four patrol ships sailed to a place less than 20 meters from the coast. Then, Wang Jianguo led more than 1,000 special forces to disembark from the patrol ships and headed towards Mabast Island.

At the same time.

In Nan Nord Manor.

Awakened by the sound of the gun, Pix Nan Nord suddenly opened his eyes, stood up, picked up the walkie-talkie next to him, and shouted: "What's the situation?"

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