This night was destined to be a sleepless night for all the major media in Hong Kong Island.

First, the police arrested Smith Swire, the manager of Taikoo & Co., which woke up all the major newspapers and TV stations in Hong Kong Island.

Then, at 2 a.m., these newspapers and TV stations received a notice from the Public Relations Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force that the Hong Kong Island Police Force would hold a press conference at 3 a.m.

Although the Hong Kong Island Police Force did not announce the content of the press conference in advance, everyone knew that it must be related to the police force's arrest of Smith Swire.

All the media were ready to question the Hong Kong Island Police Force about Smith Swire at the press conference.

And the people in the Public Relations Department of the Police Force, under the guidance of Yan Liguo, prepared all the questions that reporters might ask at the press conference.

Soon, the time came to 3 a.m.

On the second floor of the police headquarters building, in the hall specially used by the police force for speeches.

Dozens of reporters from major newspapers and TV stations in Hong Kong Island came here early to wait for their big news.


At this time, the door of the hall was pushed open, attracting the attention of all the reporters present.

Under the gaze of these reporters, Deputy Commissioner of Police Yan Liguo, accompanied by Zhuo Jingquan and senior superintendents and superintendents of the Public Relations Department, slowly walked into the venue.

One minute later.

"Everyone, I am Yan Liguo, Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. I am here to explain to you and all the citizens of Hong Kong Island what happened tonight when the police arrested Smith Swire, the manager of Taikoo Foreign Trade Co., Ltd."

Yan Liguo glanced at the dozens of reporters in front of him, and then slowly spoke.

Then, Yan Liguo continued, "According to our investigation, Huang Wenbin, a police superintendent of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the police headquarters, arrested Smith Swire, the manager of Taikoo without the approval of his superiors, and his whereabouts are unknown. Our police force has reason to believe that Huang Wenbin's actions were made for some purpose."

"Here, on behalf of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, I announce that Huang Wenbin will be permanently suspended from his post and that he will be wanted throughout Hong Kong Island. In addition, there are more than 30 Flying Tigers who acted with Huang Wenbin. I believe they were deceived and took unauthorized actions. If they can return to the team in time, the police force will not pursue them."


After hearing Yan Liguo's words, the reporters below exploded, their faces full of shock.

Yan Liguo's words were just short of saying that Huang Wenbin arrested Smith Swire for personal selfishness.

And this is also the first time that the Hong Kong Island Police Force has issued a wanted order for a police officer who is still in office. This is definitely a news that shocked the whole of Hong Kong Island.

The reporters present had thought that the content of this press conference would be sensational and explosive, but they never expected it to be so sensational and explosive.

Now, all the reporters were excited.

Le Huizhen was the first to ask: "Director Yan, you said that Huang Wenbin arrested Smith Swaya, the manager of Taikoo Foreign Trade Co., for some purpose. I would like to ask, what is this certain purpose you are talking about?"

"Kidnapping, extortion, or being instructed by some people to frame someone."

Yan Liguo answered Le Huizhen's question directly without hesitation.

"Director Yan, who are the people you are talking about?"

Le Huizhen asked again.

"It is not convenient for me to disclose this, and our police force will not identify someone as a suspect without evidence."

Yan Liguo said slowly.

"Director Yan, who approved the action of the Flying Tigers?"

After Le Huizhen asked the question, the reporter from TVB immediately followed up.

"This question will be answered by Zhuo Jingquan, the director of the police force's operations department."

After Yan Liguo finished speaking, he immediately handed the microphone to Zhuo Jingquan.

After Zhuo Jingquan took the microphone, he pondered for a moment and then said: "Superintendent Huang did not tell me clearly who the target was to be arrested. He just told me that his men had sufficient evidence and the arrest operation had been approved by his superiors."

After that, Zhuo Jingquan handed the microphone back to Yan Liguo.

"Director Yan, does the punishment measures taken by the police against Huang Wenbin mean that Smith Shi Huaiya has not committed a crime?"

Another reporter asked.

"I just said that in the absence of evidence, no one can be considered a criminal. They are all innocent."

Yan Liguo played a Tai Chi.

With full preparation, Yan Liguo successfully handled this press conference. Not only did he deal with the negative impact caused by Smith Shi Huaiya's arrest by the police, but he also wanted Huang Wenbin throughout Hong Kong Island.

Yan Liguo is very confident that as long as Huang Wenbin is brought to justice, the matter of Smith and Shi Huaiya will be completely resolved.The end, the final outcome is that Huang Wenbin is guilty and Smith Shi Huaiya is innocent.

"Okay, everyone, today's police press conference ends here."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Yan Liguo threw down this sentence and left with Zhuo Jingquan and several policemen from the police public relations department.

"Director Yan, may I ask if Smith Shi Huaiya was arrested, has the police force been under pressure from other places?"

A reporter shouted loudly as he watched Yan Liguo leave.

Unfortunately, Yan Liguo seemed to have heard nothing and did not react at all.

Seeing this, the dozens of reporters present had no choice but to give up and pack up to leave the police headquarters building.

However, a few minutes later, when Le Huizhen and the staff of Asia TV walked to the gate of the police headquarters building, a middle-aged man in a white police uniform with a small queen's crown on his shoulder badge appeared in front of them.

"I am Huang Wenbin, Superintendent of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Hong Kong Police Force."

This man is Huang Wenbin. Following Ah Hua's order, he appeared in front of the reporters who attended the police press conference when they left.


Hearing Huang Wenbin's words, Le Huizhen and the staff of Asia TV immediately showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Afterwards, the good habits she had developed over the years made Le Huizhen subconsciously say, "Quick, start filming!"

Le Huizhen's words made Fatty Gu react immediately, turned on the camera and started filming, and at the same time shouted to Le Huizhen, "Sister Zhen, get ready."

After hearing Fatty Gu's words, Le Huizhen also completely came back to her senses. She looked at Huang Wenbin and asked, "Superintendent Huang, did you know that the police force has issued a warrant for your arrest, so you came to surrender yourself?"

Huang Wenbin smiled and shook his head when he heard Le Huizhen's words, and then slowly said, "Ms. Reporter, I am not here because the police force has issued a warrant for my arrest, but I want fairness."

"Superintendent Huang, I am Le Huizhen, a reporter from Asia TV. When you said you wanted fairness, what do you mean? Didn't the police force give you fairness?"

After hearing Huang Wenbin's words, Le Huizhen's eyes lit up and she immediately continued to ask.

At this time, reporters from other media in Hong Kong Island also walked to the door of the police headquarters building one after another. Seeing this situation, without a moment's hesitation, these reporters immediately picked up their equipment and started filming.

Huang Wenbin looked at the reporters holding long guns and short guns in front of him, with a righteous face, and slowly said: "The fairness I said is not that the police force did not give me fairness, but that the police force did not give fairness to all Hong Kong Island citizens!"

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