"I led people to arrest Smith Swire, the manager of Taikoo Foreign Trade Co., with sufficient evidence and procedures approved by superiors. It can be said that my arrest of Smith Swire was completely legal!"

"But during my arrest of Smith Swire, Smith Swire had a phone call with the Commissioner of Police of our police force, and then everything changed."

"Our police force's Commissioner of Police, Mai Renhao, ordered me to stop the action of arresting Smith Swire unconditionally for any reason, no matter what reasons or evidence I have."

At this point, Huang Wenbin's eyes were filled with tears, "Everyone, I, Huang Wenbin, have been a police officer for 13 years. I am the first batch of policemen to join the police force after the establishment of ICAC."

"Starting from our batch of policemen, everyone must undergo 18 weeks of rigorous training before joining the police force. Before joining the police force, we also need to declare I swear to uphold the justice of Hong Kong Island's laws and the democracy of the people at all times."

After Huang Wenbin finished speaking, he raised his voice and shouted, "But Director Mai Renhao wants me to break the oath I made when I joined the police force. This makes me very painful, because our police force is a disciplined force and it is our duty to obey orders!"

"Finally, I decided to arrest Smith Swaya first to fulfill my own oath, but I never expected that because of my actions, not only did I become a wanted person, but even the police brothers who assisted me in arresting Smith Swaya would suffer an undeserved disaster."

"Everyone, all this is just because I arrested Smith Swaya, the manager of Taikoo Foreign Trade, who is a so-called upper-class foreigner. Now tell me, is all this fair to the people of Hong Kong Island?"

Huang Wenbin looked at the reporters in front of him and shouted loudly, word by word.

In front of him, dozens of reporters from major media remained silent after hearing Huang Wenbin's soul-searching question, and just silently pressed the shutter.


The flash of the camera seemed to cast a layer of holy light on Huang Wenbin.

"Superintendent Huang, I want to ask you another question. How do you plan to ask the Hong Kong Island Police Force for this fairness?"

At this time, Le Huizhen looked at Huang Wenbin and spoke slowly.

"Reporter Le, you should have seen the uniform I am wearing, right? This uniform was once the pride of my life. Today, I am wearing my pride of my life and I am going to ask the senior officials of the Hong Kong Island Police Force in person what fairness is. Is this uniform my pride, or is it just a joke?"

Huang Wenbin gritted his teeth and said loudly.

At this moment, his expression was as tragic as a martyr.


Dozens of reporters once again frantically took photos of Huang Wenbin.

"Superintendent Huang, where is Smith Shi Huaiya now? Deputy Commissioner of Police Yan Liguo just said that you arrested Smith Shi Huaiya for personal reasons. Do you have any explanation?"

At this time, the high-ranking reporter of the Hong Kong British Pingguo News finally found an opportunity to ask this question.

"I have asked the brothers of the Flying Tigers to take Smith Shi Huaiya to the headquarters building of the Hong Kong Island Region. In addition, Director Yan said that I arrested Smith Shi Huaiya for personal reasons. I just want to say that I have evidence to prove that Smith Shi Huaiya is guilty, but I don’t know if Director Yan has evidence to prove that Smith Shi Huaiya is innocent."

"If Director Yan has no evidence, what position does he have to say that I arrested Smith Shi Huaiya for personal reasons?" Huang Wenbin sneered and said lightly.

"Superintendent Huang, you said you have evidence, so where is your evidence?"

The reporter of Pingguo News immediately caught the loophole in Huang Wenbin's words and continued to ask.

"If the Hong Kong Police Force cannot give me and all Hong Kong Islanders a fair fight, then these evidences will be sent to all the media present, and let all the people of Hong Kong Island give me a fair fight!"

Huang Wenbin stared at the reporter from Apple News, and said slowly, word by word.

At the same time.

Yan Liguo was reporting the situation at the press conference with Mai Renhao in the office of the Commissioner of Police.


At this time, the door of Mai Renhao's office was pushed open directly, and the sound immediately attracted the attention of Yan Liguo and Mai Renhao.

"What's going on?"

Seeing that the visitor was his secretary, Mai Renhao frowned and shouted in a low voice.

"Director Mai, Director Yan, Huang Wenbin has appeared. He is now at the gate of the police headquarters, surrounded by the reporters who just attended the press conference and accepting their interviews!"

Mai Renhao's secretary said this sentence very quickly.


Hearing this, Mai Renhao and Yan Liguo were shocked.Both of them showed a hint of surprise on their faces. After they looked at each other, Mai Renhao immediately said: "Director Yan, you should take people to arrest Huang Wenbin immediately. Also, find out what Huang Wenbin said and tell the media not to report things without evidence, otherwise it will be very troublesome!"

"Director, I understand."

Without a moment's hesitation, Yan Liguo immediately turned around and left Mai Renhao's office.

At this moment, Yan Liguo already had a very bad premonition in his heart.

A few minutes later.

Looking at Huang Wenbin, who was wearing a uniform and standing alone at the door of the police headquarters building, Yan Liguo's ominous premonition became stronger.

"Take him to the interrogation room, I want to talk to him in person."

Yan Liguo suppressed the ominous premonition in his heart, pointed at Huang Wenbin, and ordered his men beside him.

"Director Yan, there's no need to talk. This time, the police force must either be fair or be buried with fairness."

Huang Wenbin looked at Yan Liguo with a bright smile on his face.

When he heard Ah Hua tell him about this plan before, Huang Wenbin only felt crazy. If he had not been in collusion with Ah Hua too deeply, he would never have participated in such a crazy action.

However, when the plan reached this step, Huang Wenbin felt an incomparable sense of satisfaction when he saw that the superiors who were unattainable and far away from him in the past were being manipulated and played by him.

Until this moment, Huang Wenbin could be sure that he would win even if he lost, and these foreign high-ranking officials of the Hong Kong Island Police Force would lose even if they won.

This is simply an unsolvable situation. The person who made this plan is definitely a genius, a genius who plays everyone in the palm of his hand.

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