Although Ling Sheng is over 60 years old, he is well maintained and looks only about 50 years old. He practices martial arts all the year round, which makes him full of energy and his voice is very loud.

"Brother Sheng is right. We in Xin Ji must avenge Mr. Xu, Bai Shi and Brother Jing. But I have a small suggestion. The family cannot be without a leader for a day. Now that Mr. Xu is gone, we must select a leader as soon as possible and let him lead our Xin Ji to avenge Mr. Xu!"

After Ling Sheng's voice fell, as the person whose status in the entire Xin Ji was second only to Ling Sheng at this time, Xin Ji's head coach Su Long immediately spoke loudly.

Su Long is also a martial artist. His energy is even stronger than Ling Sheng. His voice is clearly heard by everyone in the Hongxing ancestral hall.

After hearing Su Long's words, Ling Sheng and the brothers of the Xu family all changed their faces slightly.

However, Ling Sheng's face became deep, while the faces of the brothers of the Xu family showed a hint of joy.

Originally, Ling Sheng's plan was to take advantage of the leaderlessness of Xin Ji, relying on his status in the underworld, and take the opportunity to control the power of Xin Ji under the slogan of revenge for Xu Huayan, Xu Baishi, and Ling Jing.

As a result, his plan was immediately seen through by Su Long.

The whole of Hong Kong Island knows that Xin Ji is a family-run company. If Su Long really follows his words and wants to re-elect a leader, then the new leader must be selected from the brothers of the Xu family. As long as the leader is selected, then Ling Sheng will have no chance.

Thinking of this, Ling Sheng said, "Along, you are right, but the current situation does not allow us to slowly select a leader in Xin Ji. Anyway, the foundation of the society is here, so I propose that we select a new leader now."

Ling Sheng's idea is also very simple. Since you, Su Long, want to delay, then I will muddy the water.

Although Xin Ji is the new Ji of the Xu family, Xu Huayan keeps a close eye on his brothers and hardly lets them participate in the affairs of Xin Ji. Therefore, almost everyone in Xin Ji is unfamiliar with the Xu family, and only a few big guys are familiar with these people in the Xu family.

Ling Sheng dared to conclude that he would not be able to choose a leader tonight, so as the person with the highest status in Xinji, he could still take charge of Xinji's affairs temporarily.

"Okay, Brother Sheng's words make sense, I agree with Brother Sheng's proposal."

After Ling Sheng finished speaking, Su Long looked at Ling Sheng deeply, and then slowly spoke.

What Su Long actually wanted was to divide the power of Xinji with Ling Sheng to prevent Ling Sheng from dominating. Now that his goal has been achieved, he naturally no longer insists.

However, at this time.

"Woo woo woo woo~"

A series of alarm bells were heard by everyone in the Xinji ancestral hall, which made Su Long, Ling Sheng and others' faces suddenly change.

Then, dozens of plainclothes officers, led by Superintendent Mo Weichen of the Hong Kong Island Region Serious Crime Squad, broke into the Xinji ancestral hall.

"Sir, this is private territory, you can't trespass..."

When the social lawyer of Xinji saw Mo Weichen and his men barging in, he immediately went up to them, ready to persuade Mo Weichen to leave with his eloquent tongue.

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the .38 rifle barrel that Mo Weichen stuffed into his mouth.

This time, Mo Weichen came not only with the police's mission, but also with Li Jun's mission.

If it was just the police's mission, Mo Weichen could still handle it impartially, but for Li Jun's mission, Mo Weichen had to do everything he could.

"Sir, what do you mean by this?"

Ling Sheng was furious when he saw Mo Weichen so arrogant, and shouted angrily.

As Ling Sheng's voice fell, hundreds of people in Xinji Zutang all stared at Mo Weichen, as if they wanted to eat this policeman who was making trouble in their own land alive.

However, Mo Weichen's expression did not change at all.

He came to Hongxing to cause trouble this time. Mo Weichen was eager for this gang of gangsters to make a big deal.

"Ling Sheng, Su Long, Xu Huaqiang, Xu Huasheng..."

Mo Weichen called out more than ten names in one breath, all of them were the elders of Xinji and Xu Huayan's brothers, and then continued, "Now our police suspect that you are related to the deaths of Hong Kong citizens Xu Huayan, Xu Baishi, and Ling Jing. Please come back to the police station with us to cooperate with our investigation."


After Mo Weichen's voice fell, the entire Xinji ancestral hall suddenly exploded.

Almost everyone's face showed a shocked expression. They were not because the police suspected that Ling Sheng, Su Long and others were related to the deaths of Xu Huayan, Xu Baishi, and Ling Jing.

But now that Xu Huayan, Xu Baishi, and Ling Jing are dead, if Ling Sheng, Su Long and others are also arrested, the top leaders of Xinji will almost be caught in one fell swoop. If something unexpected happens at this time, such as Hongxing taking action against Xinji, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Fuck your mother, you are talkingWhat? Say it again if you dare! "

After hearing what Mo Weichen said, Su Long, who practiced Muay Thai and had a hot temper, couldn't help but pointed at Mo Weichen and cursed loudly.

"Su Long, now our police suspect that you are related to the deaths of Hong Kong citizens Xu Huayan, Xu Baishi, and Ling Jing. Please come back to the police station with us to cooperate with our investigation. "

Mo Weichen looked at Su Long, smiled slightly, and said slowly.


At this moment, Su Long felt like he was about to explode, and he was about to pounce on Mo Weichen, but he was stopped by Ling Sheng beside him as soon as he moved.

Ling Sheng said hurriedly in Su Long's ear: "Along, look at the hand of that policeman..."

Hearing Ling Sheng's words, Su Long subconsciously glanced at Mo Weichen's right hand. This time, his scalp numbed. The muzzle of the .38 rifle in Mo Weichen's hand was already pointed at him. If he dared to do it, the policeman would definitely shoot him to death on the spot.

"Damn, these policemen are not kind!"

Su Long thought secretly in his heart, and his anger disappeared instantly.

"Why, Su Long, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Mo Weichen looked at Su Long and asked with a smile.

"Humph! "

In response, Su Long snorted coldly.

"Ling Sheng, and the rest of you, do you have anything else to say to me?"

Mo Weichen ignored Su Long, looked at Ling Sheng and the other Xu brothers, and asked lightly.

Mo Weichen was answered by silence.

Everyone present could see that Mo Weichen, the policeman, was not right, so they naturally did not dare to confront Mo Weichen at this time.

"Okay, since there is nothing to say, then follow me back to the police station!"

Mo Weichen said here, and shouted fiercely: "Go, arrest people!"

Ten minutes later.

Mo Weichen and others took Su Long, Ling Sheng, the Xu brothers and others away, and the people left in Xinji looked at each other, not knowing what they should do now.

At this time, Yang Renjie, the leader of the Five Tigers of Xinji and the new Tiger of Tsim Sha Tsui, said loudly: "Brothers, this is the most difficult time for us Xinji. The more times like this, the more we must unite, otherwise what awaits us in Xinji is to be decomposed and swallowed. "

"Brother Jie is right. In my opinion, Brother Jie, why don't you take charge of the overall situation? After Uncle Sheng and Uncle Long are released, we will choose a new leader."

After Yang Renjie finished speaking, Xiang Anjie immediately echoed loudly.

Then, four tigers and nine heroes among the five tigers and ten heroes of Xinji, as well as seven or eight red sticks stood up to express their support for Yang Renjie to take charge of the overall situation of Xinji.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Lin Xiao immediately shouted loudly: "Raise your hands to support Brother Jie to temporarily take charge of the overall situation of Xinji! "

At this time, Lin Xiao's words immediately played a decisive role.

When people are confused, they will subconsciously follow a person to do things and go in a direction. At this moment, everyone in Xinji is like this.

Soon, Yang Renjie was elected as the temporary boss of Xinji with a high vote. Once this news came out, it instantly shocked the entire Hong Kong underworld.

However, there is more news that shocked the Hong Kong underworld tonight.

Soon, Lin Qidong, the leader of the Ten Tigers of the Number Gang, served as the temporary boss of the Number Gang, and the two red sticks of He Liansheng took over as the bosses of the Tsuen Wan area. The news of the boss of the Jordan area also came out.

This also made everyone in the Hong Kong underworld understand that Xinji, the Number Gang, and He Liansheng had changed...

The next morning.

Hong Kong Headquarters Building, Li Wenbin's office.

"Minister Li! "

Liu Jianming walked up to Li Wenbin and greeted him.

"Liu Sir, you didn't let me down, didn't let Liang Sir down, and didn't let the police down. This time, the operation was completed perfectly. The police will be proud of you!"

At this moment, Li Wenbin showed a long-lost smile on his face.

In his opinion, the success of the New World Plan is that he, Li Wenbin, has three cards to fight against Li Jun. Although the face of these three cards is small compared to Li Jun, it is better to have cards than not to have cards, and maybe there will be miraculous effects at any time.

"Minister Li, the success of the New World Plan is thanks to the support of you and Liang Sir, as well as the assistance of brothers from other departments."

Liu Jianming said modestly.

"Liu Sir, we are all family members in the future, so there is no need to be so polite. I will help you get promoted to superintendent this time."

Li Wenbin's smile became even bigger, and he was obviously very satisfied with Liu Jianming's answer.

"Thank you Minister Li for your cultivation! "

Liu Jianming also smiled.

"Liu Sir, my principle is to reward those who have made contributions. This is what you deserve."

Li Wenbin smiled and replied, and then the smile on his face faded., said with a little seriousness: "Sir Liu, there are still hidden dangers in the three societies of Xinji, Number Gang, and Liansheng. You have to deal with them as soon as possible."

"Minister Li, I will."

Liu Jianming knew that Li Wenbin was talking about Su Long, Ling Sheng and other society elders who were arrested by the police last night.

Only by thoroughly dealing with these society elders can the undercovers in Crouching Tiger completely control the three societies of Xinji, Number Gang, and Liansheng.

However, Liu Jianming was not worried at all. The police had a lot of evidence of these people's crimes. It was unnecessary to not use it before, but it was different now.

Some things are not weighed on the scale, and they cannot be stopped even if they are weighed on the scale.

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