"Well, Sir Liu, go and do your work."

Li Wenbin waved his hand, indicating that Liu Jianming could leave.

"Minister Li, I'll take my leave first."

After Liu Jianming finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left.

Ten minutes later, in Liu Jianming's Toyota sedan.

"Brother Hua, it's me. Everything has been settled. Li Wenbin didn't have any suspicions."

After the call was connected, Liu Jianming spoke.

"Okay, Jianming, you've worked hard."

In the receiver, Ah Hua's voice came out, followed by a busy tone.

On the other end of the phone.

After Ah Hua put down the phone, he immediately dialed Li Jun's number.

"Brother Jun, Liu Jianming's phone call, the police have settled it."

After the call was connected, Ah Hua immediately spoke.

"Well, I know, Ah Hua."

Li Jun was lying on the big bed in a suite on the sixth floor of Mengzhi Club, and Meng Na was nestled in Li Jun's arms.

At this time, Mona didn't know that just last night, the man who slept next to her was officially crowned as the emperor of the Hong Kong Island underworld. From now on, he is the only one in the entire Hong Kong Island underworld.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the headquarters building of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

Acting Commissioner of Police Chen Taoran walked into his office with a gloomy face, without any joy of becoming the top brother of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

Last night, Chen Taoran did not sleep all night. He first talked with Mai Renhao and Yan Liguo until the early morning. Mai Renhao and Yan Liguo entrusted all the forces in their hands to Chen Taoran.

In the second half of the night, Chen Taoran digested these forces one by one.

This is also the main reason why Chen Taoran's face is so gloomy today.

Chen Taoran never expected that Mai Renhao and Yan Liguo had been operating in the Hong Kong Island Police Force for so many years, but they only had so few cards in their hands. Let alone playing Zhuo Jingquan, Li Wenbin and Lu Minghua, even if there was only Lu Minghua, it would be enough for Chen Taoran to eat a pot.

Not to mention Li Wenbin and Zhuo Jingquan, who are even stronger than Lu Minghua.

This also made Chen Taoran completely understand that his position as the top brother was just an empty shell, purely to save the face of the Eagle Country. When his term ended, he would take the initiative to give up his position to the Hong Kong Islanders and let the police force completely enter the era of Hong Kong Islanders.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just when Chen Taoran was complaining in his office, a phone rang.

"Who is it?"

Chen Taoran picked up the phone and asked.

"Director Chen, it's me, Li Wenbin."

Li Wenbin's voice came from the receiver.

"Li Wenbin? Minister Li!"

Hearing Li Wenbin's voice, Chen Taoran was slightly stunned, and then slowly said, "Minister Li, what do you want to talk to me about now?"

"Director Chen, are you free now? Let's find a safe and confidential place to talk?"

Li Wenbin asked with a smile on the other end of the phone.

When Chen Taoran heard Li Wenbin's words, his eyes moved slightly. After thinking for more than ten seconds, he said, "Minister Li, I'll wait for you at the Jockey Club."

For a foreigner like Chen Taoran, if he were to choose the safest and most confidential place in Hong Kong Island, the Governor's Mansion would only be ranked second.

The first place could only be the Jockey Club.

As the current No. 1 club in Hong Kong Island, the members of the Jockey Club are all wealthy or foreigners.

In the Jockey Club, no matter what the members do, it can be guaranteed to be kept absolutely confidential. As long as the chairman of the Jockey Club does not nod, even the Political Department will not be able to find any clues here.

Of course, as a club founded by foreigners, the chairman of the Jockey Club will certainly not give the Political Department such a face. For example, some small secrets of Hong Kong people that are not good for Hong Kong Island, the Political Department will definitely know them first.

But for foreigners, this is a perfect safe house.

So, Chen Taoran directly thought of meeting Li Wenbin at this place.

"Okay, Director Chen, see you in half an hour."

After Li Wenbin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Beep beep~"

Hearing the busy tone from the receiver, Chen Taoran's face looked much better. At this time, Li Wenbin wanted to meet him, which was enough for Chen Taoran to guess many things.

After holding the microphone and pondering for a few seconds, Chen Taoran put down the microphone, then quickly raised the microphone and dialed a number.

"I am Chen Taoran, prepare the car immediately."

After the call was connected, Chen Taoran spoke immediately.

On the other end of the phone, Li Wenbin did not rush to leave after hanging up the phone, but looked at Liang Wenfeng sitting in front of him and said with a smile: "Lao Liang, this time I have to thank your people, otherwise I really don't have the confidence to meet Chen Taoran so quickly."

"To be honest, Lao Li, I don't actually recommend you to meet Chen Taoran so soon."If we meet again, we can get better conditions for the foreigners by leaving them alone." Liang Wenfeng said slowly.

"Lao Liang, I told you last night that the foreigners threw a bunch of inexplicable evidence for no reason and asked me to arrest Li Jun. I guess the foreigners might want to send someone to kill Li Jun just like they ambushed him at the gate of Hong Kong Island half a year ago."

"It is for this reason that I am so anxious to find the foreigners to cooperate. Think about it, if the foreigners can really kill Li Jun, then for us..."

Li Wenbin was interrupted by Liang Wenfeng: "Lao Li, have you ever thought that if Li Jun dies, there will be no one to suppress the foreigners. With you and us, can we really fight against the foreigners? "

Liang Wenfeng felt that Li Wenbin might have lost his mind because of Li Jun. They were able to force the foreigners to give in and give up control of the police force. They were just icing on the cake. The real backbone was still Li Jun, and only Li Jun could force the foreigners to give in.

Once Li Jun was no longer there to contain the foreigners, Liang Wenfeng didn't think Li Wenbin could take over. It was very likely that the foreigners would make a comeback.

"Lao Liang, Li Jun is dead, but his subordinates are not dead yet. With such a group of fearless subordinates to avenge Li Jun, do you think the foreigners still have the mind to attack us?"

Li Wenbin said to Liang Wenfeng with a smile.


"Lao Liang, I know you want to say that the risk is too great. Whether Li Jun lives or dies, the risk we take is too great, but I must tell you that this is already our best chance. "

"Hey! "

Liang Wenfeng wanted to persuade him, but was interrupted by Li Wenbin. He sighed deeply and continued, "Old Liang, either take this opportunity to gamble or simply surrender to Li Jun. Li Jun will be respected in the police force in the future. Now tell me, what should I choose?"

After hearing what Li Wenbin said, Liang Wenfeng was silent for a long time, and then looked at Li Wenbin and said dejectedly, "Old Li, has the situation really become so bad?"

Li Wenbin did not speak, but nodded slowly.


This time, it was Liang Wenfeng's turn to sigh deeply, "Old Li, I thought that after driving away the foreigners, our good days would come, but Li Jun came again."

Speaking of this, Liang Wenfeng looked at Li Wenbin and said slowly, "Old Li, you are our leader, I believe in your choice."

"Thank you, Old Liang. "

Li Wenbin looked at Liang Wenfeng, with a smile on his face.

Half an hour later.

Happy Valley, Jockey Club.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Li Wenbin came to the box where Chen Taoran was.

After the waiter closed the door of the box, Li Wenbin said directly: "Director Chen, I think you must not have slept last night, right?"

"Minister Li, I think you came here to meet me specially, not to care about my sleep problem, right?"

Chen Taoran said lightly with an unhappy face.

"Director Chen, I don't mean to laugh at you. To be honest, I didn't sleep all night last night."

Li Wenbin looked at Chen Taoran and said slowly.

"Oh? Minister Li, I thought you, as a winner, should be able to have a sweet dream. "

Chen Taoran smiled and said lightly.

"Director Chen, for you Eagles, the Hong Kong Police Force has changed, but for me, there is no difference. It's just that the people above you foreigners have changed to Hong Kong people."

Li Wenbin said slowly.

"Minister Li, the Hong Kong people you mentioned, are you referring to Li Jun?"

Chen Taoran's face moved slightly, pretending to ask casually.

"Director Chen, I wonder if you have read our Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

Li Wenbin did not answer Chen Taoran's question, but asked him a question in return.

"Sorry, Minister Li, I have only heard of this story, but I haven't read it myself."

Chen Taoran answered.

"Haha, Director Chen, I recommend that you read it if you have time. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are three countries. Wei is the strongest, and Shu and Wu can only compete with Wei together. ”

“The situation of the Hong Kong Police Force is the same. Previously, you Eagles were the Wei Kingdom, and we Chinese had to join forces to compete with you, but now it is different. You Eagles and I are now the Shu Kingdom and the Wu Kingdom. Now it is our turn to join forces to compete with the Wei Kingdom.”

Li Wenbin looked at Chen Taoran and said slowly, word by word.

“Minister Li, what you said makes sense, but I am more concerned about what we can do together, or in other words, what can I get by cooperating with you?”

Chen Taoran probably understood what Li Wenbin meant, butObviously, he was not interested in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so he looked directly at Li Wenbin and asked with a smile.

"Director Chen, I know you Eagles want to kill Li Jun, I can help you."

Li Wenbin said lightly.

"Minister Li, please tell me first, how are you going to help us?"

Hearing Li Wenbin's words, Chen Taoran's eyes suddenly lit up, looked up at Li Wenbin, and asked with a smile.

"Director Chen, you should have read the New World Plan of the Criminal Intelligence Department, right?"

Li Wenbin also looked at Chen Taoran and asked him a question in return.

"I know."

As the deputy director in charge of operations, Chen Taoran naturally knew about the New World Plan.

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