"Director Chen, the New World Plan was successfully implemented last night. I plan to use the three major societies, Xinji, Number Gang, and Liansheng, as bargaining chips to invite Li Jun to negotiate. At that time, you Eagles should not need me to teach you what to do?"

Li Wenbin said faintly.

"Minister Li, I am very curious, why did you do this?"

Chen Taoran looked at Li Wenbin and asked curiously.

"Director Chen, you won't understand the reason why I do this, and I don't need you to tell me whether you will cooperate with me. Anyway, I will meet Li Jun at Yuedong Restaurant in Central at 12 noon. Everything else is up to you foreigners to decide."

Li Wenbin didn't waste any words with Chen Taoran. He knew very well that foreigners like Chen Taoran didn't understand what ideals and beliefs were.

What Li Wenbin wanted was the independence of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. In order to realize this concept, he could give everything.

Hearing Li Wenbin's words, Chen Taoran looked at Li Wenbin deeply, and then slowly said: "Okay, Minister Li, I understand what you mean."

"Director Chen, then I'll take my leave first."

Li Wenbin didn't say a word more, and got up and left directly.

Watching Li Wenbin's back as he left, Chen Taoran picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Mr. Governor, it's me, Chen Taoran, there's something I must report to you immediately..."

After the call was connected, Chen Taoran spoke immediately.

Just as Li Wenbin and Chen Taoran met privately at the Happy Valley Jockey Club, the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong Island also opened on time at 9 am that day. As everyone thought, after the opening, the share price of Swire Group fell directly, and in just half an hour, it fell by 5%.

However, from this time on, a large amount of funds pushed up the share price of Swire Group as usual. In the next hour, the share price of Swire Group has been rising and falling slightly, and there is no big fluctuation.

However, just when everyone thought that the share price of Swire Group this morning was almost clear, the police released a heavy news.

The police have conclusive evidence that Swire Group maliciously manipulated the stock market and used the stock market to launder money.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately shocked the entire Hong Kong stock market.

The stock of Swire Group could no longer hold on and fell directly. Even if the people of the four major real estate companies worked together, it was difficult to hide the decline.

There was no way. In order to save Swire Yanghe, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank joined forces with the Shi Huaiya family. The four major real estate companies tried their best. After paying a huge price, they finally stabilized the share price of Swire Group again.

The time soon came to 11 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the share price of Swire Group had been holding up for 10 minutes with a fluctuation of 1 cent around 34.8.

Those who had predicted that Swire Group could not hold up had turned around and said that Swire Group could definitely hold up, at least until the closing at noon. However, no one expected that Li Jun was preparing the final surprise for Swire Group at this moment, a surprise that was enough to make Swire Group ascend to heaven.

In an office on the sixth floor of Mengzhi Club.

"Brother Jun, according to your instructions, the things have been delivered to the hands of the three people."

Ahua walked into the office and said to Li Jun with a smile.

"Okay, Ahua, thank you for your hard work."

Li Jun looked up at Ahua and replied with a smile.

"Brother Jun, I'm curious about the reaction of the three people after seeing that thing."

Ahua smiled.

"They shouldn't be too happy."

Li Jun replied with a smile.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just at this moment, the satellite phone on the desk rang.

"Who? "

Li Jun picked up the satellite phone, pressed the answer button, and asked.

"Brother Jun, it's me, Xu Xi."

Xu Xi's voice came from the receiver.

In order to make the macaques on Mabast Island more enthusiastic when working, Li Jun asked Xu Xi to rush to Mabast Island with 1,000 supervisors trained by Jinshan Cape in advance to contribute to Li Jun's gold mining business.

"Axi, you are calling me at this time, you should have good news to tell me, right?"

Li Jun asked with a smile.

"Yes, Brother Jun, absolutely good news. The group you sent someone to contact before sent three representatives to Liyabi yesterday, saying that they wanted to see you. This morning, I took them to Mabast Island, and now these three people are standing next to me."

Xu Xi said slowly.

"Axi, you did a good job, let those representatives answer the phone. "

After listening to Xu Xi's words, Li Jun's face showed a bright smile, and even the matter of Swire Group's stocks was temporarily forgotten by him.

Now there is only Li Jun in the worldA person knows what kind of impact the next call he receives will have on the entire Nanyang and even the world.

Mabast Island.

After six months of vigorous construction by Li Jun and the innate diligence of the Chinese people, this island has changed a lot.

In the southern plain area of ​​the island, 80% of the houses have become brick houses, and the farmland and rubber forests are well managed.

On the original site of Pixar Nan Nord's manor, a building with the function of a fortress rose from the ground and became Li Jun's residence on Mabast Island.

Dr. Li, Li Jieying, Guo Kailin, Huang Xiaoqi and other women of Li Jun now live here, and there are also doctors and nurses invited by Li Jun from Lion City at a huge cost to take care of them.

In a room in the fortress, after listening to Li Jun's words, Xu Xi handed the satellite phone to the dark-skinned man next to him, and said, "Mr. Bruno, our Mr. Li wants to talk to you in person."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Xu."

Bruno first thanked Xu Xi, and then took the satellite phone handed to him by Xu Xi.

"Mr. Li, I am Bruno, the deputy commander of the Papua Liberation Front. Thank you for your concern for our Papua Liberation Front."

After taking the satellite phone, Bruno pondered for a few seconds and then said this.

After taking Mabast Island, Li Jun set his sights on several other large gold mines in the South Seas.

After some research, Li Jun set his new target on the island of New Guinea.

There are two reasons.

The first reason is that Indonesia is just a country forcibly pinched by the Windmill Country. As the main ethnic group in Indonesia, the Javanese can only control the two islands of Sumatra and Java.

In other words, the only places that Indonesia can really control are the two islands of Sumatra and Java.

As for other islands such as Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea, and Timor, Indonesia's control is not strong. Because of this reason, coupled with ethnic conflicts, there are resistance organizations formed by local indigenous people on these islands.

In the future, some resistance organizations will successfully establish countries, such as East Timor.

And Li Jun chose the Papua Liberation Front to support this resistance organization and use them to control the Grasberg gold mine in the northwest of New Guinea.

This gold mine is one of the largest gold mines in the world, with a monthly pure gold output of up to 8 tons, far exceeding the Mabast gold mine.

As long as he can take over this gold mine, Li Jun can harvest more than 10 tons of pure gold every month, which is equivalent to more than 10 million system points. In other words, even if Li Jun does nothing afterwards, it only takes more than a year for him to save enough 200 million system points for upgrading.

Moreover, Li Jun knew that there were not only gold mines in the Grasberg gold mine, but also an even more astonishing amount of copper mines.

Copper is very useful in the military industry and plays a very important role in Li Jun's future armament plan.

Therefore, Li Jun must get the Grasberg gold mine.

As for the second reason, Li Jun particularly hates Indonesian monkeys, especially the current Indonesian President Sutoha. This guy has the blood of Chinese people on his hands. Li Jun is not strong enough now, so he can only make trouble for Indonesia and cut some meat from them.

When Li Jun is strong enough, Sutoha and Indonesia will not only make trouble and cut some meat.

On the other end of the phone, after listening to Bruno's words, Li Jun smiled and said, "Mr. Bruno, I don't like to beat around the bush. My assistance to your Papua Liberation Front is conditional."

Li Jun did not pretend to be a civilized messenger, but directly stated his purpose.

Because Li Jun knew very well that for an organization like the Papua Liberation Front, it was nonsense to say that you would bring them the spark of freedom and the light of civilization. It would be better to tell them directly what I need.

Sure enough, after hearing what Li Jun said, Bruno's face relaxed and he said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I like your way of communication. Then please tell me what we can give you and what you can give me."

"I want the priority development rights of all mineral resources in Papua, and what I can give you is everything in Papua except these minerals." Li Jun said slowly.

"Mr. Li, your conditions are a bit too much. If we give you all the mineral resources, how can we survive even if we are independent?"

Bruno frowned slightly and replied.

"I can give you 20% of the income from mineral resources. You don't have to worry about anything and can just sit and collect the money."

Li Jun said with a smile.

"Mr. Li......”

After hearing Li Jun’s words, Bruno wanted to speak again, but he was interrupted by Li Jun as soon as he opened his mouth, “Mr. Bruno, don’t forget, without my help, these minerals have nothing to do with you.”

After Li Jun finished speaking, Bruno was silent.

In fact, the Windmill Country has to give 40% of the income from the Grasberg Gold Mine to Sutoha. It is precisely because of selling these minerals to foreign companies and collecting pure profits that Sutoha can form a fairly powerful army and navy in Southeast Asia to suppress resistance forces like the Papua Liberation Front.

Li Jun did not urge him, but just quietly waited for Bruno to figure it out himself. He knew very well that no matter how long Bruno thought about it, his final answer must be to cooperate with him.

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