This time, the foreigners and Li Wenbin lost miserably, while Li Jun won a lot of money.

Liang Wenfeng knew very well what this result meant.

If the foreigners lost, the worst that could happen was that the Hong Kong Island Police Force would be completely handed over to Li Jun, but the base of the Hong Kong British high-level officials was still there. Although it was a serious injury, it was not life-threatening.

But Li Wenbin lost, which was not only a disaster for Li Wenbin, but also a disaster for the local police faction led by Li Wenbin.

The current police force can barely be regarded as a three-legged tripod, but once Li Wenbin died, Liang Wenfeng knew without thinking that Li Jun would definitely take action against his faction.

Without Li Wenbin's leadership and the foreigners' restraint, the only outcome waiting for their faction was annihilation.

Therefore, Liang Wenfeng felt extremely confused at this moment, because he could no longer see the road ahead.

It's no wonder that Liang Wenfeng was desperate. Both Li Wenbin and the foreigner were capable people in Liang Wenfeng's eyes. However, the two parties failed to kill Li Jun, but instead let Li Jun win. This scene was too desperate for Liang Wenfeng.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Just when Liang Wenfeng was extremely confused, a knock on the door sounded, which made Liang Wenfeng come back to his senses for a short time.


Liang Wenfeng asked subconsciously.

"Liang Sir, it's me, Zhuo Jingquan."

Outside the door, Zhuo Jingquan's voice came into Liang Wenfeng's ears.

After hearing Zhuo Jingquan's voice, Liang Wenfeng's eyes shrank suddenly. He never expected that the other party would come so quickly. Could it be...

Anyway, he couldn't hide now, so he might as well face it directly!

After thinking for a few seconds, holding this idea, Liang Wenfeng gritted his teeth, walked to the door of the office, and opened it.

"Hello, Director Zhuo."

Looking at Zhuo Jingquan standing at the door of his office, Liang Wenfeng forced a smile on his face and greeted him.

"Hello, Liang Sir."

Zhuo Jingquan glanced at Liang Wenfeng, who looked a little nervous, with a half-smile on his face.

This also made Liang Wenfeng even more nervous, and he immediately asked: "Director Zhuo, what made you come to me in person?"

"Liang Sir, why don't we go in and talk?"

Zhuo Jingquan did not answer Liang Wenfeng's question, but said this with a smile, firmly controlling the initiative in his own hands.

"Excuse me, Director Zhuo, please come in!"

Liang Wenfeng immediately smiled and invited Zhuo Jingquan into his office, and closed the door of the office at the same time.

A few seconds later.

Zhuo Jingquan, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Liang Wenfeng standing in front of him and said with a smile: "Liang Sir, don't be nervous, you sit down first."

"Okay, Director Zhuo."

Hearing Zhuo Jingquan's words, Liang Wenfeng also realized his loss of composure at the moment. Thinking of Li Wenbin's previous instructions to him, Liang Wenfeng took a deep breath to calm himself down, then sat in his office chair, quietly looking at Zhuo Jingquan, waiting for his back.

"Liang Sir, just now someone from the Fire Department called me. They found a male corpse in the ruins of Yuedong Restaurant. After identification, it was confirmed that it was Li Wenbin, the deputy director of our police force."

Zhuo Jingquan looked at Liang Wenfeng and said slowly.

Although he knew that Li Wenbin was in danger, Liang Wenfeng's heart tightened when he heard Zhuo Jingquan tell him about Li Wenbin's death. After a few seconds, he said, "Director Zhuo, our police force must find out the real culprit who blew up Yuedong Restaurant and avenge Director Li."

Although he knew who blew up Yuedong Restaurant, Liang Wenfeng had to play this scene for Zhuo Jingquan.

"Liang Sir, this is exactly what I want to say. You are the commander of the Criminal Intelligence Department. You have to take responsibility for this matter."

Zhuo Jingquan glanced at Liang Wenfeng and said lightly.

"Duty is unshirkable!"

Liang Wenfeng nodded heavily.

"Liang Sir, I know that you are a colleague of Director Li and have a close relationship with Director Li. I am very relieved to leave this matter to you, but..."

At this point, Zhuo Jingquan paused slightly, which also made Liang Wenfeng's heart tremble slightly.

However, Zhuo Jingquan did not "tease" Liang Wenfeng, but continued: "However, Sir Liang, the most important thing for you now may not be to investigate the Yuedong Restaurant."

Hearing Zhuo Jingquan's words, Liang Wenfeng's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately asked: "Director Zhuo, what do you think is the most important thing for me now?"

Zhuo Jingquan smiled slightly, leaned close to Liang Wenfeng's ear, and whispered: "Sir Liang, Mr. Li will invite you to dinner at Mengzhi Club at 6 o'clock tonight. I think this meal is the most important thing for you at the moment.. "


Zhuo Jingquan's words flashed through Liang Wenfeng's mind like a flash of lightning, which made him numb and stunned on the spot.

Liang Wenfeng had thought of many ways to retaliate against Li Jun, but he never thought that Li Jun would actually invite him to dinner.

What is this? A last meal before execution or a Hongmen Banquet.

Although he didn't know what Li Jun wanted to do, Liang Wenfeng was very clear about one thing, that is, no matter what kind of banquet it was, he had to go to the banquet, because from the moment Li Wenbin died in Yuedong Restaurant, he no longer had the power to refuse Li Jun.

Thinking of this, Liang Wenfeng's heart was filled with sadness. He never dreamed that he, a dignified chief superintendent of the police force and the commander of the Criminal Intelligence Department, would one day not even have the power to choose when facing a gangster.

Thinking of this, Liang Wenfeng's face was bitter. He looked at Zhuo Jingquan and said, "Director Zhuo, you are right. For me, this meal is indeed the most important. "

"Mr. Liang, you should be thankful that at least it was Chen Taoran, a foreigner, who fell to his death today, not you..."

Seeing the expression on Liang Wenfeng's face, Zhuo Jingquan looked at Liang Wenfeng and said with a smile.

When Liang Wenfeng heard Zhuo Jingquan's words, his face suddenly changed, but before he could speak, Zhuo Jingquan reached out and patted Liang Wenfeng on the shoulder, smiling and saying: "Mr. Liang, Mr. Li rarely invites people to dinner, you should feel honored. "

Hearing Zhuo Jingquan's words, Liang Wenfeng looked up and looked at Zhuo Jingquan deeply, his lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Liang Wenfeng knew very well that although Zhuo Jingquan's words sounded ridiculous, it was a fact.

That afternoon, just like Li Jun made an appointment with Liang Wenfeng, Governor Peng Jiakang also made an appointment with someone.

The foreigners have three tools to rule Hong Kong Island.

The first is the high-level officials of the British Hong Kong, who extend their tentacles to all aspects of Hong Kong Island and control the people's livelihood in Hong Kong Island;

The second is the Hong Kong Island Regional High Court. As the final appeal authority, the foreigners have used the Regional High Court to do countless dirty things;

The last one is the Legislative Council. All laws in Hong Kong Island are formulated by the Legislative Council, which is also the basis for the foreigners to rule.

Back then, Mai Lihao was able to successfully establish ICAC and defeat the police force. , thanks to the anti-corruption and bribery laws and anti-corruption regulations formulated overnight by the Legislative Council, which gave ICAC absolute authority in legal terms.

This time, the person that Governor Peng Jiakang met was the Chairman of the Legislative Council, Donald.

In fact, both the official members and the elected members are the people of the foreigners. The only difference is that one follows the so-called democratic process, and the other does not follow the process at all.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid being criticized, the Governor of Hong Kong or the senior officials of the British Hong Kong will not personally come forward to pass legislation through the Legislative Council, but will communicate with the Chairman of the Legislative Council first, and then the Chairman of the Legislative Council will propose a plan for this bill.

Obviously, after Peng Jiakang knew that it was difficult for him to kill Li Jun head-on, he took a roundabout route, doing things from the side and back, and playing dirty with Li Jun.

In the meeting room of the Governor's Mansion.

"Hello, Chairman Donald."

Peng Jiakang looked at the Chairman of the Legislative Council, Donald, and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Governor. "

Donak replied immediately.

Unlike the vast majority of foreigners in the Hong Kong British Government, the Hong Kong Island High Court, and the Legislative Council, Donak is a foreigner with Indian ancestry.

This makes his skin look a little dark, his hair is also black, and his eye sockets are a little more protruding than foreigners.

However, Donak has one thing in common with the foreigners in Eagle Country, he is also bald.

"Chairman Donak, I'm sorry to ask you to take time out of your busy schedule to come and see me. "

Peng Jiakang was very polite to Donnack.

Although the official members of the Legislative Council are all appointed by the Governor, there is a problem that, like the Chief Justice of the High Court of Hong Kong Island, these official members are appointed for life.

Unless someone resigns or retires, the Governor has the power to appoint, but it is not his turn to appoint.

In the history of Hong Kong Island for more than 140 years, there have even been precedents that several governors have not appointed official members during their terms.

In this case, the power of the Chairman of the Legislative Council is very great. He can not only propose bills, but also veto the voting results of the Legislative Council members and require the Legislative Council members to vote again.

This situation occurs because the Eagle Country is afraid that the governors who are far away from the emperor will have too much power, so they deliberately come up with various disgusting policies to limit the governors and ensure the influence and control of the local area over the colonies.

As a result, the Eagle Country never dreamed of it.Thinking that the colonial system he had run for hundreds of years collapsed after 20 years under the joint efforts of America and the Russians.

This set of policies designed to control the colonies has become meaningless, and even makes the Governor of Hong Kong, one of the few colonial governors in the Eagle Country, feel disgusted.

After hearing Peng Jiakang's polite words to him, Donnack immediately said: "Mr. Governor of Hong Kong is too polite. You are the top leader of all institutions in Hong Kong Island. As long as you need me, I will put everything aside to see you at any time."

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