After saying this polite remark, Donnack continued, "I wonder what the Governor wants me to do this time?"

As an old man who has worked in Hong Kong Island for nearly 40 years, Donnack is very clear about what the current Governor wants to do with himself, the Chairman of the Legislative Council, but he still asks knowingly.

Obviously, this is the political wisdom of an old politician.

You should find topics for the leader and make the leader feel comfortable talking, instead of letting the leader pick up your words and guess your meaning. If the leader is uncomfortable, then you will probably be uncomfortable too.

Obviously, Donnack has done very successfully in this regard.

After hearing Donnack's question, Peng Jiakang glanced at Donnack, and then said with a smile, "Chairman Donnack, the reason I came to you is very simple. I think there is a department in Hong Kong Island that has too much power now. I hope to limit the power of this department."

"Governor, which department are you talking about?"

After Peng Jiakang finished speaking, Donnack asked directly.

"Hong Kong Island Police Force."

Peng Jiakang said slowly, word by word.

After hearing Peng Jiakang say the four words "Hong Kong Island Police Force", Donak's face changed slightly.

The Legislative Council has a very transcendent status in Hong Kong Island. Generally speaking, no matter what kind of changes happen in Hong Kong Island, it will not affect the Legislative Council.

Except for the police-ICAC war that year.

Because of the strong promotion of Governor MacLehose, the Legislative Council passed two bills that were a devastating blow to the Hong Kong Island Police Force at that time, helping ICAC to destroy the era of the money empire of the Hong Kong Island Police Force in one fell swoop.

But the Legislative Council and ICAC also paid a very painful price.

The police officers who were forced into a desperate situation directly rushed into the ICAC headquarters building and the Legislative Council, and two extremely tragic bloodbaths broke out.

More than 40 investigators from ICAC were beaten to death by police officers, and more than 100 were injured.

Although the situation in the Legislative Council was better, it was not easy either. Four official members who did not escape in time were beaten to death on the spot, and two elected members were seriously injured. In addition, more than a dozen Legislative Council staff were beaten to death.

It was because of these two bloody incidents that even a tough governor like MacLehose had to bow to the police force and sign the Governor's Order, announcing that all police officers in the police force would be pardoned for all bribery before the day the Governor's Order was signed. This stabilized the Hong Kong Island police force.

However, this police-police conflict left a deep impression on both the ICAC and the Legislative Council.

The senior officials in the ICAC began to cooperate with the senior officials of the police force, and the Legislative Council tried to avoid passing bills that would anger the police force.

"Chairman Donak, do you have any concerns?"

Seeing that Donak was silent, Peng Jiakang asked with a smile.

"Mr. Governor, what kind of bill do you want to pass to limit the power of the police force?"

Donak did not openly tell Peng Jiakang his "concerns", but asked another question.

"First of all, the term of the Commissioner of Police. It is obviously inappropriate to serve indefinitely like now. I suggest reducing it to a term of 4 years, and at most one term."

Peng Jiakang said slowly.

"There should be no problem with this."

Donak nodded slightly and said slowly.

"The second point is the funding issue of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Now the Hong Kong British high-level supervision of the police force's funding is too weak. I hope that the Hong Kong Island Police Force will apply for funding from the Hong Kong British high-level every year. After the review by the Hong Kong British government, the absolute amount of funding will be allocated to the police force. Then, after the funding is allocated, the police force must be subject to the joint supervision of ICAC and the Hong Kong British high-level. "

Peng Jiakang said lightly.

Hearing Peng Jiakang's words, Tang Nak was slightly stunned.

He was a little curious. How did the Hong Kong Island Police Force offend the new Governor of Hong Kong? He was actually punished by Peng Jiakang.

First, the term of office of the Commissioner of Police was reduced to reduce the possibility of centralization of the police force. Moreover, if the tenure of the top leader is short, the people below will have more thoughts. In this way, it will be difficult for the police force to have a unified voice.

The second opinion is even more extreme. It is equivalent to strangling the police force's money bag and eggs. Whatever the police force wants to do and how to do it, it needs the approval of the Hong Kong British high-level officials and ICAC.

Once these two points are implemented, the power of the Hong Kong Island Police Force will inevitably be greatly weakened.

But in this way, is Peng Jiakang really not afraid of the police force's opinions?

Thinking of this, Tang Nak looked at Peng Jiakang and asked: "Mr. Governor, I want to know why the Hong Kong Island Police Force needs to be so strictly restricted?"

"Chairman Tang Nak, why do you ask this question? Will it be difficult for your Legislative Council to pass these two items? "

Peng Jiakang did not answer TangInstead of asking him the same question, he asked him the same question instead.

"Mr. Governor, you just came to Hong Kong Island. You may not know some things. To be honest, I am a little embarrassed to say this. It was more than 10 years ago."

Donak directly told Peng Jiakang about the Legislative Council being stormed by the police.

He was not afraid of the police, but needed Peng Jiakang to deal with the police.

"Chairman Donak, since you are so frank, I will be frank with you. In fact, I and the Hong Kong British high-level officials have lost control of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Now the Hong Kong Island Police Force is completely controlled by the Hong Kong Island people, and it is very likely to be controlled by a Chinese gangster named Li Jun. This is bad news for me, the Hong Kong British high-level officials, and Hong Kong Island."

"Therefore, in order to prevent the Hong Kong Island Police Force from doing anything that endangers the rule of the Hong Kong British government under the manipulation of Li Jun, we must take some measures to counter it."

Peng Jiakang looked at Donak and spoke slowly.

Hearing Peng Jiakang's words, Tangnake was slightly stunned. He never expected that one day, a Hong Kong governor would tell him that the high-level officials of the Hong Kong British lost control of their subordinate departments.

This is simply a magical joke.

But Tangnake also knew that Peng Jiakang would not joke with him, so.

"Okay, Mr. Governor, I promise you that our Legislative Council will definitely pass the bill to restrict the Hong Kong Island Police Force as soon as possible."

Although Tangnake is not a pure Eagle Countryman, he has always regarded himself as an Eagle Countryman, so he naturally puts the interests of the Eagle Country first.

"Thank you, Chairman Tangnake."

Peng Jiakang looked at Tangnake and thanked him sincerely.

"Mr. Governor, you are too polite. It is the responsibility of our Legislative Council to maintain the rule of the high-level officials of the Hong Kong British in Hong Kong Island, and it is also the responsibility of me, the Chairman of the Legislative Council."

Tangnake said slowly, word by word.

"Chairman Tangnake, how long will it take for your Legislative Council to pass the bill to restrict the police force?"

Peng Jiakang continued to ask.

"3 days."

Tang Nak replied immediately.

"Okay, okay, Chairman Tang, for the Queen!"

Peng Jiakang said with a firm face.

"For the Queen!"

Tang Nak also nodded in response.

Next, Peng Jiakang and Tang Nak separated without any more nonsense. Tang Nak left the Governor's Mansion directly, while Peng Jiakang returned to his office to meet his second guest, Shi Kang, a senior governor of Hong Kong.

A few minutes.

"Mr. Governor, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

After Peng Jiakang walked into his office, he looked at Shi Kang who had been waiting here for a long time and said with a smile.

"Mr. Governor, were you meeting with Tang Nak just now?"

Shi Kang ignored Peng Jiakang's polite words and went straight to the point.

"Mr. Governor, you should know that we have lost control of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, so I am ready."

Peng Jiakang told Shi Kang in detail about his conversation with Tang Nak just now.

After hearing what Peng Jiakang said, Shi Kang's eyes suddenly lit up. He looked at Peng Jiakang and said with a smile: "Mr. Governor, your trick is too good. As long as the money of the Hong Kong Island Police Force is blocked, even if Li Jun controls the Hong Kong Island Police Force, he will only be a toothless tiger, and the threat will be greatly reduced."

"Mr. Governor, not only that, I plan to set up an emergency bureau in addition to the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and transfer part of the power of the heavy firepower departments such as the Flying Tigers, the Stormtroopers, and the Mobile Force in the Hong Kong Island Police Force to this emergency bureau."

"At the same time, we will give this emergency bureau a lot of funds and power, and eventually let it replace the most elite part of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, turning the Hong Kong Island Police Force into a department that can only handle cases."

Peng Jiakang smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Mr. Governor, if this is the case, Li Jun will be angry to death after spending so much effort in the early stage, and finally only get an empty shell police force?"

At this moment, Shi Kang's eyes also flashed with a hint of joy, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Li Jun has pissed us off so many times, so it's only right that he should be pissed off once."

When Peng Jiakang mentioned Li Jun's name, his tone was very cold, as if he was going to torture Li Jun to death on the spot.

"Hahaha, Mr. Governor, you're right."

Hearing what Peng Jiakang said, Shi Kang also laughed.

But Shi Kang didn't laugh for long, as if he thought of something, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He looked at Peng Jiakang and asked, "Mr. Governor, if we do this, Li Jun won't give up so easily!"

"Haha, our high-level policy adjustments and department adjustments are normal. If Li Jun dares to take the opportunity to make trouble, not only will the North not be able to take advantage of it, but we will also be able to take advantage of it."I don't want to interfere, and I don't think the Zu family would mind if it's serious."

The smile on Peng Jiakang's face was very cold.

"Governor, are you going to use the Zu family's relationship this time?"

After hearing what Peng Jiakang said, Shi Kang's eyes lit up slightly and asked cautiously.

"Governor, it's not that I want to use the Zu family's relationship, but the Zu family will never allow a Hong Kong Islander to shit on our Eagle Country's head again and again."

Peng Jiakang looked at Shi Kang and said slowly, word by word.

"Governor, I understand what you mean."

At this moment, Shi Kang completely understood what Peng Jiakang meant. Obviously, this time Li Jun's blow to the new Governor was too huge, so he was ready to play with Li Jun seriously.

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