The Dor 303 Mann-class frigate is equipped with two quadruple-mounted export-version "Harpoon" ship-to-ship missiles. The original US version has a range of 130 kilometers, but the export version is actually only 120 kilometers.

8 "Sea Sparrow" MK48 ship-to-air missiles, 1 76mm compact MK100 gun.

2 twin 324mm torpedo tubes produced in the United States.

LW08 air/sea search radar, target detection distance of 140 kilometers.

The personnel of the Windmill Country come and go on it. Their plan is to reunite with the remaining warships of the Java Country first, let the Java Country's warships serve as bait, and lure out the enemy.

Then use their radar and firepower range advantages to send the opponent directly into the sky.

But they don't know that their every move has been under surveillance!

Li Jun, who is still in Taiwan, knew when he received the call that these two new warships must be foreign aid from the Java Country.

As for the other party's purpose, it must be to take back the gold mines in New Guinea.

However, Li Jun was not afraid at all.

No matter how new this new warship is, he now has the latest Adams-class destroyer. Unless the United States comes, it is not the opponent of the Adams-class destroyer.

But now the other party must not know that he has the Adams-class destroyer, let alone that he now has an air force.

After three months of production, the Air Force Military Factory has produced 9 F16 fighters.

In this case, he might as well take the initiative to attack and catch the other party off guard.

No matter what tricks the other party plays, it is all false in the face of absolute strength.

"A Pao, just go and destroy these two new warships."

"And the air force is also under your command this time!"


Luo Sanpao is well aware of the terrifying strength of the "Adams-class" warships this time.

With a radar detection radius of 400 kilometers and 40 Harpoon anti-ship missiles with a range of 130 kilometers, it will definitely dominate the ocean.

After all, the range of naval guns is only 30 kilometers at most, and those warships that are still using naval guns are going to be outdated.

This time, I only need to dispatch Adams-class destroyers.

On the other side.

This time, the Java Navy is under the full command of Vice Admiral House, the captain of the Dorman-class warship.

"General House, we have arrived at the designated sea area!"

This time, Java sent out all the remaining warships, 6 Yani-class frigates, 8 Pachem frigates, and 4 W-type submarines.

"Are you crazy? The submarine was placed in the center of the fleet and surfaced on the sea surface. The submarine dived to the front to detect and collect intelligence!"

When General House saw the light spot on the radar, he despised Java in his heart, and also lowered his evaluation of Li Jun's navy.

"No wonder the Java Navy lost so badly. Damn, the submarine actually surfaced and was placed in the center of the fleet!"

General House turned off the radio and complained to the staff around him.

"I don't know what these Java monkeys think!"

"General, this is just a group of monkeys in clothes. It's better to expect world peace to come quickly than to expect them to fight!"

"Hahaha, Eisen, you are right. These people are not civilized. I took them as our well-trained commanders of the Windmill Country!"

"General, this Nanyang is just a child holding a new firecracker and playing house there!"

"Where is the concept of naval warfare, and where do they know how to deploy troops! ”

“Hahaha, Eisen, what you said makes a lot of sense. I thought they were the same navy as the United States and the Russians!”

General House felt that he really overestimated the Java Navy and their opponent Li Jun.

What kind of people can fight with monkeys? They may not be monkeys.

“Colonel Eisen, I’ll let you command this time and let you practice!”

“Yes, General!”

Eisen took over the command, turned on the radio and began to deploy the Java Navy.

The submarine was placed in the front, the other Java warships were placed in the middle, and the two Dolman-class frigates were placed in the back.

Forming a large fan-shaped formation.

On the Adams-class destroyer.

Luo Sanpao saw the situation on the radar and couldn’t help but comment.

“Well, this time it’s finally not a direct rush!”

“You actually know how to deploy troops and put the submarine in the front as a spy! "

Although I don't know the specific parameters of the other side's new warship, I can infer it based on my own ship.

The most advanced anti-ship missile now is the 'Adams-class' destroyer equipped with the original US authentic Harpoon anti-ship missile, with a range of 130 kilometers. The opponent's missile range is definitely lower than this distance. Even if it is the same Harpoon missile, as long asThe export version will be less than 130 kilometers.

You only need to be 130 kilometers away from the opponent's new warships to be the safest strike range.

Time passed by.

"Colonel, the enemy is found!"

"An enemy warship is entering the radar from the 9 o'clock direction."

"Only one? Keep monitoring!"

"Colonel, there is indeed only one ship, 135 kilometers away from our ship at 9 o'clock."

"Notify me when it is 120 kilometers away!"

On the other side.

Luo Sanpao looked at the radar indication and there was still a distance of 131 kilometers.

"Missile input parameters, ready to launch!"

130 kilometers, 129 kilometers!

"Colonel, the opponent stopped at 129 kilometers!"

Eisen judged.

"Stopped? The opponent wants to escape?"

At this moment, Luo Sanpao ordered: "Fire!"

This time, including the new warships of the Windmill Country, Java Country dispatched a total of 16 warships and 4 submarines.

In addition to the submarines, Luo Sanpao arranged an anti-ship missile for each warship, and 10 anti-ship missiles for the two new warships.

Direct saturation bombing.


34 missiles fired in unison!

How spectacular!

One minute later.


The fire control radar alarm of the Dorman-class frigate sounded throughout the ship.

“Missiles incoming! There are five minutes left!”

“Number 10!”

Eisen was stunned for a while, missiles?

Where did the missiles come from?

“Hurry up and get the Lynx helicopter to take off and project jamming wires!”

Before Eisen gave the order, relying on their usual training, the Lynx crew members got into the helicopter and took off when they heard the alarm.

Lieutenant General House also appeared in the command room at the first time.

"Damn, these Java monkeys, damn, they are monkeys, they can't even get the enemy's intelligence right!"

"How can this be a Sherman-class destroyer? A Sherman-class destroyer, what anti-ship missiles!"

"General, should we tell those Java monkeys?"

"Tell them shit, they fooled all of us and they still say shit!"

"If I knew the other side had anti-ship missiles, I wouldn't come even if I was court-martialed!"

"Abandon ship!"

10 anti-ship missiles, what a fuss!

The Javanese Navy sailing in the front didn't know all this yet.

They were on the deck, searching the sea with binoculars.

Suddenly they saw a fast light flying by.

"Look, what is that?"

A sharp-eyed Javanese crew member pointed to a missile in the distance and said.

"I don't know, and it's flying so fast?"

"Why don't we ask the people of Windmill Country? "

"No, it's flying towards us!"

The next moment, the anti-ship missile rushed down diagonally.


Explosions sounded one after another.

The two Dorman-class warships turned into a sea of ​​fire, and black smoke continued to billow out.

"Fuck, they said that the other side only had naval guns. I think these Java monkeys not only have no heads, but also no eyes!"

General House sat in the boat and looked at the devastated new warships next to him.

"Cough cough cough~Fuck Java monkeys, what a shitty navy, I'm going to complain to the parliament when I go back!"

On the Java warship,

"Put out the fire, put out the fire quickly!"

The damage control bells kept ringing everywhere inside the ship.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat quickly!"

"Call for air support quickly! "

The Javanese warships were only hit by one missile, and the damage was not serious, but they all caught fire and lost their combat capability.

"Damn, what kind of people are those in the navy!"

"They said that we didn't need to do anything because we had support from the Windmill Country, but they came again in less than half a day!"

"And this time they didn't even provide the position!"

Demoting, the Javanese Air Force still launched 10 Mustang propeller attack aircraft and 5 F5E fighters at once.

On the Adams-class destroyer.

"Captain, the enemy planes are coming!"

The radar soldier reported.

"Good, they are here just in time!"

"I've been waiting for them for a long time!"

"Didn't you bully me because I didn't have plane support last time? This time I'll show you!"

"Air Force dispatch! "

At Luo Sanpao's command,

9 F16 fighters took off from New Guinea Island and flew into the sky.

At a speed of 2,175 kilometers per hour, they could identify and fight beyond visual range.

They flew over the Java warship in an instant.

"Our planes are coming!"

The Java warship was excited. The last time, it was the air force that defeated the opponent. Now that their own air force has arrived, the opponent can only be a turtle!

"Hahaha~""Brothers in the air force, go and kill them!"


The F16 did not find the enemy planes, and directly opened the aircraft gun to strafe the Java warships below.


A laser-guided bomb fell,

A Java warship was directly broken into two pieces.

After the F16 circled twice and sank three Java warships, the Java Air Force F5E fighters and Mustang propeller attack aircraft finally arrived.


The warning radar sounded before these 10 Mustang propeller attack aircraft and 5 F5E fighters entered the battlefield, and they were locked by the F16!

The next moment,


15 fireworks lit up in the sky, and the 15 Java fighters fell in the air.


"Hurry up, faster!"

The Java warships still on the sea retreated quickly at full speed regardless of whether they would damage the warships!

"We haven't gone up yet?"

When passing the area where the Windmill Country abandoned its crew, they just left as if they hadn't seen anything.

"Damn, Java monkey, come back here!"

General House cursed.

On Java Island.

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