On the island of New Guinea.

"Axi, I'm afraid that the TV reporters you asked for have already been sent there."

"All TV stations in the entire South Sea, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and San Francisco, will broadcast!"

It is not difficult for Li Jun to get the resources of these TV stations at all. It's just a matter of making a phone call.

"Now, Axi, you and 100 special forces will ask Bruno to prepare to issue a declaration of independence!"

After receiving the news that Luo Sanpao's naval battle was a great victory, Li Jun used a satellite phone to notify Xu Xi who was monitoring Bruno on the island of New Guinea.

Xu Xi has been staying on the west side of New Guinea with Bruno and the entire Papua Liberation Front.

"Bruno, I have good news for you!"

Xu Xi didn't even knock on the door, but pushed it open and walked in.

"Mr. Xu, if you are talking about the news of the victory of the naval battle, then I already know it. Mr. Li is really amazing!"

Xu Xi did not respond but put a manuscript in front of Bruno.

"Bruno, our Mr. Li intends to formally fulfill his promise to you. Didn't he say before that he would help you regain your independence and freedom!"

"Although we have it now, it has not been legally recognized by all countries. Today, Mr. Li will let you officially get the recognition of the whole world!"

Bruno's eyes lit up, and then asked cautiously,

"Mr. Xu, are you serious? Do I need to pay anything?"

"Bruno, you underestimate our Mr. Li, right? We are friends, right?"

"Why talk about the price between friends? You just need to pay your loyalty to Mr. Li!"

Bruno suppressed his inner joy after hearing this. So good?

Who wants to be a puppet when they can be emperors?

Bruno immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li, thank you, Mr. Xu."

"Don't thank me so quickly, you will be more grateful after listening!"

Xu Xi called the sergeant who had been summoned with independent consciousness to his front,

"We have prepared all the personnel and cabinets you need for independence."

"Next, you just need to sit in the leader's seat!"

Bruno was stunned for a while before he realized that this was still a puppet.

"Okay, the ceremony will start in half an hour, you should prepare this manuscript well."

Half an hour later.

"We Papuans have been bullied by Java. We Papuans just want freedom, just want the spark of thought, just want the light of civilization!"

"After a long period of hard work, today I, Bruno, hereby announce that Papua is independent!"

With the TV station's broadcast.

This picture spread throughout the South Seas, Hong Kong Island, Formosa, and the United States in the next second, and then quickly spread to every corner of the world.

Timor Island next to it.

"Papua has become independent from Java?"

"We want Timor Island to be independent, too!"


"We want to secede from Java, too."


"I don't want to stay in Java anymore!"


In an office deep in a white hall similar to the White House.

"They've rebelled, these people have rebelled!"

Sutoha was so angry that he wanted to grab something, but after several trainings by Li Jun, there was almost nothing on the table, even the water cup had just been smashed. Sutoha was even more irritable when he didn't grab anything. He stood up, grabbed the chair behind him, and threw it down.


The mahogany leadership chair was shattered.

"They've rebelled, these people have rebelled!"

Sutoha immediately grabbed the phone in his hand and pressed a number.

"You, the Minister of Defense, come see me immediately!"

"You don't need to come see me, just summon all the remaining troops, all the army, navy, and air force."

"Attack Papua now, attack New Guinea immediately."

"We must eliminate this group of people for me."

Even though he was still furious, Sutoha knew very well that if Bruno's Papua Liberation Front was not eliminated, Timor Island and other places would follow suit, and countless enemies would emerge in the entire Javanese country.

The entire Javanese country might be destroyed.

"Also, impose a curfew on Timor Island, Borneo, and Sulawesi."

"Those who disobey will be executed on the spot!"

Then he called the Windmill Country again.

"Sutoha, what else do you want!"

Pearson's cold voice came from the microphone. He had just been severely scolded by Sutoha.

"Pearson, I just lost control of myself. I was just anxious!"

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on. Get out of here!"

"New Guinea is independent! Bruno Gang of the Papua Liberation FrontI just released a televised speech announcing the declaration of independence. You might be able to see it if you turn on the TV."

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look first!"

Sutoha knew that this incident would definitely make the other party put aside their past grudges. After all, the Windmill people only had interests in their eyes.

Not long after, Pearson's voice came again from the microphone.

He did not expect Bruno of the Papua Liberation Front to declare independence. If other places follow suit, the secret rule of the Windmill Country will collapse.

Pearson now reconsidered Sutoha's proposal.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do!"

"As I said just now, I hope that the Windmill Country can mobilize all its forces to help me eliminate this group of people."

"All the expenses required will be borne by the Java Country!"

Java Country.

"I strongly condemn the actions of Bruno of the Papua Liberation Front. Under his leadership, these terrorists brutally killed Javanese people in Papua! "

"Now, with the approval of the parliamentary meeting, I have decided to take military action to eliminate this group of terrorists!"

Sutoha was also holding a press conference just after Bruno issued the Declaration of Independence.

Sutoha directly defined Bruno as a terrorist and the Papua Liberation Front as terrorists, discrediting them.

Then he changed the subject and said,

"I still believe that the Papua Liberation Front was only deceived by Bruno. Most of you are good. As long as you are willing to hand over Bruno, Java and I will forgive you!"

Similarly, Sutoha's TV speech soon spread to every corner of the world.

Especially the intelligence centers of the United States and the Eagle Country.

Inside the CIA.

"When did the Papua Liberation Front become so powerful?"

"How could Bruno have our latest F16 fighter jets in the United States!"

"Immediately arrange for someone to investigate all this! ”

This scene also happened inside MI6.

“Send out all our remaining agents, find out everything, and check if there are other behind-the-scenes hands!”

Treasure Island.

“A Pao, have your warships block all the ports of Java!”

As soon as Li Jun received the news, he called Luo Sanpao by satellite.

The other party not only refused to surrender, but also planned to take the initiative to attack? Then let them taste something more terrifying.

“Let the F16 circle around Sutoha’s head!”

Li Jun gave an order.

Three F16 fighters roared above Sutoha’s official residence.

“We must take back New Guinea Island, long live Java!”


The sound of the sonic boom resounded throughout Yakada.

What happened?

Ignoring the camera in front of him, Sutoha quickly hid under the table.

“President, get into the air-raid shelter quickly! "

Two bodyguards in black suits came in directly, unplugged the camera, and continued,

"The enemy fighter planes are hovering above the mansion!"


Sutoha panicked for a moment and ran out of the office in one step, leaving the bodyguards who notified him behind.

At the same time.

The Javanese senior officials who were still holding an emergency meeting in the parliament hall hid under the table as soon as they heard the sonic boom.

After a while, they found that there was no movement and got out from under the table.

"Enemy planes are coming, and warships have blocked the port! "

Then they all received reports from their subordinates, and knew what had happened, and ran out of the parliament hall with nervous expressions.


Another huge sonic boom sounded, and the parliamentarians who ran faster than the wind twisted their waists and immediately squatted in the corner of the corridor with their heads in their hands.

An F16 was dropping bombs outside the parliament and rushed straight forward, and when it reached the maximum safe distance, it urgently pulled up.

At that moment, the parliamentarians who ran out of the door first thought that their lives were over, and even quickly recalled their entire lives in their minds.

The next moment, they were shaken by the parliamentarians who came out later, and these parliamentarians realized that they had escaped. A catastrophe.

After surviving this catastrophe, their pants were instantly wet, and the whole person collapsed to the ground with powerlessness.

"Quick, quick, quick..."

The congressmen were so scared that they couldn't even speak clearly, and the people around them couldn't hear what they were saying.

Jakarta Port.

One tank after another was queuing up to board the ship, ready to go to the front line to destroy the Papua Liberation Front.

All the soldiers lined up on the shore and prepared to board the ship.


The troop transport ship was blown up into the sky right in front of them.

Then the shadows of four warships appeared on the sea level.

"Damn it, this Sutoha is going to die!"

Army General Sumas, who was still on the shore, looked at the flaming troop transport ship and was furious.He grabbed the hat on his head and threw it to the ground.

What the hell is this?

Sutoha said he could land and fight, what the hell.

The sea was full of enemy ships, and they were killed by the enemy while they were still on the sea.

Damn it, no wonder the navy and air force are gone, Sutoha is going to take my life to fill it.

"Fuck, Sutoha, I don't want to play with you anymore, you can play whatever you want!"

Sumas immediately ordered after he finished speaking,

"Everyone follow me back to Jakarta, I want to ask Sutoha for an explanation for the dead brothers!"

At the same time.


The air defense alarm sounded throughout Jakarta.

The whole Jakarta was in chaos.

People kept rushing out of the store with things in their arms.

Or someone hurriedly got off the car, rushed into the store, got the needed supplies and threw them directly into the car regardless of the store owner's obstruction.

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