The originally busy and orderly road was now jammed with horns and shouts.


"Do you know who I am? Get out of my way!"

"Come on, drive. My car is for you. If you can get out of my way, I'll call you my uncle!"

The driver in front got off the car and patted the window glass behind him, greeting the immortal.

Many drivers got off the car and passed through the gap to know what happened in front.


Then they saw a tank running over the car in front and coming towards them.



"These people are crazy!"

The people who were still in the car got off the car and fled in all directions after seeing the scene in front.

One tank after another ran over these small cars, followed by one armored personnel carrier after another.

Their target was Sutoha's mansion to protect Sutoha.

Air-raid shelter.

Sutoha took a few of his cronies and hid inside immediately.

He picked up the phone and prepared to give orders to the army.

If you dare to land in Jakarta, I will make sure you never come back!

But the speaker of the parliament called first.

"Sutoha, can you please excuse me for a moment?"

"Speaker, what did you say!"

"That's right, that's right."

The speaker was still trying to be more tactful, but the member next to him said excitedly.

"I just don't want to play with you anymore. I want peace and a ceasefire!"

Sutoha immediately yelled in anger when he heard it.

"Walsey, don't you remember who made you a member of parliament!"

"You fucking, you're still a member of parliament. I was almost killed by you!"

"Whoever wants to be a member of parliament can be one. Anyway, I don't want to die!"


Before the other party finished speaking, Sutoha tapped the microphone and hung up the phone.

"Damn! These sons of bitches!"

Then Sutoha said to the assistant beside him.

"Let Sumas board the ship quickly and go to New Guinea to teach those people a lesson!"

But as soon as the assistant turned on the computer, he was not in good shape.

"President, President, Sumas's troops are coming towards us."

"What did you say?"

The microphone in Sutoha's hand fell directly. He knew very well what Sumas meant by this move.

"Maggie, are you seeing it right?"


The basement of the white hall similar to the White House. .

Sutoha did not expect that the parliament and the army would betray him.

He even wanted to hand himself over.

But this critical situation made his mind calm down all of a sudden.

Then he discovered something terrible. In just a few months, all the naval warships he had accumulated for decades were gone, all the air force planes were gone, and he also took two of the latest warships from the Windmill Country.

According to this strength, his army, his last army is no match at all!

If even this last army is gone.

Then even if he is still sitting in this position, no one will listen to what he says.

No, it should be that he can't even save his own life.

He didn't forget that he was a warlord after all, the biggest warlord in Java.

"Fuck! Bruno, you fucking bastard, which high branch did you climb!"

Sutoha thought and threw the cigar in his hand.

But now the opponent has this strength, but has not attacked yet, there is only one possibility.

That is Bruno's behind-the-scenes person, who doesn't want Bruno to become big, and wants to keep himself.

Sutoha thought he was right.

In fact, in Java, except for the few small islands with gold mines in Li Jun's hands, Li Jun really doesn't look down on other places.

There are so many Java monkeys to feed in that place where birds don't shit and lose money. Let Sutoha and others play the loss-making business by themselves.

Since the other party doesn't want Bruno to become bigger, it will be easy for him to deal with it.

He quickly calmed down and spoke.

"Go connect me to Bruno, I want to have a good talk with him!"

Now that he has lost his dignity, he needs a face, a face that can save face.

Otherwise, other regions in Java will follow suit and seek independence like the Papua Liberation Front.

Most importantly, this is also to maintain the legitimacy of his position in Java.

Sutoha doesn't want to give up yet, he still wants to get more at the negotiation table.

New Guinea Island.

Xu Xi accompanied Bruno to answer the call from Sutoha.

"Bruno, let your fleet withdraw immediately, otherwise I will send troops to attack you!"

Sutoha's voice came from the microphone.

"Sutoha, don't think I don't know that you don't even dare to go out now!"

Bruno also retaliated mercilessly, and sat on the office chair and turned around proudly.

But the next moment he was held down by Xu Xi, who glared at Bruno. Bruno said quickly.

"Sutoha, you should talk to my men about this kind of diplomatic affairs now! I'll let him contact you later!"

"You, Bruno, hello!"

Sutoha didn't expect Bruno to dare to hang up his phone now.

Damn it, he's still putting on airs.

On the other side.

After hanging up the phone.

Xu Xi immediately reported to Li Jun.

Li Jun decided to hide behind the scenes, and let Xu Xi, the head of the New Guinea Island Internal Affairs and the head of the Papua Liberation Front, come forward to negotiate with the Javanese State.

After Li Jun told Xu Xi the key points of the negotiation, Xu Xi called Sutoha again.

"Sutoha, this is Xu Xi. New Guinea Island Internal Affairs Director, Papua Liberation Front Director, I will be fully responsible for the negotiations with you this time!"

Sutoha was stunned when he heard this series of names. Is there such a person?

Why have I never heard of him?

"Does your words have any effect? ​​What if Bruno disagrees?"

"You don't need to worry about this. You just need to know that Bruno has to agree to what I say even if he disagrees!"

At this moment, Sutoha immediately understood that this person was the real mastermind behind the scenes, and the high branch that Bruno climbed to.

But he didn't know that Xu Xi was just the person in charge pushed out by Li Jun.

"Sutoha, I have only one request, that is to make your people disappear forever in the Papua region including New Guinea Island!"

"That is the territory of our Java country!"

But Sutoha was interrupted by Xu Xi before he finished speaking.

"Then I will have people attack immediately!"

"Don't, let's talk it over. ”

Sutoha was really afraid that a bomb would suddenly fall, and then he would be really finished.

"Sutoha is right, you have to know that there is no one of yours in the entire Papua region now. If I want, the seat you are sitting on now is also mine!"

"The reason why we still keep you is because Java has no value to us!"

Sutoha listened to Xu Xi's words, and the veins of his fists bulged. He strongly suppressed the anger that was about to burst out in his heart.

Is he being let go now just because he has no value?

Finally, Sutoha reluctantly loosened his fist.

What Xu Xi said was all true. He even knew that he was now deserted by everyone. How could he fight?

"I agree to your request, but you have to let your fleet leave the port of Jakarta first!"

"Otherwise, all the members of parliament will hide in the air-raid shelter and refuse to come out for the meeting. Without the seal of the parliament, it is useless for me to say it! "

"Sutoha, I know you have a way to get those MPs to come out of the air-raid shelter. When we hear the news, the fleet will naturally leave!"

"By the way, you'd better hurry up. Maybe those fleets are getting impatient and want to set off some fireworks for some fun!"

Xu Xiyi hung up the phone before Sutoha could react.

"Fuck you!"

Sutoha was about to explode, but after Li Jun's repeated training, he was now able to control his temper.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, there are important things to do!"

Very soon.

One by one, the MPs were "invited" to the parliament hall by Sutoha with guns.


All the MPs signed their names.

"I hereby declare that Papua is officially established! "

Yagada Port.

Luo Sanpao heard the news from the radio and ordered the warship to leave the port.

The F16s in the sky also evacuated one after another.


The top leaders of the entire Java country breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in their hearts was finally put down.

New Guinea Island.

In the Papua Liberation Front.

"Did we really do it?"

"Are we really recognized by the Java country? "

The entire Papua Liberation Front was boiling, immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

Only Bruno had a gloomy face. Surrounded by several confidants, he walked into the jungle they had just walked out of.

He had just received a call.

A call that might change his life.

The content was too shocking, and he had to go into the jungle for a meeting before making a decision.

But the content of the call was monitored by the special forces insider planted by Li Jun.

They wanted to drive these people out of New Guinea.

"These Java monkeys are really monkeys, without any gratitude at all!"

Li Jun said playfully.

"Since these Java monkeys don't know what gratitude is, then ITeach them what gratitude means!"

Deep in the jungle of New Guinea Island.

Bruno walked into the jungle under the escort of several confidants, where there was a secret base of theirs.

A final secret hiding place, which also contained many weapons and equipment.

The top leaders of the Papua Liberation Front often gathered here.

"General Bruno, this is Java, this is Papua, why should we Papuans listen to a Chinese!"

Matthew, an officer of the Papua Liberation Front, shouted.

"General Bruno, let us take back New Guinea Island together and drive all these Chinese out!"

"Yes, drive all the Chinese out, and those gold mines will be ours, and the beautiful Chinese women will also be ours."

Now the Chinese have built New Guinea Island in an orderly manner, and even built many high-rise buildings.

The Papua Liberation Front has also gained a lot of benefits in this process, and many people have even lived a life of being surrounded by women and eating and drinking every day.

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