But people are not worried about the lack of wealth, but about the inequality. Now, the people of the Papua Liberation Front are more upset to see the Chinese making money than to lose money themselves.

Now New Guinea is so prosperous, so profitable, and independent, and has been recognized by Java.

The people of the Papua Liberation Front are active.

Bruno looked at his men talking to each other, and he had long wanted to stop being a puppet, so he decided to go all out, while Li Jun's eyes were still in Java and those fleets were still in Yajiada, and directly drove Li Jun out of New Guinea.

It just so happened that he still had a lot of weapons hidden, and there were also contact information for intelligence agencies of many countries here.

When he was fighting with Palani before, many intelligence agencies of many countries contacted him and were willing to provide him with military aid, but their asking price was too high at the time, so Bruno rejected them.

In contrast, he finally agreed to cooperate with Li Jun.

But Li Jun regretted it as soon as he arrived on the island.

Li Jun is the one who eats people without leaving any bones.

He no longer has the prestige he had before, he is now just a puppet.

Not only himself, all Papuans are now slaves, and everything on this island is Chinese first.

Bruno quickly found the satellite phone he had hidden from a large stack of contact information, which was given to him by the intelligence agency of Kangaroo Country.

Soon, he decided to contact Kangaroo Country, which is closest to New Guinea Island and can help him the fastest.

At the same time.

Li Jun has decided to teach these Papuan monkeys how to be grateful.

"Axi, I will give you 30,000 special forces now!"

"Let those Java monkeys learn what gratitude is tonight!"

30,000 special forces quickly gathered in front of Xu Xi.

The people of the Papua Liberation Front think they are smart, but in fact Xu Xi knows every location of them on New Guinea Island.

Now, except for Bruno's group who may have guns, Xu Xi had already taken away the weapons of others for various reasons.

With the addition of the special forces, the entire Papua Liberation Front can be wiped out from this planet tonight.

However, since Jun Ge wants them to learn to be grateful, he has to educate them well. Soon Xu Xi had a plan.

"Let's go!"

After Xu Xi made arrangements, 30,000 special forces were divided into different groups to give this group of Papua monkeys a lesson in gratitude education.

Xu Xi personally took care of the Papua group.

On the other side.

In the jungle.

Bruno got on the phone with the Kangaroo Country Intelligence Agency.

"Bruno, I didn't expect you to contact me again!"

Bruno immediately told the current situation again.

"Are you saying that the man behind you is Li Jun?"

The Kangaroo Country Intelligence Agency quickly got the name they wanted.

Finally, they found out that the intelligence agency of Kangaroo Country felt that they could finally be appreciated by their American master CIA.

When contacting Bruno, Kangaroo Country passed this important information to CIA.

CIA quickly decided to let Kangaroo Country hold Bruno first and continue to find out more information.

"Bruno, although you rejected us before, we don't care about these."


Just this voice made Bruno shudder all over and hang up the phone immediately.

It was Xu Xi's voice. Xu Xi was standing outside the door, and there were many soldiers with weapons standing at the door.

As for the group of people outside, under the black muzzle of the gun, one by one gave up resistance and raised their hands to surrender.

"Bruno, who are you calling?"

Xu Xi asked knowingly.

"My relatives on Java Island!"

Bruno forced himself to calm down and shouted loudly with a guilty conscience.

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean by so many guns? I'm going to complain to Mr. Li about you!"

"Bruno, give it to me!"

Xu Xi grabbed it with one hand. He was not a person that Bruno could resist because he was used to a life of luxury. He quickly snatched the satellite phone from Bruno's hand.

"Mr. Xu, have you forgotten our agreement?"

Bruno knew that his plan must have been leaked, but he was still determined.

"Bruno, you know what you did best, but you are right. Our Mr. Li is the most trustworthy, so he decided to give you a good lesson in gratitude."

"Take him away!"

After Xu Xi ordered his men to send Bruno away, he found the call records and quickly found the contact information under Bruno's feet.

Soon he knew who the other party was contacting.

"JunBrother, what should we do now? "

Xu Xi told him about Bruno's contact with Kangaroo Country.

Li Jun quickly decided that since Bruno had already contacted Kangaroo Country and Kangaroo Country didn't know what happened, he would use his own trick against him.

Originally, Li Jun had decided to prevent Bruno from seeing the sun tomorrow, and now he would keep Bruno to find out the intelligence of the United States, after all, the intelligence agency of Kangaroo Country is the younger brother of CIA.

However, now......

"All of you go to mine for me!"

On the other side.

Java Country.

Sutoha quickly learned from the US intelligence agency that Bruno on New Guinea Island was preparing to rebel.

But they didn't know that Bruno had been captured by Li Jun and taken to the mine to mine.

"If that's the case, then maybe I can join forces with Bruno to cooperate with him from inside and outside!"

"Hahaha, God helps me! "

At the same time.

In a mine in New Guinea.

A foreman whipped Bruno.

"Stop dilly-dallying, hurry up and dig!"

Another whip was whipped on another member of the Papua Liberation Front.

"Don't eat tomorrow if you don't complete the task."

In a 30-square-meter conference room in the headquarters building of the CIA, more than 20 people were holding an emergency meeting, led by a white American named Brian.

"Now we have obtained accurate intelligence from Kangaroo Country. The Papua mystery that has been bothering us recently finally has an answer!"

Brian pointed at the projection and looked at the agents gathered on both sides of the table, as well as a group of American senior officials and military representatives.

"The intelligence agency of Kangaroo Country received a call for help from Bruno of the Papua Liberation Front last night."

"It claims that he is now being held hostage by Li Jun, Li Jun from Hong Kong Island! ”

After Brian finished his introduction, he looked at the confused people on the stage and continued.

“Many people here should have heard of this person!”

“Could it be that Li Jun?”

“Yes, it’s the Li Jun who turned the world upside down in Hong Kong Island!”

Brian replied affirmatively.

“It’s the Li Jun who gave the Eagle Country MI6 a headache and killed the famous agent 007!”

“Although there are still many things that have not been figured out, such as his fighter jets, warships and the source of arms. But the general outline of the matter is like this!”

After Brian finished speaking, the presidential contact stood up and said.

“The president has already known about this matter. The president means that a force must not be allowed to appear in Nanyang!”

“Nanyang is a traditional colonial area. Whether it is the Windmill Country, the Eagle Country, or the Kangaroo Country, they are all our allies. Rounding it off, Nanyang is the sphere of influence of our United States! "

The president's contact's words made everyone present nod their heads frequently.

Those allied countries' little brother's things are the United States' things, there is nothing wrong with it!

"And as long as the Chinese forces come on stage, they will be more difficult to deal with than the monkeys in Southeast Asia. It is impossible to control the Chinese like controlling the monkeys in Southeast Asia!"

The president's contact's words have made the situation clear.

If there is no intervention from the United States and others, can those South Asian monkeys suppress the Chinese?

It's just a foolish dream.

"So next, everyone should understand what I want to say!"

The president's contact said at the end.

"Brian, you are fully responsible for this plan. The president and Congress mean very simply that there should be no more Chinese forces in Southeast Asia!"

"This is the most important goal and the goal that must be achieved! "

Secondly, there is another goal he did not say, which is to be able to sell arms.

Being able to sell a large amount of arms, the arms dealers in Congress are looking forward to such an opportunity day and night!

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the authorization order from the President and Congress. Everyone present must cooperate with Brian's command!"

After the presidential contact said this, he took out a document from his briefcase, showed the content and signature on it, and then handed it to Brian.

"Okay, since the President and Congress trust me so much, I will start to arrange the action now!"

"First of all, the people who are most familiar with Li Jun are the Eagles. Let's get all the information about Li Jun from the Eagle MI6."

"Secondly, it is Sutoha. Now Li Jun and Sutoha's forces are in the water and fire of war. We have to watch Sutoha fail. We must give him enough military assistance!"

"I will contact the Eagles, and you can deal with the arms dealers and Sutoha! "

After Brian finished speaking, he walked out of the office and contacted MI6 to explain the whole story. Then a voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Our militaryMI6 will fully support your actions this time. At the same time, the person who knows Li Jun best is Hong Kong Governor Peng Jiakang. I will ask him to contact you! "

Hong Kong Island.

Peng Jiakang has been feeling depressed recently.

Being a Hong Kong Governor is a very glorious thing, but the appearance of Li Jun makes him doubt that he is not a governor, but a punching bag.


Now he is weak when he receives a call from MI6.

"What, you mean to deal with Li Jun!"

When Peng Jiakang heard this, he became more powerful and glowed.

"I will definitely cooperate with the CIA and Brian's actions with all my strength! "


In an office deep in a white hall similar to the White House.

Sutoha was humming a little tune. The last time he was so happy was when he became the president of Java.

I didn't expect to have a relationship with the Americans.


Even the Windmill Country, the former suzerain, is the younger brother of the Americans.

I didn't expect that I could cooperate with the Americans now. It's such an honor!

This made Sutoha feel like he was dreaming.

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