Li Peicai couldn't hold back any longer, tears filled his eyes.

"Director Lu, we know we were wrong, can you ask Jun Ge to let us go!"

"We should never have been a fence-sitter and joined the Governor of Hong Kong, Peng Jiakang!"

After Li Peicai finished speaking, two lines of regretful tears appeared on his face, and Guo Yongnian also cried and begged.

"Director Lu, since we are all Chinese, can you ask Jun Ge for mercy on our behalf? Tell Jun Ge that we really know we were wrong!"

Lu Zhilian looked at the two men crying, and felt bad in his heart.

"You first tell me about the financial transactions recorded in this document. If you explain this clearly, I will decide whether to tell Jun Ge about your situation!"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you!"

Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian immediately told all the contents like pouring beans, and explained all the financial transactions involving them clearly.

"Director Lu, can you plead for us now?"

Li Peicai said, looking at Lu Zhilian sincerely.

"Then I'll call Jun for you now!"

Lu Zhilian called Li Jun directly in front of the two of them, and at the same time told them how Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian regretted and cried bitterly.

Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai looked at Lu Zhilian with expectant eyes, listening attentively and waiting for Li Jun's reply.

"Let them publicly identify Financial Secretary William during the trial, and ask them if they are willing!"

After listening to Lu Zhilian's words, Li Jun thought carefully for a while, and then said to Lu Zhilian.

"If these are true, you must testify against Financial Secretary William during the trial!"

Lu Zhilian repeated Li Jun's words.

"I don't know if you two are willing!"

"Yes, I am willing!"

Li Peicai shouted very loudly, fearing that Li Jun on the other end of the phone could not hear, and Guo Yongnian immediately took over.

"I am willing to do it, Jun Ge asks us to do it, we are willing to do it!"

They both knew very well that if they really testified against Financial Secretary William during the trial, it would mean that they had completely broken with the foreigners.

After listening to this, Li Jun said to Lu Zhilian.

"Since they are willing to identify Financial Secretary William, then you just need to follow the normal procedures!"

Lu Zhilian immediately understood what Li Jun meant. The two were willing to identify William, which was a performance of (deserved) redeeming their crimes and making meritorious contributions.

Although there is still punishment, it will not be so severe, but they will be imprisoned for at least two or three years.

That's what Li Jun thought.

Since they have become foreign dogs and led the foreigners, they must not be let off. But if the other party really regrets it and is willing to make amends, they must be taken care of. Those who have made contributions must be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes must be punished.

Only by clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments can one truly establish one's prestige!

At the same time, those foreign dogs must be killed as a warning to the monkeys. The death of Li Bancheng before is like they have not learned a lesson.

This time, Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian are just the right negative examples.

When the time comes, let Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian educate those foreign-loving dogs.

"Thank you, Brother Jun!"

After listening to Lu Zhilian's explanation, Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian still have to be locked up for two or three years, but this is a great gift from heaven for them!

The two shouted sincerely.

"Thank you, Brother Jun!"

Lu Zhilian returned to his office and looked at the whiteboard hanging on the wall, and put the last piece of the puzzle on it.

Now with the identification of Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian, the evidence is complete.

Now it is time to completely nail the Financial Secretary William.

Lu Zhilian walked to his desk, sat down at the computer, filled out the application for trial and pressed print.

Then he took the paper application to submit.

The next step is to wait for the schedule.

During this period, Li Jun will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Philip, Christina and others wanted to solve and handle this matter in a low-key manner, but Li Jun did the opposite. He would support whatever the enemy opposed.

The reason why he did not let reporters and others come to stir up the heat before was because he had not really nailed William to the ground.

Now that Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian are willing to testify against William, the evidence is complete, and the trial is really foolproof.

Naturally, he started to stir up the heat.

Li Jun didn't even need to do it himself.

Just let the news out a little.

Those reporters rushed over immediately like sharks smelling blood.

Outside the building of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, there were three layers of reporters inside and outside.

Outside the Financial Secretary's building was even moreReporters were swarming around.

Even the Governor's House of Peng Jiakang was surrounded by reporters, all wanting to know what was going on and what happened.

At this time.

Inside Queen Mary Hospital, ICAC Commissioner McRae, who had just come out of the intensive care unit a few days ago, heard the news of the reporters' explosion.

Once again, he sighed that it was great that he was sick.

He could have been discharged from the hospital a long time ago, but he insisted on asking someone to use his connections to continue living in the ward.

But at this moment, he heard the phone ringing and picked it up directly.

"Hello, ICAC Commissioner McRae, I am a reporter from ATV. I want to interview the Financial Secretary William!"

But before the reporter finished speaking, McRae hung up the phone directly.

Then he heard a noisy sound coming from outside the door.

"We are just here to interview ICAC Commissioner McRae!"

"Sorry, we are a hospital here, and you reporters cannot disturb our patients' rest!"

McRae suddenly felt that he seemed to need to stay in the intensive care unit for a few days.

He first pressed the emergency button next to him, then took out the prepared allergy medicine and poured a little into his mouth. His face was immediately covered with red spots and he fell down.

"First aid, first aid~"

He saw himself lying on the bed in a fuzzy state, being pushed by doctors and nurses through a large group of reporters.

Sure enough, the intensive care unit is the best.

There is a saying in Chinese that when the gods fight, the little devils suffer!

Anyway, I, the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, am just a small soldier, so I won't get involved in the fight between you big shots.

I can't afford to offend Christina and the Eagle State Parliament.

Li Jun, I can't afford to offend him even more.

If you piss off the Eagle State Parliament, you can only return to your country to retire. If you piss off Li Jun, you can only go to Stanley.

At the same time.

Victoria Hotel, in the presidential suite.

"Miss Christina, now not only reporters from Hong Kong Island are trying to find out the news, but even reporters from major TV stations in Nanyang are waiting, and there are even reporters from the United States!"

In one morning, the whole world knew that the Hong Kong Island Financial Secretary, a foreigner, was arrested by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

This is truly a big world news.

Even European countries are planning to send reporters here.

And the Eagle Country is now in the calm before the storm.

Prime Minister Major was summoned directly to Buckingham Palace by the Queen.

And Christina's father, Alfred Child.

And a group of old nobles in the Eagle Country.

"I know you have been fighting openly and secretly in private, but no matter how you fight, you can't damage the honor of our Great Eagle!"

Queen Elizabeth said directly and majestically.

In her eyes, the arrest of William, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Island, must have been caused by the infighting among the people below.

Prime Minister Major, Alfred Child and others all bowed their heads after hearing this.

They could ignore anyone's words, except for the words of Queen Elizabeth in front of them. She was too senior, and she had experienced a lot of things, and she had even been on the battlefield.

With such qualifications and seniority, they had to obey!

"Aunt, I have sent Sir Philip, the royal lawyer, to handle this matter!"

"Alfred, call Her Majesty the Queen!"

Alfred Child knew that his aunt was angry, and only when the Queen was angry would she let them call her by such a formal name.

Otherwise, Her Majesty the Queen would rather let them think she was a kind old grandmother.

"Uncle Alfred, don't make your grandmother angry!"

Another young man standing next to him said.

Because the Eagle people like to play with each other and like to marry each other, these old Eagle nobles are more or less related to each other.

In many cases, the seniority is even more confusing.

"Little Charles, you should also be more considerate of your Uncle Alfred!"

Elizabeth taught.

"Yes, Grandmother!"

"Major, you are responsible for this matter. I cannot hear any negative news about our Great Eagles in Hong Kong!"

"Otherwise, you, the leader of the parliament, must be held responsible for this!"

Although Li Jun has not yet reached the final judgment moment for William and other foreigners.

But the Eagle Country's top leaders are already panicking.

"The whole world is now in the midst of an anti-colonial wave. If Hong Kong Island breaks out in a scandal like this, such a big thing, the remaining colonies of our Great Eagles will not be so obedient!"

"Just like Argentina, although we taught them a lesson on the Falkland Islands, they are stillI just can't accept it!"

Queen Elizabeth continued to speak slowly.

"And don't forget Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales!"

The Great Eagle is composed of the British Isles, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England.

Even in the World Cup, Wales can send a team to participate independently.

But Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have always been dissatisfied with the Great Eagle, England, and have always wanted to find an opportunity to break away from the Great Eagle.

Even Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have independence movements, and there are even independence armed forces similar to Papua, who want to seek opportunities to be independent.

"So, do you understand what I mean?"

"Hong Kong Island is not necessarily the most important, anyway, we will lose it in a few years."

"But Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, we must not lose!"

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