Big Eagle.

Buckingham Palace.

"Aunt, what do you mean?"

Alfred probably guessed something, but he was not sure whether his aunt meant it in this way.

"You all know what I mean, especially you Alfred and your little Charles!"

"Hong Kong Island is almost run by your two families now!"

Elizabeth pointed out bluntly.

"If there is really no way out of this matter, both of you should give up some of your interests!"

"Let that Li Jun stop the so-called just trial!"

"It sounds good, a just trial, doesn't he know what kind of person Li Jun is?"

"The so-called justice is just a performance for those low-level rats!"

"Let him stop that clumsy performance!"

"I understand, aunt, I will let Christina see what Li Jun wants. As long as we can satisfy him, we will try our best to satisfy him!"

"Alfred, you are right to have this idea. The most important thing we need to learn in politics is compromise, and to know what is our core interest!"

"You are like me who have crossed the war, because you know that the British Isles are the core of our Great Eagle, and you can lead our Great Eagle to persist from the stormy war to the present!"

"Aunt, I understand, if it weren't for you, our Great Eagle would have been annexed by Europe long ago!"

"I will contact Christina now!"

Hong Kong Island

Victoria Hotel, in the presidential suite.

Christina answered the call from her father Alfred in disbelief.

"Father, are you sure you really want to do this?"

"We haven't lost yet!"

"No, Christina, we have already lost!"

"According to your great-aunt, we have already lost after such a big news!"

"We are not afraid of the failure of Hong Kong Island. We are worried that Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland will follow Li Jun's example and try the people we sent to this place!"

"Then let us lose these three places!"

Christina's mouth opened wide after hearing this, and an egg could be stuffed in.

"Father, it won't be that serious!"

"I didn't think about it at first, but now the news has spread to Northern Ireland and Scotland!"

"According to intelligence from MI6, the independence activists in these two places have become active, and even Wales has many eyes paying attention to this matter!"

"Don't people in Northern Ireland know how to be grateful?"

Christina was really angry after hearing this.

"Without us, the Great Eagle, what are they!"

"So we must try to minimize the impact of this incident!"

Alfred taught Christina.

"Okay, father, I understand, I'll contact Li Jun!"

"Christina, I hope you understand that I'm actually on your side, but your great-aunt obviously sees things more long-term than us!"

"I understand, father!"

Christina hung up the phone and slumped in the chair.

Is the Great Eagle so weak?

It actually wants to make peace with a gangster, a short mule?

Is this still the old Empire?

Christina felt that her worldview was impacted.

"Miss Christina, what's wrong with you?"

Philip Lannister was brought in by Christina's assistant Linda. Seeing Christina's limp appearance, he asked anxiously.

"Sir Philip, I'm fine, but your second plan may not be needed!"

"What happened to Miss Christina?"

Christina told Philip about the phone call and Queen Elizabeth's decision.

Philip couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Miss Christina, Her Majesty is not suffering from Alzheimer's disease!"

"Sir Philip, you can't say that to the Queen, there won't be a next time, otherwise I will deprive you of your title!"

Christina said and changed the subject.

"But what my great-aunt said does make sense, and she sees things more long-term than us!"

"It's just that Sir Philip, you have been busy doing so much recently, and you lost a special forces team of the old Russians. I'm really sorry!"

"Miss Christina, what are you talking about? Everything is for the honor of our Great Eagle!"

"Okay, you go out first, Linda, bring my satellite phone over, I will contact Li Jun in person to see if Li Jun is willing!"


Li Jun was stunned when he received Christina's call.

He didn't expect it.

He really didn't expect that Da Ying was even weaker than Sutoha. He asked for peace again and again before the fight even started.

But think about it, the Falklands War was Da Ying's last glory.

Da Ying is now like a rich man who has gone bankrupt, but he has to pretend to be a rich man, for fear that others will reveal his background.

"Li Jun, tell me, what do you want from Hong Kong Island? As long as William is not allowed to conduct a just trial, I can consider it!"

"Ms. Christina, you are underestimating me, Li Jun, aren't you? You don't have to give me what I want, I can get it myself!"

"Li Jun, I am really talking to you with full sincerity!"

"Ms. Christina, since you are so sincere, why do you call me by my name directly?"

"Okay, okay, Mr. Li, what do you want?"

"Ms. Christina, I have already told you clearly before, I just want to be fair to William and other foreigners Conduct a just trial!"

"Mr. Li, who are you fooling? Do you really believe in the so-called fairness and justice?"

"Fairness and justice are just the performances of those upper-class people for the lower-class people!"

"There is no real fairness and justice in this world!"

"Ms. Christina, this is the difference between us. I really believe that there is real fairness and justice in this world!"

"Mr. Li, so we have nothing to talk about?"

"Ms. Christina, I'm sorry!"

After that, Li Jun hung up the phone directly.

Then he called Ah Hua to him.

"Ah Hua, go investigate immediately!"

"See why Da Ying is so anxious to surrender!"

"I think it's definitely not just about Hong Kong Island. There must be other things we don't know yet!"

"We must have touched some of Da Ying's more core interests this time. Maybe we can use this opportunity to completely enter Da Ying's upper class!"

United States.

San Francisco.

Chinatown is destined to be restless tonight.

More than a dozen police cars from the San Francisco Police Department blocked all the entrances and exits of Chinatown.

"Monnie Wang, we suspect you are related to a huge theft case, please come with us!"

"Ed Lee, we suspect you are related to a huge theft case, please come with us!"

These white police rushed into one Chinese-style building after another and arrested Chinese people one by one.

And in the back kitchen of the restaurant.

"We suspect you are harboring illegal immigrants!"

White policemen were checking the immigration documents of Chinese people at the same time.

In Chinatown restaurants, most of the back kitchen helpers are illegal immigrants without documents. As long as they don't do bad things and are not deported and stay for a certain number of years, they can get a US green card.

This is a semi-legal unspoken rule among the various ethnic groups in the United States.

Of course, the US police will often use this as an excuse to come and knock on bamboo poles.

At the same time.

In the lobby of a Chinese teahouse at the innermost part of Chinatown.

Situ Leisheng was sitting at the eight-immortal table discussing the negotiations with the four uncles in Chinatown a few days ago.

The entire huge Chinatown can be said to be managed by the Hongmen and these five uncles.

Three of the four uncles manage three areas of Chinatown respectively, and one is responsible for general affairs.

"These American cops are so hateful!"

"Don't we know what the Seklitto family does?"

"They want to do business in our Chinatown. To put it nicely, they all sell white flour!"

"They just want to use white flour to corrupt our Chinatown and corrupt us Chinese!"

"Leisheng, you did the right thing today. We can't control other places, but white flour must not appear in our Chinatown!"

"All Chinese in our Chinatown cannot touch white flour!"

The five uncles in Chinatown all supported Situ Leisheng with indignation.

But at this moment, a security guard ran up from downstairs and shouted.

"Uncle Jack."

"Uncle Jack, those cops are here to arrest our people!"

The four uncles who were just indignant heard this and their faces darkened instantly.

"Damn Tom, I didn't expect him to act so quickly?"

Wang Jack, the uncle in charge of general affairs, was full of anger.

The talks just broke down a few days ago, and today they came to arrest people.

Even a fool knows that this is a revenge action by the San Francisco Police Department.

On the other side.

Hong Kong Island.

Mid-levels villa.

Ah Hua is trying to find out information about Eagle Country.Unlike the United States, although Li Jun has not yet started to make plans in the United States.

But with the United States Hongmen, the largest organization of Chinese in the United States, Li Jun can ask the United States Hongmen to find out the intelligence of the United States, as long as it is not super confidential, through Situ Leisheng.

But now in Eagle Country, Li Jun has no plans for Eagle Country, and can be said to be blind to the things in Eagle Country.

This is mainly because Li Jun's power has expanded too fast.

In addition, Eagle Country is weaker than expected.

"Brother Jun, I also guess that there may be major changes in Eagle Country, but I found Peng Jiakang and others, and they all said they didn't know!"

"Ahua, Peng Jiakang and others definitely don't know!"

Although Peng Jiakang and others are the governors appointed by the parliament, as often said, "When the general is away, he is not subject to military orders!"

Eagle Country cannot control the governor and others 100%, and even has to prevent them from becoming bigger and posing a threat to Eagle Country.

Similarly, Peng Jiakang and others do not understand what happened in Eagle Country.

"Ahua, you have to go to Torbjorn for this kind of thing!"

Sometimes we have to admit that money is an important link in connecting relationships.

Torbjorn is the person who knows the Eagle Country Parliament and its members best by making money for them.

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