When Deshaun saw this scene, although he didn't understand what these yellow monkeys were saying, he also saw that this group of people had an internal conflict, and he felt that he could survive. He kept struggling, twisting his body like an earthworm, and making a humming sound. "Pah!" Xu Xi finished the tea in the cup in his hand and put the cup heavily on the table. Everyone's eyes were once again focused on Xu Xi. Xu Xi stood up, walked in front of Jack Wang, and took the gun in Jack Wang's hand. Deshaun couldn't help but open his eyes wide when he saw this scene. He wanted to survive. The next moment. "Bang!" Xu Xi held Jack Wang's hand and shot Deshaun in the head. Jack Wang looked at Xu Xi in disbelief, and then looked at his right hand. "Pah!" The gun in Jack Wang's hand slid directly to the ground. White Lee and the others looked at the scene in disbelief, and were all stunned.

Xu Xi took advantage of this moment to pick up the gun on the ground and put it on the table, and then poured himself a cup of tea.

He said while drinking.

"Now every minute you stay awake, the chance of the police coming to your door is one more!"

Xu Xi's words seemed to wake everyone up like a heavy drum, and Jack Wang and others immediately got busy.

Xu Xi ignored Jack Wang and others, letting them shuttle back and forth in front of him.

As for how they were going to deal with it, it had nothing to do with Xu Xi.

Xu Xi took out Deshaun's mobile phone just now and called Vincent Seklioto.

"Hello, Deshaun, have you finished the goods tonight?"

"Are you Vincent Seklioto?"

"You are?"

Vincent Seklioto's eyes instantly became sinister.

"Deshaun, what's wrong?"

"Vincent, my boss told me to tell you that you should release the Chinese in the San Francisco Police Department immediately, otherwise your goods will be gone!"

"Chinatown? Very good, very good!"

"Vincent, you have 24 hours. Once the time is up, your goods will be immediately sent to the sea!"

"Don't have any ideas. If there is any abnormality among the Chinese in the San Francisco Police Department, your goods will not appear intact!"

"I will say this to you in the same way. If there is any abnormality in my goods, those yellow monkeys will all go to hell!"

On the other side.

The secret warehouse of the Hongmen headquarters in the United States.

The special forces drove the goods they had just robbed into this secret warehouse together with the truck.

Stuart Leisheng and David Wu had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that all the special forces were present, both Stuart Leisheng and David Wu sighed at the same time.

"Brother Jun's men are really awesome!"

"They were able to get away with it without missing a single one!"

After the leading special forces soldier parked the truck, he handed it over to Situ Leisheng and then stood guard at the door of the warehouse.

"David, sometimes I really think these are robots!"

"Brother Sheng, I think so too. These people are even more terrifying than the special forces in the army!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's see what Mr. Xu has brought back for us!"

After Situ Leisheng finished speaking, David Wu picked up a crowbar and pried open a box next to him.

After removing the shock-absorbing items such as straw inside, an ancient vase appeared in front of him.

"Brother Sheng, this is a vase, it seems to be our ancient vase!"

"Brother Sheng, do you want to take it out?"

David Wu asked Situ Leisheng, who was a little confused next to him. Situ Leisheng thought about everything but didn't expect that there would be an ancient vase inside.

"Don't take it out, or it will break!"

Situ Leisheng immediately realized that the matter was of great importance.

"Pry open all the boxes first!"

After all the boxes were pried open, there were 3 vases, 2 porcelain bowls, a suitcase of diamonds and various weapons and ammunition.

"I will contact Jun first and ask Jun's opinion!"

Situ Leisheng took out the satellite phone without hesitation and called Li Jun, then described the current situation in detail.

"Vase? Porcelain bowl? These must be antiques!"

"As for what kind of antiques they are and which dynasty they are from, we need to let experts identify them in detail!"

Li Jun quickly made a judgment.

These antiques and cultural relics are hard currency in the upper class of the United States, and are especially popular among the upper white people in the United States.

When the Terracotta Warriors were exhibited in the United States, even the imitations sold next to them had tens of thousands of Americans queuing up to buy them.

"ToAs for diamonds, they must have been smuggled!"

The only thing that surprised Li Jun was that Seklioto smuggled almost everything, but not flour.

If Seklioto knew, he would only think, does flour need to be smuggled?

There is no problem in bringing it into the United States.

"Then Jun brother, should we return these things to the Seklioto family?"

After listening to Situ Leisheng's words, Li Jun couldn't help but have a bold idea in his mind.

That is, Li Jun wants these antique diamonds.

Li Jun also wants the Chinese in the San Francisco Police Department!

But in this case, he originally planned to develop quietly in the United States, but now he has to make a big noise.

On the other side.

White Lee, Brown Guo, and Martin Wu helped Jack Wang deal with Deshaun's body, while they couldn't help but complain to Jack Wang.

"Jack Wang was invited by you, Li Jun, and now we have all become murderers! ”

“What are you afraid of? I killed him anyway. I can take it all by myself!”

King Jack shot Deshaun himself. Although Xu Xi provided a little help, he still felt that he killed Deshaun himself. Now he has a sense of revenge and is more grateful to Li Jun.

“What are you talking about? The four of us are together!”

Blang Guo said.

“Even if you want to take it alone, those white cops won’t. They will definitely target us in various ways!”

“I think Li Jun is really strong, at least stronger than the Hongmen in the United States!”

Although Blang Guo despised Li Jun as a star of the Chinese in Southeast Asia like King Jack before, he now saw Li Jun’s powerful strength with his own eyes, and his heart could not help but settle down.

“I think it’s absolutely right to let Li Jun protect Chinatown!”

“I also think that with Li Jun here, I can sleep more peacefully at night! ”

United States.

San Francisco.

Stuart Leisheng spent a lot of money overnight to find an expert in ancient artifacts in the United States to appraise the porcelain just looted from the Sequelito family.

"Mr. Michel Aisinro, I'm sorry to invite you here so late!"

Stuart Leisheng said to a hunchbacked old man in front of him.

"Yusheng, I came here because I heard from your men that they got the treasure!"

Michel Aisinro was a former nobleman of the old dynasty. He fled to the United States for some reason. Now he is not only a master of antique appraisal, but also a dealer of cultural relics.

"Mr. Michel, I did get a few pieces of porcelain, but I don't know what they are. I need you to help me judge them! ”

Stuart Leisheng loves Chinese culture and has some friendship and knowledge with the culture of the United States.

Because of the relationship between Stuart Leisheng and the Hongmen in the United States, these people are also happy to make friends with such a young man.

"That's no problem. You have to know that these things were used for daily necessities such as eating in my family before I came to the United States!"

"I have been using these things for more than ten years. I can tell the authenticity at a glance!"

Michelle Aisinro was both boasting and reminiscing about the glorious days in the past.

"Yes, Mr. Michel, thank you for your trouble!"

Stuart Leisheng took Michelle Aisinro to the side of the cargo box.

Michelle Aisinro took a look at the vase in the box with the help of the light, and the whole person couldn't help trembling.

"Quick, quick, bring me a chair, and bring me that spotlight, so that it will be brighter! "

Si Tu Leisheng saw Michelle Ai Xinluo's serious look and dared not neglect it. He immediately signaled Wu David and others to move over.

Michelle Ai Xinluo took out the glasses in his pocket and put them on his eyes, and then took out the rubber gloves from another pocket and put them on carefully. After doing these, he carefully took the vase out of the cargo box and looked at it carefully.

"Leisheng, where did you get this vase from?"

"Mr. Michelle, this is not mine. Brother Jun got it. I don't have such a big ability!"

Michelle Ai Xinluo seemed to feel that the name was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Your friend is really a prodigal son, a big fool!"

Michelle cursed directly. Si Tu Leisheng's face sank when he heard it. He wanted to teach Michelle Ai Xinluo a lesson directly, but when he saw Michelle was carefully putting the vase back, he didn't move.

"This is Tang Sancai."

"Is your friend in the reselling business and wants to sell this thing to the foreigners! "

Michelle Aisinluo said with a heavy face.

"My friend is not in the reselling business!"

Situ Leisheng now understood that it was Michelle Aisinluo who misunderstood.

"That's good, Leisheng, let me tell you, although I am also a dealer in cultural relics, myI have sold many antique vases to foreigners, but this Tang Sancai is different from other porcelains!"

Michelle Aisinro said seriously.

"These Tang Sancai are witnesses of history! They are real artistic treasures and priceless!"

"Mr. Michel, I will tell Jun brother your words in full!"

"Take a look at the next item first!"

"What else?"

Being able to see a Tang Sancai, Michelle Aisinro felt that this trip tonight was worth the money, but he didn't expect that there would be?

Situ Leisheng took Michelle Aisinro to look at the remaining four items.

"This one is Ming blue and white!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you can even see Qing Ru kiln blue and white!"

"This one is also Ming blue and white!"

"Wait for the last one!"

Michelle Aisinro's eyes widened, and he picked up the teacup in his hand in disbelief.

"Mr. Michel, what's wrong with this bowl? "

"Lei Sheng, this is not a bowl, it's a teacup!"

Michelle was holding a small and light teacup with a rooster painted on it.

Under the light bulb, it was as transparent as glass.

"Is this a Ming Chenghua Chicken Cup?"

Michelle was not sure, because even Emperor Qianlong liked this kind of chicken cup very much, so he took the lead in imitating it, resulting in a large number of imitations.

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