Michelle was not sure about the specific dynasty of the chicken cup at the moment. If it was really a Ming Chenghua chicken cup, it would be worth at least tens of millions.

Michelle explained the specific situation and then said.

"I will bring some equipment tomorrow to continue to test it."

"No problem, Mr. Michelle!"

"David, see Mr. Michelle off!"

After Wu David sent Michelle away, Situ Leisheng immediately told Li Jun the details of the situation.

"What, Ming Chenghua chicken cup?"

Even Li Jun was very surprised. He didn't expect to find a chicken cup in the United States?

In his impression, the chicken cup was a treasure with no market. Any one of them would be worth at least hundreds of millions at an auction.

But no one would really sell it.

Moreover, a large number of genuine Ming Chenghua chicken cups are actually in the hands of the Eagles, because they were snatched away by the Eagles in those wars.

The chicken cups in the hands of these Eagles cannot be exposed.

However, given the current situation, we can't let these chicken cups be returned to the Seklituo family.

"Lei Sheng, I'm going to do something big, what do you think?"

"Brother Jun, no matter what you do, I support you?"

"Lei Sheng, don't you ask me what I want to do?"

"Brother Jun, I have seen your true strength a long time ago, I think there is nothing in this world that can stop you!"

"Lei Sheng, you are right, there is nothing in this world that can stop me, Li Jun!"

"Next, I plan to directly destroy the Seklituo family!"

"Brother Jun, are you serious?"

Situ Leisheng was stunned after hearing the whole thing. He didn't expect that the big thing Li Jun said was so big!

"Lei Sheng regrets it?"

Li Jun asked with a playful look.

"Regret? Jun, my life belongs to you, but I didn't expect it to be so big!"

"This is very simple, Lei Sheng, let me ask you, should these antiques and cultural relics be returned to the Seklitos family?"

"Jun, they definitely can't be returned!"

"Should the people in the San Francisco Police Department be rescued?"

"Of course they should be rescued!"

"Do you think the Seklitos family will let us go?"

This question stumped Situ Leisheng.

"So, we can only strike first!"

"Get your people ready!"

"Send the Seklitos family to see their God tomorrow!"

At the same time.

Vincent Seklitos sat in his office chair with a sinister look in his eyes and held a family meeting.

"When we get our goods back, we will directly take down the entire Chinatown!"

"They dared to rob my goods, so I will make them pay the price!"

San Francisco.


Situ Leisheng and Jack Wang and others discussed who to send for the negotiation tomorrow.

However, neither Situ Leisheng nor Xu Xi told Jack Wang and others that Li Jun was going to start directly.

The reason was, of course, that these four people were unreliable.

At the same time, they were also required to complete a dangerous and important task.

That was to let one of the four of them negotiate with the people of the Seklito family to discuss various matters of the exchange.

Including how to exchange, the time of exchange, and the place of exchange.

And finally bring things to exchange.

Then Li Jun would take advantage of this period of exchange, when he was the most empty, and directly let Xu Xi kill the Seklito family.

On the other side.

In the family manor of the Seklito family.

Although it was already early in the morning, it was brightly lit and people were coming and going.

"040" trucks after trucks loaded with various weapons and ammunition parked in the parking lot of the manor.

One after another, black men were busy unloading these boxes of weapons and ammunition from the car.

Those who don't know really think that this is on the battlefield, or about to go to the battlefield.

But in the United States, such a small amount of weapons and ammunition is just a small matter.

All members of the Seklito family, a total of 600 people, were summoned to the manor.

These 600 people were divided into 5 factions, led by the three Seklito brothers and two non-Seklito leaders.

Vincent Seklito looked at his two younger brothers and two non-Seklito leaders James and Brian in the study.

"This time we must make those guys in Chinatown look good!"

Vincent looked at the two partners who depended on the Seklito family and said.

"If Chinatown is taken down this time, it will be handed over to you, James and Brian!"

"And my goal is to get back my goods!"

For the Seklito family, those goods are the most precious.

As long as there are those preciousantiques, then he would be able to have endless power in San Francisco.

Just then, Vincent's phone rang.

"Vincent, what's going on? I heard that the goods were robbed?"

"Yes, Brother Iverson, they were robbed by those yellow monkeys in Chinatown!"

The caller was Iverson Seklioto, a member of the California State Assembly from the Seklioto family.

Many of those antiques were given to him by the top leaders of the Democratic Party. As long as he could be appreciated by the top leaders of the Democratic Party, he could become a candidate and become a member of the Senate or the House of Representatives in the future.

However, he would be satisfied to be a member of the House of Representatives in Congress. After all, the Senate is also called the Upper House in Congress, and the Upper House is full of experienced and capital-rich bigwigs.

And even if the Upper House does not become president, it can often influence the entire United States.

"You know that this is a critical period, and I haven't got the candidate quota yet!"

"Iverson, I can get all those goods back the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

Then Vincent told Iverson about his plan.

"Vincent, your plan is good. If we really take over Chinatown, there must be a lot of valuable antiques and cultural relics in Chinatown. Those high-ranking democrats will definitely like it!"

"Do it as soon as possible. Just tell me directly if you need any support. I still know some people in Congress!"

"Iverson, just wait for our good news at Sacramento!"

At the same time.

The teahouse lobby at the innermost part of Chinatown.

"Let's just draw lots. Whoever draws the lot will go to talk tomorrow!"

King Jack decided directly after arguing for a whole night without a result.

"No, Leisheng, shouldn't this kind of thing be done by you Hongmen?"

White Lee didn't dare to say anything to Xu Xi because he didn't want to, but before Situ Leisheng, this kind of thing was done by Hongmen.

The four of them didn't want to talk about this kind of thing. Everyone knows that this kind of thing is probably a one-way trip!

"I think if you can't decide, you can just vote to decide!"

Situ Leisheng said directly.

"Then let's draw lots!"

Blang Guo also agreed with Jack Wang's proposal.

"Mr. Xu, please come and prepare!"

Xu Xi and his friends would definitely not let Xu Xi go. They wanted Xu Xi to stay to protect Chinatown.

Now Xu Xi has become the person they trust the most.

Xu Xi quickly prepared the lot, and the five people drew lots. Situ Leisheng understood Xu Xi's eyes and was sure that he would not draw it. In the end, Martin Wu drew it with a sad face.

Although Martin Wu was very reluctant, he drew it all by himself, so there was nothing to say.

Others saw that they were not going, so they naturally had no objection.

Situ Leisheng and Xu Xi explained the details of Martin Wu's negotiation and transaction.

The next day.

Martin Wu went alone to a designated restaurant at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.

In the restaurant.

Martin Wu met Vincent Seklioto.

At the same time.

Xu Xi, Situ Leisheng and David Wu were preparing nervously.

This time the operation was divided into three teams.

Situ Leisheng and Wu David led the Hongmen people in the United States to guard Chinatown.

Xu Xi personally led people to track the delivery and ambush at the transaction location.

Wang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaohu led the last team to kill directly to the family estate of the Seklito family.

Now we just have to wait for Martin Wu to confirm the details of the transaction.

"I didn't expect that an old man like you would rob my goods!"

As soon as Vincent said this, although Martin Wu knew that Vincent had misunderstood, he responded stubbornly.

"Yes, it's me, why don't you accept it?"

This may be the most powerful sentence he has said when facing a black man in his life!

But it was this sentence that made Vincent look at the old man in front of him and change his previous thoughts.

But he didn't know that it was his change of mind and decision that brought him a catastrophe.

"You release the Chinese in our Chinatown immediately!"

"I will release them when I see my goods."

Both sides were deadlocked.

"How else can you guarantee the safety of my people? What if I give you the goods and you kill my people?"

"I was going to say that."

"Tonight at the Golden Gate Bridge, I will take the people there, and you take the goods!"


Martin Wu turned around and went back.

After waiting for Martin Wu to leave, James behind Vincent spoke.

"Boss, are you really going to release those people?"

Vincent turned around and saidHe glanced at James with a sinister look.

"When did I say I would release those people? I just said I would take them to the Golden Gate Bridge!"

"Then I just asked them to take the goods to the Golden Gate Bridge!"

"People, goods, and Chinatown are all mine!"

"Boss, I understand!"

United States.

San Francisco.

Brothers Wang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaohu, with a team of special forces, have quietly ambushed the periphery of the Seklito family manor.

Wang Xiaohu and Wang Xiaolong saw that vehicles full of people were constantly speeding out of the manor.

Since Vincent decided to take people, goods, and Chinatown, he must have rearranged the layout.

Even Li Jun still felt that there were not enough people even after counting the Hongmen in the United States, let alone his small Seklito family.

In this way, the Seklito family manor became the most empty place.

But in Xu Xi's arrangement, the Seklito family estate was considered intact.

A lion will fight a rabbit with all its strength.

On the Golden Gate Bridge.

Signs were erected, prohibiting traffic after 9 pm.

This was the exchange time agreed upon by Martin Wu and Vincent.

And Vincent used some special means to directly close the entire bridge.

But Xu Xi had already led people to sneak into the Golden Gate Bridge, hiding in an invisible place under the bridge.

For special forces, this kind of thing is simply easy.

Time soon came to 9 pm.

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