This is the United States. Except for the rich areas, it doesn't matter if other places are razed to the ground, let alone the places where blacks gather.

"That's the explosion in the estate of the Sequelto family!"

Tom roared.

"Ah? No way!"

The police officer who reported it blurted out.

"No, Chief, are you dreaming at night and can't wake up!"

"Who would attack the Sequelto family? And they are all Nigos, Nigos fighting Nigos?"

Even though Iverson Sequelto became a state senator, he is still Nigo in the eyes of these white policemen.

He is just a Nigo.

He is also the object of their contempt.

"Anyway, you go and take a look immediately!"

"No, Chief, you said before that we are not allowed to get close to the Sequelto family estate without permission!"

The Sequelto family can be said to be the local emperor of that generation.

They are the law.

Even the San Francisco Police Department cannot inquire about that area.

It is a lawless place.

This is why the patrolling police officers think that it is impossible for the Seckerlito family manor to be attacked.

At the same time, even now these police officers are unwilling to go over to check what happened.

"It's an emergency now!"

Tom Smith ordered while pressing his temple.

He now feels a headache.

What is going on.

No matter what the situation of the Seckerlito family manor is now.

The next days for him, the chief of the San Francisco Police Department, will be difficult.

Under the pressure of Iverson Seckerlito, a state legislator, he will find the murderer even if he digs three feet underground.

But who is it?

Is there such a powerful person or force in San Francisco?

Chinatown and the United States Hongmen were the first to be ruled out by him.

The reason is very simple. Chinatown and the United States Hongmen do not have this strength at all.

Even if Chinatown and the United States Hongmen have this strength, relying on those Chinese?

Even if they are given ten more courage, they probably dare not do such a thing.

That group of yellow monkeys who can only bully others in their own nest.

But who is it?

On the other side.

The Sekerituo family manor.

‘Boom! ’

When the special forces checked every room, before entering the room, they would throw a grenade directly into the room, regardless of whether there was anyone inside.

‘Boom! Boom! Boom! ’

The explosions of grenades continued, and the entire manor castle was shaky.

Wang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaohu quickly found the room where Eisen Sekerituo was hiding.

At this moment, Eisen Sekerituo was curled up under the table in the safe house with his legs hugged.

The continuous explosions made him tremble all over.

And as the explosions got closer and closer, he tensed up all over, fearing that the other party would find the safe house and himself.

But the next moment a huge explosion sounded.

It made him pee his pants directly.

He saw that the explosion-proof door of the safe house was blown open directly.

— The footsteps of the team members stepped in.

After Wang Xiaolong and his special forces killed the security guards around Eisen Seklito, he pointed a gun at Eisen's head and asked him to come out.

"What's your name?"

Wang Xiaolong looked at Eisen and asked.

"Tom Smith!"

Eisen replied.

"Well, very good, take him away directly!"

No matter how Eisen answered, he would be taken away by Wang Xiaolong directly, but he was just routinely questioned.

Anyone who can hide in the safe house is an important person.

No matter who he is, he has great value to the Seklito family.

In this case, the living Seklito people can provide greater value.

At the same time.

Outside Chinatown.

James and Brian, two partners of the Seklito family, looked out the window nervously.

"It's ten o'clock now, why hasn't Vincent called yet!"

James looked out the car window and then looked at Brian in the co-pilot seat.

But then he saw David Wu appear outside the car window with a gun pointing at Brian. He immediately turned around and found that someone on the other side was also pointing a gun at him.

At the same time, he saw from the rearview mirror that a large number of gunmen appeared next to his own car, pointing at his men in each car.


"Someone betrayed me?"

"Vincent betrayed us?"

James shouted in panic.

David Wu signaled James to lower the window.

Then James' phone rang, and David Wu signaled James to answer the phone.

James picked up the phone nervously and saw that the caller on the phone was Vincent.

He immediately confirmed that Vincent betrayed him.

But the next moment,He was completely stunned. The voice coming from inside was not Vincent's voice but a very strange voice.

"Who are you?"

James asked in panic.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but every word I say next is very important to you!"

Xu Xi's voice came from the phone.

"Vincent Seklioto is dead, and Qiao Sen is also dead!"

James was even more panicked, and there were even beads of sweat as big as soybeans on his forehead.

"What? How is it possible?"

United States.

San Francisco.

Although James and Brian couldn't believe it, they already knew that the situation was over.

Just raise your hands and surrender and walk out of the car, and then order the men behind to raise their hands and surrender and walk out of the car, and hand over the weapons in their hands.

"Mr. Xu, what should we do with these people?"

Situ Leisheng called Xu Xi.

"Don't leave any!"

"Don't leave any?"

Situ Leisheng couldn't believe the voice coming from the microphone.

"Isn't this inhumane?"

Situ Leisheng really didn't want to execute such an order. In his opinion, these people had already surrendered.

Since they surrendered, they should be given the right to live.

"This is Jun's order!"

Xu Xi responded to Situ Leisheng slowly.

"Jun's order, I understand!"

Although Situ Leisheng was still reluctant in his heart, he was determined to obey it no matter what when he heard that it was Li Jun's order.

Because in his opinion, Jun's vision was longer-term than his, and he would consider things more carefully.

"Brother Sheng, how to deal with these people?"

Wu David asked when he saw Situ Leisheng hung up the phone.

"Don't leave any!"

Situ Leisheng's response also made Wu David look unbelievable. He really didn't believe that the elegant Situ Leisheng would let him kill all these black people.

But he soon figured it out. This must be Jun Ge's idea. He knew that his brother Sheng would unconditionally execute Jun Ge's orders no matter what.

"Yes, Sheng Ge!"

After responding, David Wu gave his orders to his men.

'Bang! Bang! Bang! '

The black men fell backwards one by one.

The remaining black men saw the miserable state of their companions and wanted to escape, but they could not outrun the speed of the bullets.

James and Brian heard the gunshots and looked back to see the miserable state. They all widened their eyes, and then they immediately begged for mercy.

"Please let us go!"

"Please, we don't want to die yet!"

But David Wu seemed to have not heard the two men's pleas for mercy, and he pulled the trigger directly, killing the two men!

In this way, James and Brian fell directly with unbelievable eyes.

Until the last moment, they did not expect that these yellow monkeys would actually shoot at themselves.

They actually shot themselves to death.

After hearing the gunshots stop, the people in Chinatown all came out to see what happened.

But the scene in front of them made them cover their mouths, fearing that they would scream out loud.

The road leading to Chinatown was full of corpses of blacks.

If you look closely, you can see that some of them are the blacks who often bully them nearby.

Jack Wang and others were so shocked that they were stunned.

How could they believe that they actually killed blacks?

The Chinese can also beat blacks.

In their minds, the white devils are the first, and the black devils are the second.

They even think that the black devils are more difficult to deal with, after all, the black devils look tall and strong.

But now, so many blacks have died at the hands of the Hongmen Chinese in the United States.

"Lei Sheng, how did you kill all these blacks?"

Jack Wang walked forward and didn't know what to say. Now they are both happy and worried.

You have to know that these people are all subordinates of the Seklituo family.

The Hongmen of the United States killed all these people at the entrance of Chinatown, so the Seklituo family will never let them go.

But they don’t know that the Seklituo family has been completely wiped out.

"Yes, Lei Sheng, you killed all these people from the Seklituo family. What if the Seklituo family comes to your door?"

After being shocked, Bulanguo's face was full of fear. He was really afraid that the Seklituo family would retaliate against the entire Chinatown.

Before, three black men from the Seklituo family were able to burn down Jack King's entire Western restaurant. If all the black men from the Seklituo family were mobilized, how could they be defeated?Didn't the entire Chinatown cease to exist?

"The Seklituo family has just been wiped out by Brother Jun!"

King Jack, who had heard this, was once again stunned on the spot.

His mind kept echoing with what Situ Leisheng had just said.

"The Seklituo family was wiped out by Brother Jun!"

After a long time.

King Jack came back to his senses and said in disbelief.

"Leisheng, are you serious?"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Situ Leisheng's face. They were afraid that Situ Leisheng would say it was fake.

"Of course it's true!"

After Situ Leisheng finished speaking, everyone burst into thunderous cheers.

"Brother Jun is awesome!"

"Fuck, who is this Brother Jun?"

Many of these Chinese in Chinatown don't know who Li Jun is.

And Li Jun had never set foot in the United States before.

"This Brother Jun is so awesome! He can actually wipe out the entire Seklituo family!"

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