Amid the cheers of the whole audience, only White Lee had a gloomy face when he heard the news.

Since the Seklituo family was completely wiped out, what about those Chinese who were captured?

Did Li Jun not rescue them?

He really couldn't wait any longer, and immediately questioned Situ Leisheng.

"What about those Chinese who were captured?"

"Did Li Jun not rescue them, and let the people of the Seklituo family kill them?"

Hearing White Lee's words, everyone thought of those Chinese who were captured, and the cheers suddenly died down.

Everyone's eyes were once again fixed on Situ Leisheng.

In their eyes, it didn't matter whether the Seklituo family was destroyed or not, but those Chinese must be rescued.

You have to know that those Chinese are their relatives who came all the way to seek refuge with them for various reasons.

If I don't take care of them, people will poke my back, and if I go back to my hometown, I really can't raise my head.

"Yes, Brother Sheng, what happened to those Chinese who were taken away?"

"Yes, Brother Sheng, tell me! There is one of my cousins ​​in there!"

King Jack also realized this problem, and looked at Situ Leisheng and asked slowly.

"Leisheng, what happened to those who were taken away?"

"King Jack, don't you believe me or Brother Jun?"

Situ Leisheng shouted loudly after he finished speaking.

"Brother Jun has rescued all the people who were taken away that day, not one less!"

"You will see them soon!"

As soon as Situ Leisheng finished speaking.


This time, all the people in Chinatown cheered instantly.

"Brother Jun!"

"Brother Jun!"

United States.

San Francisco.


At this moment, Chinatown seemed like the New Year.

They took out all the firecrackers and fireworks that were not set off during the New Year and lit them to celebrate.

Even during the New Year, they were not as happy as they are now.

Just as Stuart Leisheng told them that all the Chinese who were captured were rescued.

Two trucks carrying the rescued Chinese drove into Chinatown.

They hugged each other to celebrate and asked what happened.

But none of the captured Chinese knew what happened.

They only knew that the container was opened suddenly, and then a man who claimed to be Mr. Xu told them that they were saved.

It was Brother Jun who rescued them.

If they wanted to thank someone, they should thank Brother Jun.

And now they were sent back to Chinatown, they were free!

Until this moment, everyone in Chinatown felt like they were dreaming, and it was all so unreal.

It was a miracle that all these captured Chinese could come back intact without missing a single one.

You know, Chinese were often captured in the past, but never before did they come back intact like this time.

In the past, not only did not half of them return, but all the Chinese who returned were more or less injured, and many even collapsed as soon as they stepped into the door of Chinatown and could not be saved.

A situation like today would have been impossible in the past.

"Mr. Lei, Mr. Li, him!"

Now not only Jack Wang, but also Brown Guo and others have completely seen Li Jun's strength.

They are now shocked and don't even know how to speak.

The words just came to their lips, but they were swallowed back.

"Uncle Jack!"

"Mr. Lei, don't call us that, just call me Jack Wang like the Americans!"

"You and Mr. Li are of the same generation. If you call us uncle, then Mr. Li shouldn't call us uncle?"

Jack Wang said sincerely now, he was completely shocked.

"Yes, yes, just call me Brown, don't you think so, White!"

Blang Guo's face was full of spring breeze and smile at this moment.

Now that they have completely seen Li Jun's strength, they don't want to take advantage of Li Jun and Situ Leisheng just by being called.

"Leisheng, when will Mr. Li come over? Let's thank him in person!"

Jack Wang said sincerely.

"This Jun brother won't come for the time being. He still has a lot of things to finish!"

After Situ Leisheng finished speaking, he looked at the black ghost corpse on the ground. Jack Wang and others immediately understood when they saw Situ Leisheng's eyes.

"Leisheng, how do we deal with these black ghosts?"

Blang Guo asked.

"Jun brother means to behead them all and hang their heads on both sides of the road!"


Jack Wang, Blang Guo and others didn't dare to hear this.Believe it and stare with eyes wide open.

"Don't do that, Lei Sheng!"

"Yes, Lei Sheng, you must not do that!"

"The blacks in San Francisco, no, the blacks in the whole United States will retaliate against our Chinatown!"

Jack Wang, Brown Guo and others were terrified. They were still immersed in joy and did not want to destroy the hard-won peace because of this matter.

When they saw that the Seklituo family was eliminated and the Chinese who were captured had been rescued, they were satisfied.

"Harmony brings wealth, Lei Sheng, harmony brings wealth!"

"Let's not provoke others again!"

Blang Guo and others were unwilling in their hearts. In their eyes, doing business and making money is more important!

"Blang Guo, you are wrong. If we can't deter others this time!"

"Even if the Seklituo family is gone, there will be some small family."

These words were just told to Situ Leisheng by Li Jun.

Since we are going to do it, we must make a splash and make the Chinese and Chinatown famous in the United States.

Let all the black people in the United States be completely shrouded in terror.

Jack Wang looked at Brown Guo and others. He also strongly opposed the arrangement given to him by Li Jun. No matter what, he was the enemy of Stuart Leisheng and Li Jun.

As long as Stuart Leisheng and Li Jun agreed, he opposed it.

As long as they opposed it, he agreed.

Although Jack Wang and others disagreed, they could not beat Stuart Leisheng and Li Jun.

What's more, the entire Chinatown still needs Li Jun's protection.

In the end, Stuart Leisheng still hung up the heads of James and Brian and other black people.

On the other side.

The director's office in the San Francisco Police Department building.

Tom Smith listened to the report from his subordinates, feeling both uneasy and unbelievable.

According to the report from his subordinates.

The entire Seklioto family estate has almost been razed to the ground.

The manor castle that the Seklituo family was proud of had become a dangerous building that was crumbling.

No one survived in the entire Seklituo family manor, no one was alive.

All of them were shot.

Tom Smith was terrified.

Who on earth could be so cruel?

It was not enough to kill them with one shot, all the bodies had to be shot again. It was so cautious and professional that he even suspected that it was done by official professionals.

At this time, the phone on his desk rang.

Tom Smith was so scared that he picked up the phone and answered it.

The voice coming from inside was Eisen Seklituo.

"Tom, Chief Tom, Mr. Xu has something to tell you!"

Tom immediately became alert and quietly picked up another phone to start a phone tracking to find the other party's address.

"Chief Tom, don't bother tracking our address!"

"Who are you?"

"What do you want?"

Tom Smith asked loudly into the microphone.

But the next moment, Xu Xi hung up the phone.

Tom Smith wanted to call back, but he couldn't answer.

Tom Smith was even more annoyed now. He couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to do.

But now he knew that Isen Sekerit was still alive, so he immediately called Iverson Sekerit.

"Tom, you must save my brother alive!"

Iverson almost roared and begged.

"As long as you save him alive, I will agree to whatever you want!"

"Iverson, I can only say I will try my best!"

Tom Smith couldn't help rubbing his temples. He really felt that this matter was too difficult.

"I don't want you to try your best, you must, otherwise you should be replaced as the chief!"

"I know that even if I have become a senator, you white people still look down on my Seklio family, but I can still replace the chief of the San Francisco Police Department!"

"Iverson, if you say that, I will be angry!"

After Tom finished speaking, he hung up the phone and went out for a walk to get some fresh air.

As soon as he walked out, he was in front of the police station.

The special forces who had been waiting for a long time put a hood on Tom Smith's head and took him away directly.

San Francisco.


The Hongmen people in the United States were standing up the heads of black people one by one, like street lamps on both sides of the road.

All the Chinese in Chinatown came out to look at the scene in front of them.

They were both very excited and very scared in their hearts.

Each of them had been bullied by black people to a greater or lesser extent.They wished to skin and pull out the muscles of all the blacks in the world.

But the reality made them very afraid of revenge from the blacks.

You know, even the white policemen in the San Francisco Police Department sided with the blacks in the fight between the Chinese and the blacks.

The fear of blacks has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Even now they heard the news that the Seklito family was destroyed and roughly understood Li Jun's strength.

But their hearts were still very scared at the scene in front of them.

But with Situ Leisheng's call, let these people go over to help.

But one by one, they walked quickly to the front of the black bodies and helped the Hongmen people in the United States to hang up the heads of these blacks.


"I wanted to do this a long time ago!"

"Let you blacks bully us!"

It was also Li Jun's idea for Situ Leisheng to ask these Chinese to help.

Li Jun wanted to rekindle the blood of these people and let them remember the feeling of pleasure at this moment.

Let them no longer be afraid of these foreigners.

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